NWPCRACK v.5 Beta Released 11-15-95 Written By Teiwaz and Gray NWPCRACK is a simple brute force passwsord cracker for use on Novell systems. I have tested it on Netware 3.11 and 3.12. Usage: NWPCRACK User-Name Dictionary-File Where User-Name is the user account that you want to crack and the dictionary-file is the text file that contains your password list. There are several good dic files floating around. Check the newest 2600 faq for locations of some of these files. Note: NWPCRACK will only work on systems that do not have intruder detection turned on. Any Network Administartor that does not have this on doesn't know anything about systems management. Also, there is a 3 second internal delay between each incorrect password attempt. Novell put that in there to make it harder for brute force password guessers to work. If you have any comnments, sugestions, or bugs, please send them to: teiwaz@wolfenet.com Enjoy