Path:!!!!torn!!djc From: Joe_Creighton@UManitoba.CA (D. J. Creighton) Newsgroups: rec.arts.startrek.misc,,rec.answers,news.answers Subject: STAR TREK LOCATIONS [Posted: May 14 2004] Followup-To: poster Date: 14 May 2004 16:46:56 GMT Organization: The Star Trek Archive Lines: 4825 Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu Expires: 13 Jul 2004 11:46:52 CDT Message-ID: Reply-To: Joe_Creighton@UManitoba.CA (D. Joseph Creighton) NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Trace: 1084553216 10963 (14 May 2004 16:46:56 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: 14 May 2004 16:46:56 GMT Summary: This posting contains references to locations as they have appeared or have been mentioned in any Star Trek television series or feature film release. Originator: Xref: rec.arts.startrek.misc:150909 rec.answers:87010 news.answers:271276 Archive-name: star-trek/locations Last-modified: May 14, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Trek Locations by D. Joseph Creighton Copyright (c) 1990-2004. All rights reserved. Not in the public domain. See the copyright notice at the end of this document for more details. From The STArchive: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates will be posted monthly (on or around the 13th) and are available via anonymous ftp from: * /startrek/locations * /pub/usenet/news.answers/star-trek/locations This list is primarily for my personal use and reference. Therefore, any interpretation of canon material is left up to the reader. Please feel free to notify me of any corrections and/or suggestions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This text version is current up to and including: * ENT "The Council" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: * Regions, Bodies, Phenomena * Solar/Star Systems * Planets and Moons * Countries, Provinces, States, Cities * Others Regions, Bodies, Phenomena ------------------------------------------------------------ Agrit Mot Nebula, Delta Quadrant (B'Omar space) VOY "The Raven" Alpha Quadrant "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" Alawanir Nebula TNG "Rightful Heir" Amargosa Diaspora Cluster TNG "Schisms" Amatha Sector, Cardassian Space DS9 "Defiant" Andromeda Galaxy TOS "By Any Other Name" Arachnid Nebula (+8 billion km diameter; +20 million cubic meters of disodium; traces of ethylchlorate) ENT"Fusion" Archanis Sector (primarily Cardassian space) DS9 "Broken Link" Argolis Cluster (six systems) TNG "I Borg" (protostar cluster; intense internal gravimetric sheer) DS9 "Behind the Lines" (lies between Betazed and Cardassian/Dominion space) DS9 "The Reckoning" Argosian Sector DS9 "Babel" Argus Sector TNG "Gambit, Part I" Azure Nebula, Alpha quadrant (near Klingon space; class 11 nebula: primarily oxygen/argon, with traces of thetazenon, flourine, and sirillium) VOY "Flashback" Badlands DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Bajor Sector TNG "Chain of Command, Part I", ST:DS9 TM Beloti Sector TNG "Ethics" Bentadi Expanse VOY "Ashes to Ashes" Beta Capricus (historical; actually an EM echo of a distant galaxy) VOY "11:59" Beta Quadrant "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" Betreka Nebula (site of "incident" between Cardassians and Klingons, which lasted 18 years) DS9 "The Way of the Warrior" Black Cluster, Sector 97 TNG "Hero Worship" Bolian Sector VOY "In the Flesh" Borias Cluster DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" Borgolis Nebula TNG "Lessons" Brechtian Cluster TNG "Silicon Avatar" "Briar Patch" "Star Trek: Insurrection" Chamra Vortex, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "Vortex" Chaotic Space, Delta Quadrant (intersects with normal space at the "eighteenth dimensional gradient"; entered via "trimetric fracture") VOY "The Fight" Colondra Sector DS9 "In the Pale Moonlight" (rendezvous site for General Martok's squadron; over three hours away from Trelka V) DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" Crab Nebula TNG "Manhunt" Delphic Expanse (2000ly across; about 3 months away from Earth at Warp 5; surrounded by thermobaric clouds) ENT"The Expanse" (over 400 years in the future: 50,000 ly diameter) ENT"Azati Prime" Delta Quadrant TNG "The Price" Deltived Asteroid Belt TNG "Deja Q" Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) (between Federation and Cardassian space) DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Denkiri Arm, Gamma Quadrant TNG "The Price" Denorios Belt (charged plasma field) DS9 "Emissary" (site of "interesting comet") DS9 "Time's Orphan" Dichromic Nebula, Dorias Cluster (three lightyears from unnamed pulsar) TNG "Bloodlines" Dolmine Sector, Delta Quadrant (site of first Talaxian assimilation by the Borg) VOY "The Raven" Dorias Cluster (at least twenty star systems) TNG "Bloodlines" Dorvan Sector, DMZ DS9 "For the Cause" Epsilon IX Sector TNG "Samaritan Snare" FGC13 (cluster) TNG "Schisms" FGC47 (nebula) TNG "Imaginary Friend" Fledka Asteroid Belt DS9 "Rivals" Fluidic Space (new dimension; home of Borg designated Species 8472) VOY "Scorpion, Part II" Galactic Cluster Eight (Borg designation) (site of Borg designated Species 5973) VOY "The Haunting of Deck Twelve" [as told by Neelix] Galaxy M33 TNG "Where No One Has Gone Before" Gamma 7 Sector TNG "Unnatural Selection" Gamma Quadrant TNG "The Price" Gan Sector, Spatial Grid 6920 (Borg designation) VOY "Mortal Coil" Gariman Sector TNG "Rightful Heir" Giles Belt TNG "The Most Toys" Glaceen Sector DS9 "Babel" Grid 295, Delta Quadrant (presumed a search grid only) VOY "Friendship One" Grid 310, Delta Quadrant (presumed a search grid only) VOY "Friendship One" Grid 8, Alpha Quadrant (located in Sector 39542) VOY "Inside Man" Grid 898, Delta Quadrant VOY "Inside Man" Grid 936, Delta Quadrant VOY "Flesh and Blood" Hanoli Rift, Hanoli DS9 "If Wishes Were Horses" Hekaras Corridor TNG "Force of Nature" Helaspont Nebula DS9 "The Adversary" Helix Nebula (planetary nebula) VOY:Mosaic Hovarian Cluster DS9 "Change of Heart" Hugora Nebula (Federation space; near DMZ) TNG "Preemptive Strike" Horadin Sector TNG "The Big Goodbye" Hromi Cluster TNG "The Vengeance Factor" Hyralan Sector TNG "Gambit, Part II" Igo Sector TNG "Realm of Fear" Ikalian Asteroid Belt TNG "The Mind's Eye" Jenkata Nebula, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "The Quickening" Kaleb Sector TNG "Face of the Enemy" Kar-telos Asteroid Belt, Kar-telos, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "Bar Association" Karaya Sector TNG "Birthright, Part I" Kataba Expanse VOY "Vis A Vis" Kavis Alpha Sector TNG "Evolution" Kepla Sector (Dominion held) DS9 "Valiant" Klingon Neutral Zone TOS Lagana Sector TNG "Second Chances" Lantar Nebula DS9 "Q-Less" Lantaro Sector (impossible to maintain a stable warp field; subspace ruptures extend throughout the sector) VOY "The Omega Directive" Lantooan Sector, Alpha Quadrant VOY "Bliss" Lembatta Cluster DS9 "Nor the Battle to the Strong" Lonka Cluster TNG "Allegiance" Lorenze Cluster TNG "The Arsenal of Freedom" McAllister C-5 Nebula (11 lightyears from Minos Korva) TNG "Chain of Command, Part I" Mekorda Sector TNG "Emergence" MacPherson Nebula (supernova remnant) TNG "Emergence" Mar Oscura Nebula TNG "In Theory" Marrab Sector TNG "Time's Arrow" Mempa Sector TNG "Redemption" Merkoria Quazar TNG "The Pegasus" Mobius Inversion, Delta Quadrant (small wormhole; part of the Antarian Trans-Stellar Rally; level 6 suspace distortions, gravimetric shears) VOY "Drive" Morgana Quadrant TNG "Where Silence Has Lease" Murasaki 312 TOS "The Galileo Seven" Murasaki Quasar TNG "Data's Day" Muratas Star Cluster, Delphic Expanse ENT"Chosen Realm" Mutara Nebula "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" Mutara Sector "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" NGC321 (star cluster) TOS "A Taste of Armageddon" Nekrit Expanse, Delta Quadrant VOY "Fair Trade" Neutral Zone TOS Neutronic Wave Front, Delta Quadrant (Class 9; Borg Classification 3472: particle density anomoly) VOY "Fair Haven" Ngame Nebula TNG "Clues" "Northwest Passage", Delta Quadrant (corridor of unoccupied Borg space) VOY "Scorpion" Obatta