IC32AT.11 10. Notice 4 surface mount resistors slightly left of center directly above the speaker, lined up in a row. Solder the anode (the side without the bar) of two diodes to the right side of the lower of the four caps. Now find the CPU. It's the PGA under the shield near the top of the board. Find the row of pins on the CPU nearest the speaker. Notice the the 8th pin from the right has a thicker trace coming from it. Now notice that there are small solder pads about .25 inch toward the speaker on both the fat trace and the two traces to the right of it. Solder one each of the cathodes of the 2 diodes to the solder pads on the two smaller traces. This will open up the transmit for VHF & UHF. 11. Put unit back together in reverse order. This procedure worked for my unit (and many others), but I can't guarantee it will work for yours. Bill Pherigo WR0Y -- from WB5RZX @ WB5RZX. -----RELAYED BY N0KGX...GENE