North American Union and VChip Truths… Posted by admin on November 30, 2007 This is a really good video - one of the best I’ve seen. It’s short and to the point. I also want you to note that you CAN make changes in this world. Get the right people in Government and you’ll be amazed at what will happen. US has Ron Paul and in Canada we have the Canadian Action Party. Review your options, people - your life as you know it depends on it. Quick memo to all from Connie Fogal, leader of CAP: The video below is a great summary of what CAP has been exposing for years. It is an important listen, most especially for its message of hope at the end. The message is this: An important truth for all people to realize is that we possess an incredible liberating power within our selves. That power is rooted in our relationship with nature and our being a part of nature. All we have to do is focus on this energy within us, to know that it is there, and reach for it, each of us separately- as we are in our homes, in our cars, in our gardens, in our dreams, in our work. Then we will be a mass of human consciousness that will recognize deceptions, that will say no to totalitarian control, and yes to our sovereign selfhood. Then we will be able to say NO, each of us individually, and as a result collectively, to such obscenities as forced vaccinations, tracking devices, no fly lists, tasers, torture chambers and all the manipulations that steal from us our earth’s heritage. Let us look inside ourselves to our unique glow of human goodness. Let us focus on what we want the earth and life to be. Then, the universality of our collective consciousness will reign pushing aside the black way, and people will emerge (including you) who will assert the leadership required to redirect our path to the fulfillment of a joyful destiny that can be ours. We can say NO to the black New World Order and YES to a golden age of justice, freedom, and full bounty for all. Yours respectfully, Connie Fogal , Leader CAP/PAC