Cluster, Gamma Quadrant (neighbour to Kendi and Teplan systems) DS9 "The Quickening" Omarion Nebula, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "The Search, Part I" Omega Sector VOY "The Gift" Onias Sector (near Romulan Neutral Zone) TNG "Future Imperfect" Ontasa Expanse VOY "Imperfection" Oort Cloud, Bryma System DS9 "The Maquis, Part II" Orassin Distortion Fields, Delphic Expanse ENT"The Xindi" Orpisae Nebula VOY "Child's Play" Outer Cometary Cloud TNG "Sins of the Father" Paulson Nebula TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Pederis Sector, Delta Quadrant (location of comet) VOY "Course: Oblivion" Pelloris Asteroid Field TNG "Cost of Living" Phoenix Cluster TNG "The Game" Phyecus Sector TNG "Up the Long Ladder" Pleiades Cluster TNG "Home Soil" Quad L-14 "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Quadrant 9 TNG "Heart of Glory" Quadrant 448 TOS "The Deadly Years" Quadrant 904 TOS "The Squire of Gothos" Rhomboid Dronegar Sector TNG "Samaritan Snare" "The Rift" (heavy radiation; presumed between Sol and Romulus, between Sector 1045 and Romulus) "Star Trek: Nemesis" Rolor Nebula (must be avoided enroute from DS9 to Dreon VII) DS9 "For the Cause" Romulan Neutral Zone TOS "Balance of Terror" Rutharian Sector DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice" Sector 001 TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Sector 3-0 TNG "The Neutral Zone" Sector 3-1 TNG "The Neutral Zone" Sector 5 "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Sector 23 TNG "The Measure of a Man" Sector 39J TOS "The Immunity Syndrome" Sector 63 TNG "Conspiracy" Sector 97 TNG "Hero Worship" Sector 396 TNG "The Offspring" Sector 401 DS9 "Paradise" Sector 441 "Star Trek: Insurrection" Sector 492, Delta Quadrant VOY "The Voyager Conspiracy" Sector 507 DS9 "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" Sector 549 VOY "Imperfection" Sector 1045 (presumed between Sol and Romulus) "Star Trek: Nemesis" Sector 1156 (over two sectors away from Darcaya System) TNG "Masks" Sector 1385, Alpha Quadrant (Romulan space) VOY "Eye of the Needle" Sector 1607 TNG "The Pegasus" Sector 2520 TNG "Aquiel" Sector 3556, Delta Quadrant TNG "The Price" Sector 3641 (location of Suliban homeworld) ENT "Broken Bow" Sector 9569 TNG "Transfigurations" Sector 19658 TNG "Parallels" Sector 21305 TNG "Ensign Ro" Sector 21459 TNG "The Chase" Sector 21503 TNG "The Wounded" Sector 21505 TNG "The Wounded" Sector 21527 TNG "Chain of Command, Part II" Sector 21749 (near Cardassian space) VOY:Pathways Sector 21947 TNG "Suddenly Human" Sector 22309 VOY:Mosaic Sector 37628 TNG "Ethics" Sector 39542, Alpha Quadrant VOY "Inside Man" Selcundi Drema Sector (five systems) TNG "Pen Pals" Selebi Asteroid Belt, Sector 396 TNG "The Offspring" Septimus Minor TNG "The Ensigns of Command" Solarian Sector TNG "Inner Light" Spatial Grid 94 (Borg designation) VOY "Unimatrix Zero, Part II" Spatial Grid 005 (Borg designation) (primary species: Zahl) VOY "Year of Hell" Spatial Grid 091 (Borg designation) VOY "Unimatrix Zero, Part II" Spatial Grid 326 (Borg designation) VOY "Unimatrix Zero" Spatial Grid 362 (Borg designation) VOY "Endgame" Spatial Grid 532 (Borg designation) (system containing four planets) VOY "Dark Frontier" Spatial Grid 649 (Borg designation) VOY "Unimatrix Zero" Spatial Grid 982 (Borg designation) VOY "Unimatrix Zero" Spatial Grid 6920 (Borg designation) VOY "Mortal Coil" Sylleran Rift TNG "Q Who" Taborn Nebula DS9 "The Reckoning" Talos Star Group TOS "The Cage" Tekara Sector, Delta Quadrant (just outside the Alpha Quadrant) VOY "Timeless" (site of a temporal inversion; repaired) VOY "Relativity" Teleris Cluster DS9 "Q-Less" Tenarus Cluster, Delta Quadrant VOY "Basics, Part II" Terikov Belt (some M class planetoids) VOY "Caretaker" (planetoid belt in the Badlands; discovered by Yuri Terikov) VOY:Pathways Tongbeek Nebula DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire" Transwarp Hub (within nebula; one of six with endpoints in all four quadrants; destroyed by USS Voyager) VOY "Endgame" Trige Sector VOY:Pathways Typhon Expanse TNG "Cause and Effect" Typhon Sector "Star Trek: First Contact" Unicomplex, Delta Quadrant (Borg "home world"; trillions of lifeforms; thousands of integrated structures) VOY "Dark Frontier" Vascan Sector, Delta Quadrant VOY "Course: Oblivion" Vega-Omicron Sector TNG "The Icarus Factor" "The Void" (53 days in: no star systems with 2500 ly and two years to cross; heavy concentrations of theta radiation due to dumping of Malon antimatter waste) VOY "Night" "The Void" (torus encased by an inert layer of subspace; outer circumference of 9 ly; periodic funnels reach into normal space) VOY "The Void" Volon Colonies, DMZ DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Vodrey Nebula TNG "Firstborn" Volterra Nebula TNG "The Chase" Zed Lapis Sector TNG "Skin of Evil" Zeta Gelis Cluster TNG "Transfigurations" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- wormhole (one unstable apeture) TNG "The Price" region, Galactic Rim (600 light years beyond DS7) VOY:Mosaic nebula, Delta Quadrant (planetary nebula) VOY:Mosaic asteroid belt, Vega system VOY:Pathways asteroid belt, Gamma Quadrant (located in an uncharted binary system) DS9 "Battle Lines" nebula, DMZ DS9 "Defiant" type 4 quantum singularity, Delta Quadrant VOY "Parallax" nebula, Amleth System (emission nebula) DS9 "Return to Grace" nebula, Delta Quadrant VOY "Basics, Part II" nebula, Delta Quadrant (class 17 nebula: primarily hydrogen/helium, with traces of sirillium [7000 ppm]) VOY "Flashback" nebula, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow" nebula, Gamma Quadrant (dark matter; deep in Dominion space) DS9 "Rocks and Shoals" binary pulsar, Delta Quadrant (high gamma radiation levels; event horizon at 50 million kilometers) VOY "Scientific Method" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Class 9; corrosive gas) VOY "Year of Hell, Part II" comet, Delta Quadrant ("component 37329") VOY "Year of Hell, Part II" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Class 1; high concentration of proto-matter) VOY "Mortal Coil" anomoly, Gamma Quadrant (subspace compression phenomenon) DS9 "One Little Ship" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Mutara Class; slight radioactive field; 110 lightyears thick [travel time: one month], presumably over twelve times as wide [travel time: over one year]) VOY "One" proto-nebula, Delta Quadrant (newly formed; Borg designated location Unimatrix 325, Grid 006) VOY "Drone" nebula, "Briar Patch" (contains pockets of unstable metreon gas) "Star Trek: Insurrection" nebula (Mutara Class) VOY "Counterpoint" wormhole, Delta Quadrant (Interspatial flexure with one unstable apeture) VOY "Counterpoint" anomoly, Delta Quadrant ("Subspace sandbar"; location where the barrier between subspace and normal space is unstable; subspace distortions drain energy and gravimetric forces immobilize vessels) VOY "Bride of Chaotica!" proto-nebula, Alpha Quadrant (extremely dense; encountered by USS Al-Batani) VOY "Bride of Chaotica!" distortion, Delta Quadrant ("Sinkhole" that is out of phase with normal space, approximately 600 meters in diameter, and some 50,000 ly from Sol; circumscribes a subspace zone that includes a Type-G sun and three planets; temporal differential of 0.4744 seconds per minute; now collapsed) VOY "Gravity" anomoly, Delta Quadrant (originally presented as a wormhole to Sector 001; actually a bioplasmic organism possessing telepathic abilities; over 2000 kilometers in diameter; at least 2,000,000 years old) VOY "Bliss" asteroid field (containing dilithium deposits; located somewhere across the Neutral Zone from Federation space) VOY "Dark Frontier" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Mutara type; high particle density) VOY "Dark Frontier" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Class 3) VOY "Disease" nebula, Delta Quadrant VOY "Juggernaut" cluster, Delta Quadrant (Class Y) VOY "11:59" nebula, Epsilon Four VOY "Equinox, Part II" nebula, Delta Quadrant (T Class; hydrogen, helium, argon; 1000 km diameter) VOY "Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy" particle fountain, Delta Quadrant (Borg designated Spatial Grid 867) VOY "Alice" graviton ellipse, Delta Quadrant (Borg designation Spatial Anomoly 521; level 9 gravimetric distortions; 30 million terajoules of subspace energy) VOY "One Small Step" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Class K) VOY "The Voyager Conspiracy" pulsar, Alpha Quadrant (Class B Itinerant) VOY "Pathfinder" micro-nebula, Delta Quadrant (approximately 1.6 ly from Pendari System; on the verge of collapse) VOY "Tsunkatse" cluster, Delta Quadrant (Class T) VOY "Good Shepherd" region, Delta Quadrant (contains subspace vacuoles at 70% density) VOY "Fury" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Class J) VOY "The Haunting of Deck Twelve" plasma drift, Delta Quadrant (near Talaxia) VOY "The Haunting of Deck Twelve" [as told by Neelix] meteorite cluster, Delta Quadrant VOY "The Haunting of Deck Twelve" [as told by Neelix] colony, Delta Quadrant (destroyed by Borg cube) VOY "Unimatrix Zero" nebula, Sector 549, Delta Quadrant VOY "Imperfection" asteroid field, Delta Quadrant VOY "Drive" comet, Delta Quadrant VOY "Drive" gas giant, Delta Quadrant VOY "Drive" twin pulsar, Delta Quadrant (part of the Antarian Trans-Stellar Rally) VOY "Drive" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Class J with ionized gas; 1.2 million km from Antarian Trans-Stellar Rally finish) VOY "Drive" nebula, Delta Quadrant VOY "Nightingale" comet, Delta Quadrant VOY "Body and Soul" pulsar cluster, Delta Quadrant (named "The Window of Dreams") VOY "Body and Soul" chrono-anomoly, Delta Quadrant VOY "Shattered" nebula, Delta Quadrant VOY "Flesh and Blood" nebula, Delta Quadrant VOY "Workforce" asteroid field, Delta Quadrant VOY "Homestead" nebula, Delta Quadrant (Mutara Class) VOY "Renaissance Man" nebula, Delta Quadrant VOY "Endgame" nebula ("stellar nursery") ENT "Fight or Flight" nebula ENT "Strange New World" trinary cluster (as viewed from unnamed planet; reference point in locating Sol: "just to the left") ENT "Strange New World" comet ("Archer's comet"?; contains rare "Eisilium") ENT "Breaking the Ice" planetary nebula (historical reference) ENT "Breaking the Ice" dark matter nebula (historical reference) ENT "Breaking the Ice" supernova remnant (J'ral Class) ENT "Civilization" neutron star (cluster of three) ENT "Civilization" stellar nursery ENT "Cold Front" asteroid field (two primaries, seventeen planetesimals) ENT "Shuttlepod One" nebula ENT "Shockwave, Part II" cluster (blue giant cluster; number of planets, none inhabited) ENT "The Communicator" black hole (Class 4; part of a trinary star system) ENT "Singularity" neutronic storm (Class 5; moving at high warp, presumably under warp 7; spans 6ly; saturated with radiolitic isotopes; encountered some 100ly from Earth) ENT "The Catwalk" neutronic storm (Class 5; a century earlier) ENT "The Catwalk" neutronic storm (Class 3; historical) ENT "The Catwalk" dark matter nebula (nearly 10 Million km diameter; possible name at discovery: Robinson Nebula) ENT "First Flight" asteroid/spatial anomaly field, Delphic Expanse (high concentrations of trillium ore) ENT "Impulse" polaric field, Delphic Expanse (nucleonic particle cloud; 11,000 km wide; diamagnetic field) ENT "Similitude" transdimensional convergence, Delphic Expanse (collection of spatial distrubances 700km in diameter, expanding at several km/s; position equidistant to five Spheres) ENT "Harbinger" transdimensional convergence, Delphic Expanse (two weeks to bypass; transit time across: less than one hour at warp 4, four days at impulse) ENT "Doctor's Orders" cometary dust cloud, Delphic Expanse Diamagnetic field "3 days away" from present position at sublight speed ENT "Damage" nebula (less than 1/2 ly from sphere; contains subspace corridor) ENT "The Forgotten" Solar/Star Systems ------------------------------------------------------------ Acamar TNG "The Vengeance Factor" Aertok (system between Ferenginar and Dominion space) DS9 "Profit and Lace" Alpha Centauri TOS "Metamorphosis" (destroyed by Xindi probe; over "several months" after new timeline formation) ENT "Twilight" Alpha Leonis TNG "The Vengeance Factor" Alpha Omicron (seven or more planets) TNG "Galaxy's Child" Alpha Onias TNG "Future Imperfect" Altair TOS "Amok Time" Amargosa (star collapsed) "Star Trek: Generations" Amleth DS9 "Return to Grace" Arakon system ENT "Exile" Argaia (near Cardassian border) TNG "Lower Decks" Argos TNG "Silicon Avatar" Atalia TNG "The Chase" Avery (at least three planets) VOY "Faces" Bajor-B'hava'el (eight terrestrial worlds, three gas giants, three ice/rock conglomerates) ST:DS9 TM Barnard's Star VOY:Pathways Barradas TNG "The Emissary" Benthan (at least four planets) VOY "Vis A Vis" Benzite (liberated from Dominion control by occupying Romulan forces) DS9 "The Reckoning" Bersallis (three or more planets) TNG "Lessons" Beta Aurigae (binary system) TOS "Turnabout Intruder" Beta Casius TNG "Haven" Beta Coupsic TNG "The Icarus Factor" Beta Magellan TNG "11001001" Beta Niobe (went nova) TOS "All Our Yesterdays" Beta Renna TNG "Lonely Among Us" Beta Stromgrin TNG "Tin Man" Bilaren TNG "True Q" Bopac, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "Hippocratic Oath" Borratas TNG "Gambit, Part I" Bras Lota (two or more planets) TNG "Peak Performance" Breen DS9 "For the Uniform" Bryma DS9 "The Maquis, Part II" Cabral TNG "Homeward" Calder TNG "Gambit, Part I" Calindra ENT "The Shipment" (uninhabited; G-type star; six planets; over 100 moons; heavy debris due to Xindi weapon tests) ENT "Proving Ground" (name revealed ENT "Stratagem") Callinon, Gamma Quadrant (seven or more planets) DS9 "The Search, Part I" Cambus TNG "Firstborn" Carraya TNG "Rightful Heir" Camor TNG "Bloodlines" Cignus VOY "Lifesigns" Chin'Toka (at least three planets; Cardassia Prime system?) DS9 "Tears of the Prophets" Clarius DS9 "The Nagus" (system between Ferenginar and Dominion space) DS9 "Profit and Lace" Colla TNG "Firstborn" Coridan ENT "Shadows of P'Jem" Cornelia TNG "Where Silence Has Lease" Dala TNG "Symbiosis" Dapo (almost three days from Korma) DS9 "Return to Grace" Darcaya (over two sectors away from Sector 1156) TNG "Masks" Delphi Ardu (eleven planets; unexplored) TNG "The Last Outpost" Delta Rana TNG "The Survivors" Detrian (new born star) TNG "Ship in a Bottle" Devidia, Marrab Sector TNG "Time's Arrow" Devolin TNG "The Pegasus" Devron, Romulan Neutral Zone TNG "All Good Things..." Diamidian TNG "Clues" Dichon Alpha (Class Nine Pulsar) TNG "Emergence" Doralis DS9 "The Reckoning" Dozaria DS9 "Indiscretion" Dracana TNG "Legacy" Draycon TNG "Face of the Enemy" Dreon DS9 "For the Cause" E'Ladarea VOY "Parallax" Eladril TNG "Darmok" Endicor TNG "Time Squared" Edron, Gamma Quadrant (twin companions; ~70 000 lightyears from Bajor) DS9 "Emissary" El Orean DS9 "Rivals" Entapin VOY "Vis A Vis" Epsilon Four (presumed solar system) VOY "Equinox, Part II" Epsilon Eridani (12 ly from Sol; at least eight planets) VOY:Pathways Epsilon Indy TOS "The Enemy Within" Epsilon Mynos TNG "When the Bough Breaks" Epsilon One-Nineteen (dead sun; reborn) DS9 "Second Sight" Epsilon Sola TNG "Conundrum" Falla (mirror universe system) DS9 "Crossover" Fealin TNG "The Outcast" Fema, Delta Quadrant VOY "Remember" Ferrius Prime DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" 40 Eridani A TOS "Amok Time" Gamalon TNG "Final Mission" Gamma Eradon TNG "Redemption (II)" Gamma Hydra TOS "The Deadly Years" Gamma Oregulon TNG "Reunion" Garannen ENT "The Catwalk" Garth (neighbouring system to Malkor III) TNG "Star Trek: First Contact" Gavaris, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "The Quickening" Gernika TNG "Galaxy's Child" Gima, Delta Quadrant (Nistrom space) VOY "Basics, Part II" Goralis (located between Badlands and Deep Space Nine) DS9 "Penumbra" Gorin "Star Trek: Insurrection" Halley TNG "Heart of Glory" Hanon, Delta Quadrant VOY "Basics, Part II" Hanoli (destroyed by subspace anomaly expansion in the mid-23rd century) DS9 "If Wishes Were Horses" Hekaras TNG "Force of Nature" Hemakek (yellow dwarf system; at least four planets) VOY "Investigations" Hyashi TNG "Tin Man" Hittarian TNG "Firstborn" Illicom TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Indri TNG "The Chase" Inhos ("a few lightyears" from the ringed 5th planet) ENT "Judgment" J Two-Five TNG "Q Who" Kabrel (binary system; strong ionic interference; currently under Federation control; at least four planets) DS9 "Statistical Probabilities" Kailoth, Gamma Quadrant (at least two planets) DS9 "Meridian" Kar-telos, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "Bar Association" Karaya, Karaya Sector TNG "Birthright: Part II" Karemma, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "The Search, Part I" Karrats DS9 "The Siege" Kataan (six planets; star went nova 1000 yrs ago) TNG "Inner Light" Kazis Binary TNG "The Neutral Zone" Kendi, Gamma Quadrant (neighbour to Obatta Cluster) DS9 "The Quickening" Kendran (at least four planets) VOY "Vis A Vis" Kerlan TNG "The Chase" Kilarn TNG "The Nth Degree" Kleone TNG "The Game" Klovari (at least five planets) VOY "Q2" Kolaran (at least four planets; near Romulan Neutral Zone) "Star Trek: Nemesis" Komar (Home of the Komar Planetary Alliance) VOY "Virtuoso" Koralis DS9 "Chimera" Korridon TOS "Journey to Babel" Krios TNG "The Mind's Eye" Lapolis DS9 "Emissary" L-370 (seven planets; all destroyed) TOS "The Doomsday Machine" L-374 (at least four planets; two left) TOS "The Doomsday Machine" Lima Sierra (four planets) TNG "Loud as a Whisper" Loran TNG "The Chase" Lygos TNG "Rascals" Lysian TNG "Conundrum" Maricor TNG "Ethics" Mariah VOY "Caretaker" Maxia Zeta TNG "The Battle" Melurian ENT "Civilization" Mesalina TNG "Ethics" Minos Korva (11 lightyears from McAllister C-5 Nebula) TNG "Chain of Command, Part II" (site of a Cardassian incident) TNG "Gambit, Part I" Mira (six planets) TNG "Conspiracy" Moab TNG "The Masterpiece Society" Modine TNG "Imaginary Friend" M-S TNG "Descent" M-24 Alpha TOS "The Gamesters of Triskelion" Naturi, Delta Quadrant (binary star system) VOY "Disease" Nelbato TNG "The Most Toys" Nell (two or more planets) TNG "Violations" Nelvana, Romulan Neutral Zone TNG "The Defector" Nequencia TNG "Birthright: Part II" Norcadian (neighbouring with Pendari System) VOY "Tsunkatse" Nyrian (at least five planets; red giant star with large cloud of interstellar dust beyond the fifth planet) VOY "Displaced" Ohniaka TNG "Descent" "Oletis Cluster" (Brunali name for constellation visible from homeworld) VOY "Child's Play" Omega TOS "Requiem for Methuselah" Omega Sagitta TNG "The Outrageous Okona" Omerak (Cardassian controlled) DS9 "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" Omicron TNG "Manhunt" Omicron Pascal TNG "11001001" Onepherus DS9 "Improbable Cause" Operlyne TNG "Symbiosis" Orelious Minor DS9 "Paradise" Orhyis DS9 "Defiant" Ovin VOY "Flesh and Blood" Oxmal TNG "Power Play" Paradas (at least four planets) DS9 "Whispers" Parvenium TNG "Inner Light" Pegos Minor TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Pelia TNG "The Host" Pelosa, Sector 507 DS9 "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" Pendari (neighbouring with Norcadian System) VOY "Tsunkatse" Pentath DS9 "Rules of Engagement" Pernaias (at least two planets) ENT "The Seventh" Pheban TNG "A Matter of Honor" Praxilla (star destroyed in experiment) TNG "Half a Life" Quayar TNG "The Wounded" Rakella Prime Protostar DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Ramatis TNG "Loud as a Whisper" Ramazad TNG "The Chase" Rechelli TNG "The Child" Regulan DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Rigel TOS "The Doomsday Machine" Rua TNG "The Chase" Rubicun (adjoining Strenab) TNG "Justice" Rymus Major (two suns) DS9 "Profit and Loss" Secarus DS9 "Blood Oath" Selcundy One, Selcundi Drema Sector TNG "Pen Pals" Selcundy Two, Selcundi Drema Sector TNG "Pen Pals" Selcundy Three, Selcundi Drema Sector TNG "Pen Pals" Shelia TNG "The Ensigns of Command" Sherlaya Six TNG "Cost of Living" Sigma Draconis TOS "Spock's Brain" Sigma Erani TNG "The Most Toys" Sigma Three TNG "Hide and Q" 6-11 TOS "The Return of the Archons" Sol TOS (as viewed from Risa: a yellow star below a "bright blue star", ~90 ly away) ENT "Two Days and Two Nights" Solarion TNG "Ensign Ro" Soporo DS9 "Prodigal Daughter" Soukara DS9 "Change of Heart" Strenab (adjoingin Rubicun) TNG "Justice" Taleed Beta TNG "The Loss" Talos (eleven planets) TOS "The Cage" Tambor Beta Six (white dwarf) TNG "Emergence" Tandar Sector ENT "Detained" Tau Ceti VOY:Mosaic Tau Cigna TNG "The Ensigns of Command" Taugus TNG "Gambit, Part II" Tehara (five planets) VOY "Counterpoint" Tellun TOS "Elaan of Troyius" Terlina TNG "Inheritance" Teplan, Gamma Quadrant (just outside Jem'Hadar space; neighbour to Obata Cluster) DS9 "The Quickening" Theta One-Sixteen TNG "The Royale" Tiarchanon TNG "Identity Crisis" Topin (binary; unstable protostar) TNG "Preemptive Strike" Triala, Gamma Quadrant (one planet) DS9 "Meridian" Triacus TOS "The Enemy Within" Tycho TOS "Obsession" Tyra (site of 7th Fleet's demise) DS9 "Inquisition" Tyran TNG "The Quality of Life" Ufandi (at least three planets) TNG "Firstborn" Unroth DS9 "Strange Bedfellows" Valo TNG "Ensign Ro" Vando TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Vega VOY:Pathways Vegan DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice" Ventar (mirror universe) DS9 "Resurrection" Veridian (star collapsed in alternate timeline) "Star Trek: Generations" Veyton TNG "Suspicions" Vilmoran (seven planets) TNG "The Chase" Vinry VOY "Renaissance Man" Vissian (over 25ly from hypergiant) ENT "Cogenitor" Vorath, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "Q-Less" Wolf 359 TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Xendi Kabu TNG "Bloodlines" Xendi Sabu TNG "The Battle" Zairtzi Seven TNG "When the Bough Breaks" Zozec VOY "Q2" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- system, Delta Quadrant (K7-class yellow dwarf star; at least four planets) VOY:Mosaic system, Trige Sector (at least 7 planets) VOY:Pathways system (Dyson Sphere) TNG "Relics" pulsar, Dorias Cluster (Class Four; 3 lightyears from Dichromic Nebula) TNG "Bloodlines" system, Delta Quadrant (G-type star; at least five planets) VOY "Caretaker" system, Delta Quadrant (binary system of Alastrai; approximately 40 lightyears from the planet Sikarus) VOY "Prime Factors" system, Delta Quadrant (Briori system; at least three planets) VOY "The 37's" system, Delta Quadrant (G-type star system; at least two Vidiian-inhabited planets) VOY "Deadlock" system, Delta Quadrant (binary star system; at least five planets) VOY "Coda" system, Delta Quadrant (trinary star system) VOY "Favorite Son" system, Delta Quadrant (six planets) VOY "Waking Moments" system, Delta Quadrant (at least two planets; filled with subspace ruptures) VOY "The Omega Directive" system (Ba'ku home system; "on the verge of self-annihilation 309 years ago") "Star Trek: Insurrection" system, Delta Quadrant (at least one planet) VOY "Counterpoint" system, Delta Quadrant (Type-G sun; three planets; within "sinkhole"; now destroyed) VOY "Gravity" system, Delta Quadrant (four planets; in Borg designated Grid 532) VOY "Dark Frontier" system, Delta Quadrant (binary) VOY "Course: Oblivion" star, Delta Quadrant (O-Type) VOY "Juggernaut" system, Delta Quadrant VOY "Warhead" system, Grid 315, Delta Quadrant (twin star system) VOY "Dragon's Teeth" system, Delta Quadrant (Type G star) VOY "Dragon's Teeth" system, Delta Quadrant (Type F star) VOY "Muse" system, Delta Quadrant (inaudible name) VOY "Drive" red giant, Grid 898, Delta Quadrant (stellar cartographic id 23139) VOY "Inside Man" red giant, Sector 39542, Grid 8, Alpha Quadrant VOY "Inside Man" red giant VOY "Renaissance Man" star (Type G) VOY "Renaissance Man" star (Type G) VOY "Renaissance Man" system ("about 3 ly away" from Axinar cargo vessel) ENT "Fight or Flight" protostar ENT "The Andorian Incident" star ENT "Breaking the Ice" protostar (within a stellar nursery; emits a neutron blast every 11 years) ENT "Cold Front" blue giant ENT "Shuttlepod One" system (uninhabited; at least two inner planets; suggests at least one outer planet) ENT "Oasis" brown dwarf system