---Viniger and Baking Soda Bomb--- This is an alternative from dry ice.. Dry ice is much easier to work with, but this is much easier to get ahold of. Take a 2-liter soda bottle and cut off the top so that you will be able to fit a glass 7-up bottle in it. Fill A glass 7-up bottle with viniger and screw on the lid. Fill the 2 liter soda bottle with baking soda about 1/3 of the way. Place the glass bottle inside the 2 liter soda bottle. Seal the 2 liter bottle up by melting it back together the way it was. This bomb will only work if you seal it up correctly. That is the most crucial part. Then place the lid on the 2 liter soda bottle and your done. Now to set it off you need to throw it really HIGH in the air. High enough for the glass to break and the contents to mix. BBBBOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!! --------Vortex