- M-80 - Little do you know it is very simple to make an M-80. Find a cardboard tube about 2 mm thick about 3 1/2 inches long and a space in the inside about 1/2 an inch. Take the tube and pour plaster about one fourth the way down the tube. Let it dry. Then make a hole on top just big enough for the fuse, so the fuse will fit nice and tight. Then pour your powder in until you have about one fourth of the tube left for the plaster on the other end. I recomend using a smokeless powder that burns really fast. This way its more likely to fire. If you use flash powder it might not go off. make sure you insert the fuse into the hole before you poor in the powder. The powder must be packed in tight. Then place a peice of paper on the powder so the plaster does not ruin it. Then pour the plaster in filling the rest of the container. Then let it dry for at LEAST 3 - 4 days. Then light and run. If you foolowed the steps above correctly then it should work great. -----=====>Vortex