ENT "Vox Sola" binary system ENT "Shockwave" system (2.5 ly away from Paraagan colony world; at least two planets) ENT "Shockwave" system (uncharted; at least two planets) ENT "Minefield" system (at least three planets) ENT "The Communicator" system (trinary; about a black hole) ENT "Singularity" system (at least four planets; one hospitable) ENT "Precious Cargo" binary system (at least one hospitable planet) ENT "The Catwalk" system ENT "The Catwalk" system (claimed by Arkonians) ENT "Dawn" binary system (possibly red and blue stars; at least four planets) ENT "Canamar" system (outside Klingon territory; at least five planets) ENT "Judgment" system (at least three planets; "almost 30ly behind") ENT "Horizon" hypergiant (nearly one billion km circumference; due to go supernova in 100-200 years) ENT "Cogenitor" star (G-type) ENT "Bounty" star (no planets; lone planet destroyed 120 years ago) ENT "The Xindi" system (yellow star; two planets) ENT "Extinction" system, Delphic Expanse (simulation backstory; "a week" from nearby prison colony) ENT "Stratagem" red giant, Delphic Expanse (one of seven across ~40ly; "three weeks" away) ENT "Stratagem" (at least three planets) ENT "Azati Prime" Planets and Moons ------------------------------------------------------------ Known Classes Class 9 Reserved for gas giants Out of the 4 gas giants in Sol, none are Class 9 K'Tal Class (Klingon designation) (ENT "Sleeping Dogs") Class D "a few unremarkable ores... a great rock in space" ("Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan") small, rocky planetoids (St Encyclopedia) ? (VOY "Emanations") hot, arid, rocky (VOY "Gravity") "uninhabitable" (ENT "Cease Fire") Class H oxygen/argon atmosphere (VOY "Scorpion, Part II") Class J gaseous giant (DS9 "Starship Down") Class K adaptable for humanoid use with pressure domes (TOS "I, Mudd") Class L oxygen/argon atmosphere (VOY "The 37's") cold, "barely habitable" (DS9 "The Ascent") "barely breathable athmosphere" of excess carbon dioxide (DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice") Class M oxygen/nitrgen atmosphere Class Y or Demon Class toxic atmosphere with thermeonic radiation; surface temperatures over 500K (VOY "Demon") "toxic atmosphere, sulphuric deserts, no trees, no life at all" (VOY "Flesh and Blood") Minshara Class Vulcan designation (ENT "Strange New World") ------------------------------------------------------------ AR-558 (site of Dominion Communications Relay) DS9 "The Siege of AR-558" Abadeen (seas of liquid argon) VOY "Course: Oblivion" Acamar III, Acamar TNG "The Vengeance Factor" Adara, Delta Quadrant (Class Y) VOY "Flesh and Blood" Adarak Prime (Dominion weapons depot) DS9 "When It Rains..." Adelphous IV TNG "Data's Day" Adigian Prime (sight of Bashir's "accelerated critical neural pathway formation" procedure) ST Encyclopedia 2, DS9 "Dr. Bashir, I Presume" Agalon Prime, Arkanus Sector DS9 "Nor the Battle to the Strong" Agaron ENT "The Seventh" Agosoria (presumed planet) ENT "Cold Front" Akrayde VII TNG "Captain's Holiday" Akritiri, Delta Quadrant VOY "The Chute" Alastria (approximately 40 000 lightyears from Sikarus) VOY "Prime Factors" Aldea, Epsilon Mynos TNG "When the Bough Breaks" Aldebaran TOS "Where No Man Has Gone Before" Aldebaran III TOS "The Deadly Years" (ST Encyclopedia 2), DS9 "Past Tense, Part I" Aldron IV TNG "Coming of Age" Algeron TNG "The Pegasus" Algitark (site of USS Valiant's "first taste of combat") DS9 "Valiant" Alpha 177 TOS "The Enemy Within" Alpha Aradoni II TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Alpha Carinae V TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Alpha Majoris I TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Alpha Moon, Peliazel TNG "The Host" Alpha Onias III, Onias TNG "Future Imperfect" Alpha V (colony world; home to relatives of Charlie Evans) TOS "Charlie X" Altair III TNG "Encounter at Farpoint" Altair IV DS9 "Prophet Motive" Altair VI TOS "Amok Time" Altec, Omega Sagitta TNG "The Outrageous Okona" Altoor VII TNG "Birthright, Part I" Amleth Prime, Amleth (inside an emission nebula) DS9 "Return to Grace" Anara Prime, Delta Quadrant VOY "Remember" Andor DS9 "In the Cards" Andoria DS9 "Prophet Motive" (Andorian homeworld) ENT "The Andorian Incident" Angel One TNG "Angel One" Angosia III TNG "The Hunted" Antares IV ST:DS9 TM Antede III TNG "Manhunt" Antos TOS "Whom Gods Destroy" Antos IV TOS "Whom Gods Destroy" Arakang VII DS9 "Q-Less" Archanis IV, Archanis Sector (Klingons relinquished claim 400 years prior; under Klingon domination since DS9 "The Die Is Cast") DS9 "Broken Link" Archer IV TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise" Argelius II TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Argus X TOS "Obsession" Argratha DS9 "Hard Time" Arianus TOS "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" Arlof IX TNG "The Neutral Zone" Armus IX TNG "Angel One" Arret TOS "Return to Tomorrow" Ashalon V (Cardassian fuel depot) VOY "Dreadnought" Atalia VII, Atalia TNG "The Chase" Atbar Prime (base of Cardassian Resistance; destroyed by the Dominion) DS9 "The Dogs of War" Athos IV (fog-bound world on the edge of the Badlands) DS9 "Blaze of Glory" Atrea IV TNG "Inheritance" Audet IX TNG "The Child", ST Encyclopedia Avenal VII (Dominion held and deep in Dominion space; attacked by Cardassian Resistance) DS9 "Tacking into the Wind" Axanar TOS "Whom Gods Destroy" Azati Prime, Delphic Expanse ("bleak, desolate; barely habitable"; Xindi colony and weapon facility; in orbit of a red giant) ENT "Stratagem" (primarily aqueous surface; weapon built underwater) ENT "Azati Prime" B'Saari II ENT "Horizon" Babel (planetary codename) TOS "Journey to Babel" Bajor, Bajor-B'hava'el, Bajor Sector ST:DS9 TM, DS9 "Emissary" (Rotational period of 26 Earth hours) DS9 "A Man Alone" (at least five moons) DS9 "Progress" (Under Cardassian occupation for over 50 years) DS9 "Accession" Bajor VII, B'hava'el (at least three moons) ST:DS9 TM, DS9 "Whispers" Bajor VIII, B'hava'el (six colonies) ST:DS9 TM, DS9 "Past Prologue" Bajor IX, B'hava'el (largest gas giant in system) ST:DS9 TM Balisty DS9 "The Nagus" Banea (Banean homeworld; one moon) VOY "Ex Post Facto" Barisa Prime DS9 "The Adversary" Barkon IV TNG "Thine Own Self" Barradas III, Barradas TNG "The Emissary" Barson II TNG "Eye of the Beholder" Barzan II TNG "The Price" Belos VOY "Critical Care" Bentha, Benthan (also "Benthos"; 4th planet in system) VOY "Vis A Vis" Benzar, Benzite TNG "Coming of Age" DS9 "The Reckoning" Beranis III DS9 "The Quickening" Berengaria DS9 "In the Cards" Bersallis III, Bersallis TNG "Lessons" Beta Agni II TNG "The Most Toys" Beta Antares TOS "A Piece of the Action" Beta III, 6-11 TOS "The Return of the Archons" Beta XII-A TOS "Day of the Dove" Beta Moon, Peliazel TNG "The Host" Beta Thorador TNG "Redemption" Betaline Kel TNG "Redemption (II)" Betazed TNG (taken by Dominion forces) DS9 "In the Pale Moonlight" Bilana III (approximately three lightyears from Layma II) TNG "New Ground" Binus, Beta Magellan TNG "11001001" Blue Horizon (developed by Gideon Seyetik) DS9 "Second Sight" Bokara VI TNG "Face of the Enemy" Bolaris (Bolian world) DS9 "Field of Fire" Bole (Bolian homeworld, Alpha Quadrant) VOY "Dreadnought", VOY:Mosaic Bolias (planetary bank robbed) DS9 "Who Mourns for Morn?" (location established by context as a planet) DS9 "Honor Among Thieves" Bopac III, Bopac (uninhabited; six weeks away from nearest Dominion outpost) DS9 "Hippocratic Oath" Boraal II (atmosphere dissapated) TNG "Homeward" Boray VOY "Flesh and Blood" Boroth (Klingon monestary) DS9 "The Way of the Warrior" Bosel Prime (tectonic plates rearranged by Q [Jr]) VOY "Q2" Brax DS9 "Q-Less" Bre'el IV TNG "Deja Q" Breen, Breen System DS9 "'Til Death Do Us Part" Brekka, Dala TNG "Symbiosis" Brentalya TNG "New Ground" Browda IV TNG "Allegiance" Burala Prime ENT "Canamar" Cairn TNG "Dark Page" Calder II, Calder TNG "Gambit, Part I" Caldik Prime (fifth planet in its system) VOY "Caretaker" Caldos IV (terraformed) TNG "Sub Rosa" Caldonia TNG "The Price" Callinon VII, Callinon DS9 "The Search, Part I" Camor V, Camor TNG "Bloodlines" Campa III DS9 "Defiant" Camus II TOS "Turnabout Intruder" Canamar (Enolian penal colony) ENT "Canamar" Capella IV TOS "Friday's Child" Carraya IV, Carraya TNG "Rightful Heir" Cardassia, Bajor Sector ST:DS9 TM, TNG "The Chase" Cardassia III DS9 "Prophet Motive" Cardassia IV DS9 "The Homecoming" Cardassia V DS9 "Shadowplay" Cardassia Prime DS9 "The Wire" Casperia Prime (ringed; resort planet; "vacation capital of the Hovarian cluster") DS9 "Change of Heart" Castel I TNG "Suddenly Human" Celais V DS9 "The Adversary" Celek IV VOY "Critical Care" Celfala Prime (near Draylon II) DS9 "Sanctuary" Celtris III TNG "Chain of Command, Part I" Cestus III TOS "Arena" (other side of Federation territory; 2 weeks for subspace messages) DS9 "Family Business" (8 weeks from DS9 at max. warp) DS9 "The Way of the Warrior" Ceti Alpha V TOS "Space Seed" ("barely Minshara class"; site of last Terran settlement) ENT "Twilight" Ceti Alpha VI (destroyed) "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" Chalna TNG "Allegiance" Chandra V TNG "Tin Man" Chantil III TNG "Darmok" Cheron TOS "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" Chin'Toka III, Chin'Toka (held by Dominion forces) DS9 "The Changing Face of Evil" Coridan, Coridan ENT "Shadows of P'Jem" Choltok IV (Romulan research colony) VOY "Time and Again" Chya VII TNG "Booby Trap" Cilosos III, DMZ (Maquis colony; trilithium resin spread in atmosphere; uninhabitable for humans for 50 years; resettled by Cardassians from Velos Prime) DS9 "For the Uniform" Clauvdia III TNG "The Dauphin" Colendia IV DS9 "Playing God" Colla III, Colla TNG "Firstborn" Corcoroli V TNG "Allegiance" Cosla II DS9 "The Alternate" Costalane TNG "Cost of Living" Cravic (Inhabitants destroyed by automated units) VOY "Prototype" Cyberyne DS9 "The Reckoning" Cygex (at least five moons) VOY "Course: Oblivion" Dekendi III ENT "Stigma" Daled IV TNG "The Dauphin" Davlos III (on Klingon border) DS9 "Visionary" Davlos Prime (site of "special care center") DS9 "Time's Orphan" Dayas IV DS9 "Blood Oath" Deanius III TNG "Contagion" Degos Prime DS9 "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" Deilos IV TNG "Remember Me" Delb II TNG "The Drumhead" Delta IV "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Delta Vega TOS "Where No Man Has Gone Before" Deneb II TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Deneb IV TOS "Where No Man Has Gone Before" TNG "Encounter at Farpoint" Deneb V TOS "I, Mudd" Deneva TOS "Operation -- Annihilate!" Deneva Station ENT "Horizon" Denoba Prime ENT "Rogue Planet" Denobula (Phlox's homeworld) ENT "Fight or Flight" (clarified as Denoblian homeworld) ENT "Terra Nova" (name revealed) ENT "Dear Doctor" Denobula (Phlox's homeworld) ENT "Fight or Flight" (clarified as Denoblian homeworld) ENT "Terra Nova" (name revealed) ENT "Dear Doctor" Deravin V TNG "Aquiel" Desica II (site of Picard's apparent murder in a bar) TNG "Gambit, Part I" Devidia II, Devidia TNG "Time's Arrow" Devos II, Gamma Quadrant (site of Son'a outpost, Ketracel White facility) DS9 "Penumbra" Dilicium IV TNG "Unification: Part II" Dilula II TNG "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" Ditalix B, Mira TNG "Conspiracy" Dorat I TNG "Unification: Part I" Duronom (prison; presumed planetary name) ENT "Canamar" Dorvan V TNG "Journey's End" Dozaria, Dozaria DS9 "Indiscretion" Dracana IV, Dracana TNG "Legacy" Drago IV (within three lightyears of Cardassian space) TNG "Homeward" Draken IV TNG "Gambit, Part I" Draxx (name assumed from Draxxan viper) ENT "Doctor's Orders" Drayan II (several moons) VOY "Innocence" Draycon IV, Draycon TNG "Face of the Enemy" Draylax ENT "Broken Bow" (on a cargo route with Vega Colony) ENT "Fortunate Son" Draylon II (near Celfala Prime) DS9 "Sanctuary" Drema IV, Selcundi Two TNG "Pen Pals" Dreon VII, Dreon (~12 hours run from DS9 for most ships; near Badlands) DS9 "For the Cause" Durna (Bajor's fourth moon) DS9 "Image in the Sand" Deinonychus VII TNG "A Fistful of Datas" Earth, Sol TOS (destroyed by Xindi probe; over "several months" after new timeline formation) ENT "Twilight" (destroyed by Xindi probe in simulation backstory) ENT "Stratagem" Eden TOS "The Way to Eden" Eden "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" 892 IV TOS "Bread and Circuses" Ekos TOS "Patterns of Force" Elas, Tellun TOS "Elaan of Troyius" E'Ladarea, E'Ladarea VOY "Parallax" Eladril IV, Eladril TNG "Darmok" Elba II TOS "Whom Gods Destroy" Emila II TNG "A Matter of Perspective" Eminiar VII TOS "A Taste of Armageddon" Enan VI TNG "Time Squared" Eplar Prime VOY "Renaissance Man" Epsilon Canarus IV TOS "Metamorphosis" Epsilon Eridani IV, Epsilon Eridani VOY:Pathways Epsilon Eridani VIII, Epsilon Eridani VOY:Pathways Epsilon Hydra VII DS9 "Q-Less" Excalabia TOS "The Savage Curtain" Exo III TOS "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" Faynos, Delta Quadrant VOY "Homestead" Farias DS9 "Honor Among Thieves" Fenea Prime DS9 "A Simple Investigation" Ferenginar, Bajor Sector (Ferengi homeworld,) ST:DS9 TM, DS9 "Bar Association" Feris VI DS9 "Life Support" Filina III DS9 "Dramatis Personae" Freehaven (Bajoran colony) DS9 "To the Death" Forkis III TNG "Parallels" G'Natu V DS9 "Sons and Daughters" Gaia (8000 inhabitants; descendants of Defiant crewmembers; alternate future) DS9 "Children of Time" Gailen IV (Federation colony) TNG "Suddenly Human" Galador II DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Galana (Bajoran colony; arrived at the "turn of the century") DS9 "Time's Orphan" Galas II TNG "Darmok" Galdonterre DS9 "Blood Oath" Galor IV TNG "The Offspring" Galorda Prime DS9 "Rules of Engagement" Galorndon Kor (Federation space) TNG "The Enemy" Galt DS9 "Let He Who Is Without Sin..." Gamalon V, Gamalon TNG "Final Mission" Gamaras V TNG "Captain's Holiday" Gamma II TOS "The Gamesters of Triskelion" Gamma VII-A (destroyed) TOS "The Immunity Syndrome" Gamma Canaris N TOS "Metamorphosis" Gamma Hromi II, Hromi Cluster TNG "The Vengeance Factor" Gamma Hydra II, Gamma Hydra TOS "The Deadly Years" Gamma Hydra IV, Gamma Hydra TOS "The Deadly Years" Gamma Tauri IV TNG "The Last Outpost" Gamma Trianguli VI TOS "The Apple" Gault TNG "Heart of Glory" Gagaran IV TNG "Unnatural Selection" Garadias IV TNG "The Next Phase" Garon II TNG "Ensign Ro" Garon IV TNG "The Next Phase" Garushda TNG "Tin Man" Galvon Five TNG "Data's Day" Genalda IV DS9 "Nor the Battle to the Strong" Genesis, Mutara Sector (destroyed) "Star Trek III: The Search for Spock" Getty Prime (holographic vacation paradise) VOY "Drive" Germulon V DS9 "Paradise" Gideon TOS "The Mark of Gideon" Gima IV, Gima VOY "Basics, Part II" Golos Prime, Klovari VOY "Q2" Gon-el IV TNG "Disaster" Gorin II, Gorin (M class) "Star Trek: Insurrection" Goralis, Goralis DS9 "Penumbra" Gostak (Klingon territory) VOY:Pathways Graves' World TNG "The Schizoid Man" Groombridge 273-2A (gas giant moon; uninhabited) ST:DS9 TM Grivus, Gamma Quadrant VOY:Pathways Haakon, Delta Quadrant VOY:Pathways Harrakis V TNG "Clues" Harrod IV TNG "The Perfect Mate" Harrok IV, Lantar Nebula DS9 "Q-Less" Hattoria (near Romulan Neutral Zone) TNG "All Good Things..." Haven, Beta Casius TNG "Haven" Heirata III TNG "Violations" Hekaras II, Hekaras TNG "Force of Nature" "Hell" (high levels of trigenic vapors and EM disturbances in atmosphere) VOY "Parturition" Hemakek IV, Hemakek VOY "Lifesigns" (rich in components of vertirium cortinyme) VOY "Investigations" Hercoze III TNG "The Price" Hogas II TNG "Brothers" Hokton VII, DMZ DS9 "The Maquis, Part II" Holberg 917-G TOS "Requiem for Methuselah" Holna IV, Kabrel (high minzinite deposits [starship fuel element?]) DS9 "Statistical Probabilities" Hottar II TNG "The Offspring" Icarus Prime (magnesium vapour atmosphere; visited by USS Voyager prior to VOY "Scorpion, Part II") VOY "One Small Step" Iconia TNG "Contagion" Ilari VOY "Warlord" Inivar Prime VOY "Survival Instinct" Indri VIII, Indri (biosphere destroyed) TNG "The Chase" Inferma Prime (eight days from Deep Space Nine) DS9 "The Ascent" Inthara VOY "Retrospect" Iotia TOS "A Piece of the Action" Iratin V TNG "The Most Toys" Isis III TNG "Too Short a Season" Islen, Delta Quadrant (yellow dwarf sun; five parsecs from the swarm) VOY "The Swarm" Ivadni IV TNG "Clues" Ivor Prime "Star Trek: First Contact" Izar TOS "Whom Gods Destroy" Jaforay II DS9 "Improbable Cause" Janus VI TOS "The Devil in the Dark" Jerido (fifth moon of Bajor) DS9 "Progress" Juri IV TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Kabatris TNG "Angel One" Kafka IV DS9 "Invasive Procedures" Kaleb IV (site of Federation outpost, Klingon attack, and capture by Kor in the past) DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" Kaldra IV TNG "Violations" Kalon II TNG "Half a Life" Kanda IV TNG "Darmok" Kantare (homeworld; over one year away from "this planet") ENT "Oasis" Karil Prime DS9 "The Jem'Hadar" Kataan, Kataan TNG "Inner Light" Katarrea VII (V'naree homeworld) VOY "Emanations" Kavaria (neighbouring system Dreon) DS9 "For the Cause" "Kelsid 3" (Brunali name for star visible from homeworld) VOY "Child's Play" Kelva, Andromeda TOS "By Any Other Name" Kelvas Prime DS9 "The Dogs of War" Kelvas V, Kelvas (Dominion held) DS9 "Tacking into the Wind" Keto-Enol (Enolian home(?)world) ENT "Canamar" Kotara Barath (colony) ENT "Oasis" Kerl, Kerlan (civilization died out 12 000 years ago) TNG "The Chase" Kendal II TNG "Remember Me" "Kentanna" DS9 "Sanctuary" Kerl, Kerlan (civilization died out 12 000 years ago) TNG "The Chase" Kesek IV (third planet in its system) VOY "Faces" Kesprit III TNG "Attached" Keeair TNG "The Chase" Khitomer TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise" Klaestron IV DS9 "Dax" Klardia III ? Klatus Prime (Sector 22309) VOY:Mosaic Kling TNG "Heart of Glory" Kolandra (Cardassian-held world; site of possible Federation attack) DS9 "Afterimage" Kolarus III, Kolaran (class M; 1.2 AU orbit; prewarp civilization) "Star Trek: Nemesis" Koltair IV TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Kora II DS9 "Duet" Koralis III, Koralis (site of abandoned mining complex; at least three planets) DS9 "Chimera" Korbin II TNG "New Ground" Korma (Cardassian space) DS9 "Return to Grace" Korridon, Korridon TOS "Journey to Babel" Krios, Krios TNG "The Mind's Eye" Krios Prime ENT "Precious Cargo" Kresalia TNG "The Price" Kripkin, DMZ VOY:Pathways Kronos (Klingon spelling: QonoS) "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" (Verified as Klingon homeworld) DS9 "The House of Quark" Kyana Prime (Krenim colony) ("erased" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell" ("restored" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell, Part II" Ladonia III DS9 "The Wire" Lagobus X DS9 "Second Sight" Lalya IV TNG "Identity Crisis" Lambda Paz (moon of Pentarus III) TNG "Final Mission" Landris II TNG "Lessons" Lapa IV TNG "Menage A Troi" Largo V DS9 "Babel" Larieshe IV TNG "Darmok" Lavoti V VOY "Nothing Human" Layma II (approximately three lightyears from Bilana III) TNG "New Ground" Lesik Prime VOY "Renaissance Man" Ligon II TNG "Code of Honor" Loracus Prime ENT "Strange New World" Loran III, Loran TNG "The Chase" Loval (civilian outpost; subspace relay station; secret weapons research installation) DS9 "Return to Grace" LS VI, Gamma Quadrant (six lightyears from wormhole) DS9 "The Alternate" Lyar TNG "Liaisons" Lygos VII, Lygos TNG "Rascals" Lysepia DS9 "Indiscretion" Lysia, Lysian TNG "Conundrum" Lunar V (moon of Angosia III) TNG "The Hunted" Lunar V Base (Bajoran moon) DS9 "The Siege" M-113 TOS "The Man Trap" Maarek III (simulation backstory; Earthlike) ENT "Stratagem" Mab-Bu VI (single moon) TNG "Power Play" Makus III TOS "The Galileo Seven" Malena II TNG "Violations" Malkor III (over 2000 lightyears from Earth) TNG "Star Trek: First Contact" Malkus IX TNG "Loud as a Whisper" Malon Prime (Malon homeworld) VOY "Juggernaut" Malona IV (stripped of life by crystaline entity) TNG "Silicon Avatar" Maranga IV TNG "Firstborn" Mariposa, Phyecus Sector TNG "Up the Long Ladder" Markus II TOS "Requiem for Methuselah" Markus XII TOS "The Enemy Within" Marlonia TNG "Rascals" Mars, Sol TNG "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" (colonized by Earth in 2103; currently 2371) VOY "The 37's" (destroyed by Xindi probe; over "several months" after new timeline formation) ENT "Twilight" Masar (Mazarite homeworld) ENT "Fallen Hero" Matalas ENT "Dear Doctor" Mekemus III (Tzenkethi settlement) DS9 "The Adversary" Melas II TNG "Ship in a Bottle" Meldrar I (lunar prison) DS9 "Necessary Evil" Melindy VII TNG "Darmok" Melnos IV TNG "Lessons" Melvala IV TNG "Inheritance" Memory Alpha TOS "The Lights of Zetar" Merak II TOS "The Cloud Minders" Meridian, Triala DS9 "Meridian" Meudo V TNG "Disaster" Mica VOY "Unforgettable" Millica III TNG "Tapestry" Mimas (moon of Saturn) TNG "The First Duty" Minara TOS "Turnabout Intruder" Minas V TNG "Tapestry" Minis Prime VOY:Pathways Minos TNG "The Arsenal of Freedom" Mintaka III TNG "Who Watches the Watchers" Miradin DS9 "Q-Less" Miridian VI TNG "Future Imperfect" Mitallus Prime (ringed moons) ENT "Dawn" Mizan IV DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow" Mizarr II TNG "Allegiance" Moab IV, Moab TNG "The Masterpiece Society" Mokra, Delta Quadrant (one primary moon) VOY "Resistance" Monak IV, Chin'Toka DS9 "Image in the Sand" Mordan IV TNG "Too Short a Season" Moria IV DS9 "Dramatis Personae" Moricon VII TNG "Tapestry" Muendella, Teleris Cluster DS9 "Q-Less" Myrichri VII TNG "Interface" Nabier (unknown number of moons) "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" Nanibia Prime VOY "Vis A Vis" Narendra III TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise" Nausicaa (Nausicaan homeworld) ENT "Fortunate Son" Nawme IV TNG "Hollow Pursuits" Neinmen, Zairtzi Seven TNG "When the Bough Breaks" Nell III, Nell TNG "Violations" Nelvana III, Nelvana TNG "The Defector" Nervala IV TNG "Second Chances" Nessik VOY:Pathways Neural TOS "A Private Little War" New Bajor DS9 "Crossover" New Bajor, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "The Jem'Hadar" New Earth, Delta Quadrant (third planet of seven with yellow dwarf star) VOY "Resolutions" New Gaul TNG "Bloodlines" New Halana DS9 "Second Sight" New Sydney, Soporo (non-Federation world; possible Trill colony) DS9 "Prodigal Daughter" Neygor TNG "Birthright, Part I" Nibok, DMZ VOY "Prime Factors" Nimbus III, Neutral Zone "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" Norcadia Prime, Norcadia (Neighbouring with Pendari System) VOY "Tsunkatse" (Theta Class; 260 million inhabitants; binary suns) VOY "Collective" (Borg designated Species 689; located in Spatial Grid 2369) VOY "Ashes to Ashes" Norellus (site of deuterium station) ENT "Rajiin" Norpin IV TNG "Rascals" Norpin V TNG "Relics" Nyria III, Nyrian VOY "Displaced" Oceanis IV TNG "The Game" Ohniaka Three, Ohniaka TNG "Descent" Omecla III (Obsidian Order shipyards) DS9 "Defiant" Omega IV TOS "The Omega Glory" Omicron IV TOS "Assignment: Earth" Omicron Ceti III TOS "This Side of Paradise" Omicron Theta TNG "Datalore" Onara III, Dala TNG "Symbiosis" Ophyicus III TOS "Mudd's Women" Oran'taku (homeworld of Rajiin's species?) ENT "Rajiin" Orealius IX (astroidal planetoid) TNG "Booby Trap" Organia TOS "Errand of Mercy" Orhyis III, Orhyis DS9 "Defiant" Orinda V VOY "Survival Instinct" Orion TOS "Journey to Babel" Orion III VOY "The Fight" Pacifica TNG "Conspiracy" Palomaar DS9 "Business as Usual" Parada II, Paradas DS9 "Whispers" Parada IV, Paradas (seven moons) DS9 "Whispers" Parcion III DS9 "Business as Usual" Pasiphony V TNG "Too Short a Season" Parliament, Beta Renna TNG "Lonely Among Us" Peliazel, Pelia TNG "The Host" Pellius V TNG "11001001" Pendari, Pendari (Neighbouring with Norcadian System) VOY "Tsunkatse" Penora, DMZ DS9 "For the Uniform" Pentath III, Pentath DS9 "Rules of Engagement" Pentarus II TNG "Final Mission" Pentarus III TNG "Final Mission" Pentarus V TNG "Final Mission" Penthara IV TNG "A Matter of Time" Perada II ENT "Cease Fire" Pernaias Prime, Pernaia ENT "The Seventh" Phendouse V TNG "Loud as a Whisper" Pholar III TNG "Dark Page" Pirakis IV, Delta Quadrant VOY "Flashback" "Planet X" (holographic) VOY "Bride of Chaotica!" Platonius TOS "Plato's Stepchildren" Polloc V (Cardassian space[?]; first off-planet raid by the Bajoran Resistance) DS9 "Shakaar" Pollux IV TOS "Who Mourns for Adonais?" Paan Mokar (aka Andorian "Weytahn") ENT "Cease Fire" Portis V, Breen System, DMZ DS9 "For the Uniform" Pralor (Inhabitants destroyed by automated units) VOY "Prototype" Praxis (Klingon moon; over 3/4 destroyed) "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" Preenos ENT "Oasis" Prima II, Delta Quadrant (Talaxian mining colony) VOY "Basics, Part II" Proctol II TNG "In Theory" Procyon V (over 400 years in the future: site of epic battle between Federation and Sphere Builders) ENT "Azati Prime" Prophet's Landing (Bajoran colony nearest Cardassian border) DS9 "Heart of Stone" Proxinia DS9 "Business as Usual" Psi 2000 TOS "The Naked Time" Psi Upsilon 3 (from console display) TNG "Eye of the Beholder" Psi Upsilon 4 (from console display) TNG "Eye of the Beholder" Pyris VII TOS "Catspaw" Pythra V DS9 "Rivals" Q TOS "The Conscience of the King" Quadra Sigma III, Sigma Three TNG "Hide and Q" Qualar II TNG "Unification: Part I" Quarra (class M) VOY "Workforce" Quatal Prime, DMZ (at least four moons; attacked by biogenic weapon) DS9 "For the Uniform" Quenor VII (base of Cardassian Resistance; destroyed by the Dominion) DS9 "The Dogs of War" Rha'Duras (Klingon protectorate; annexed alien colony; abandoned) ENT "Judgment" Rakhar, Gamma Quadrant DS9 "Vortex" Rakkal (at least four moons) DS9 "Return to Grace" Rakosan, Gamma Quadrant (Class M) VOY "Dreadnought" Ramatis III, Ramatis TNG "Loud as a Whisper" Ramazad, Ramazad TNG "The Chase" Rana IV, Delta Rana TNG "The Survivors" Raynas VI TNG "Q Who" Regula, Mutara Sector (Class D) "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" Regulak IV (base of Cardassian Resistance; destroyed by the Dominion) DS9 "The Dogs of War" Regulus ENT "Two Days and Two Nights" Regulus III (Science Academy; over 300 lightyears from Deep Space Nine) DS9 "Fascination" Regulus V TOS "Amok Time" Reina VI TNG "Pen Pals" Rekok Saronia TNG "Man of the People" Relva VII TNG "Coming of Age" Remoura (Tracer homeworld) VOY "Unforgettable" Remus (rotational period equals orbital period) "Star Trek: Nemesis" Renol VI DS9 "Heart of Stone" Rigel III TNG "All Good Things..." Rigel IV TOS "Wolf in the Fold" (pergium ore processing facility) DS9 "Prodigal Daughter" Rigel V TOS "Journey to Babel" Rigel VI ST:DS9 TM Rigel VII TOS "The Cage" Rigel X, Rigel ENT "Broken Bow" Rigel XII TOS "Mudd's Women" Rigley's Pleasure Planet TOS "The Man Trap" Rinax (colonized moon of Talax; 300 000 died in metreon cascade) VOY "Jetrel" Rinabi DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" Risa TNG "Captain's Holiday" (at least two moons; ~90 ly from Sol) ENT "Two Days and Two Nights" Riva Prime, DMZ (Devastated in Cardassian War) VOY:Pathways Rochanie III DS9 "Dramatis Personae" Romulus TOS Rua IV, Rua TNG "The Chase" Rubicun III, Rubicun TNG "Justice" Runii VOY:Pathways Ruso V (astroidal planetoid) TNG "The Dauphin" Ruteeya IV TNG "The High Ground" Ryvos V, Delta Quadrant VOY "Think Tank" Sagitta XII ? Salinia Prime, Delta Quadrant (Class M) VOY "Warhead" Salva II, DMZ (Cardassian colony in treaty signing) DS9 "For the Uniform" Sargos, Delta Quadrant VOY "Revulsion" Sarona VIII TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Sarpedion V (headquarters of the Cardassian 12th Order) DS9 "Tacking into the Wind" Sarpeidon, Beta Niobe (destroyed in sun nova) TOS "All Our Yesterdays" Saturn TNG "The First Duty" Scalos TOS "Wink of an Eye" Sd'maris ENT "Acquisition" Seary IV TNG "The Most Toys" Seeba II, Chin'Toka (site of Jem'Hadar breeding facilities) DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" Selka, DMZ VOY:Pathways Seltic III TNG "The Wounded" Septal Minor IV TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Septimus III (held by Cardassian 11th Order; all 500,000 men lost to Klingon advance) DS9 "Strange Bedfellows" Setlik III DS9 "Emissary" Sherman's Planet TOS "The Trouble with Tribbles" Sicoura Prime, Alpha Quadrant VOY "Dreadnought" Signa XIV TOS "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" Sikarus (approximately 40 000 lightyears from Alastria; mantle of tetrahedral quartz 20 km thick) VOY "Prime Factors" Simperia (base of Cardassian Resistance; destroyed by the Dominion) DS9 "The Dogs of War" "Sizzle", Delta Quadrant (named by Chakotay for electrical storms) VOY:Mosaic Sobras (Kazon-Pommar world) VOY "Alliances" Solais V TNG "Loud as a Whisper" Solarion IV TNG "Ensign Ro" Soltok IV DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Sorata IV TNG "Shades of Gray" Sosha III TNG "The Chase" Soukara, Soukara (in Dominion controlled space) DS9 "Change of Heart" Straleb, Omega Sagitta TNG "The Outrageous Okona" Styrus IV TNG "Code of Honor" Suven IV TNG "Rascals" T'Kar, Delta Quadrant (second planet in system; M class) VOY "False Profits" T'Khut, 40 Eridani A (Vulcan's sister planet; highly volcanic) VOY:Pathways T'Lani III DS9 "Armageddon Game" T'Lani Prime DS9 "Armageddon Game" Tagra IV, Argolis Cluster TNG "True Q" Takara TNG "Suspicions" Talax VOY "Jetrel" (homeworld to Borg designated Species 218) VOY "The Raven" Talos IV TOS "The Cage" Tandar Prime, Tandar Sector (Tandaran homeworld) ENT "Detained" Tanika IV TNG "A Matter of Perspective" Tantalus Five TOS "Dagger of the Mind" Tarella TNG "Haven" Taresia, Delta Quadrant (third planet in system) VOY "Favorite Son" Tarkalea (Tarkalean homeworld) ENT "Regeneration" Tarsus IV TOS "The Conscience of the King" Tasus III TNG "11001001" Tataris V DS9 "Q-Less" Tau Alpha-C TNG "Where No One Has Gone Before" Tau Ceti III TNG "Conspiracy" Tau Cigna V, Tau Cigna TNG "The Ensigns of Command" Taurus II TOS "The Galileo Seven" Taurus III (location of Jem'Hadar space docks; destroyed by Federation forces) DS9 "Call to Arms" Taurus Ceti IV VOY "Shattered" Tau Seeki Prime VOY "Coda" Tavila Minor TNG "Imaginary Friend" Taygus III TNG "Qpid" Tazna V TNG "Darmok" Teerza Prime ENT "Stigma" Tellar DS9 "In the Pale Moonlight" Tellaridian IV VOY "Ex Post Facto" Terlina III, Terlina TNG "Inheritance" Terok, Delta Quadrant (M class moon orbiting gas giant; Kazon Ogla training base) VOY "Initiations" Terosa Prime DS9 "Second Sight" Tesnia (Tesnian homeworld) ENT "Shuttlepod One" Tessen III TNG "Cost of Living" Tessik Prime ENT "Dead Stop" Tethis III TNG "Clues" Thala VII TNG "The Dauphin" Thanatos VII TNG "Phantasms" Thasus TOS "Charlie X" Thelca IV TNG "Lessons" Thera (Xyrillian - specifically Ah'Len - homeworld) ENT "Unexpected" Theta VII TOS "Obsession" Theta VIII, Theta One-Sixteen TNG "The Royale" Theydat IV TNG "When the Bough Breaks" Tholia ENT "Broken Bow" Ti'Acor (in asteroid field deep in Klingon space; new site of Klingon military headquarters) DS9 "Apocalypse Rising" Tiarchanon III, Tiarchanon TNG "Identity Crisis" Tiburon TOS "The Savage Curtain" Tilonus IV TNG "Frame of Mind" Titan (moon of Saturn) TNG "The First Duty" Titus IV TNG "Realm of Fear" Tobin III TNG "Chain of Command, Part II" Torad V, Gamma Quadrant (botanical mysteries) DS9 "Body Parts" Torga IV, Gamma Quadrant (vast quantities of cormaline) DS9 "The Ship" Tormin V TNG "Chain of Command, Part I" Torna IV DS9 "The Sword of Kahless" Tracon II, DMZ (Maquis colony) DS9 "For the Uniform" Trebus (All life destroyed by Cardassians) VOY:Pathways Trelka V, Chin'Toka (site of Cardassian starbase and orbital spacedock) DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" Trelkis III (multicentric rings; further out than the 150 ly Enterprise has travelled so far) ENT "Horizon" Triacus TOS "And the Children Shall Lead" Trianius Prime (Indended vacation planet from Turakus) VOY "Memorial" Triannon, Muratas Star Cluster (6.3ly away; civilization destroyed 8mo ago in religous war) ENT "Chosen Realm" Trill DS9 "Equilibrium" (identified as Trill homeworld) DS9 "The Way of the Warrior" Trillious Prime ENT "Broken Bow" Triskelion, M-24 Alpha TOS "The Gamesters of Triskelion" Troyius, Tellun TOS "Elaan of Troyius" Turakus VOY "Memorial" Turkana IV TNG "Legacy" Tycho IV, Tycho TOS "Obsession" Tyra VII-A, Tyran TNG "The Quality of Life" Tyree DS9 "Image in the Sand" Ubea, Delta Quadrant VOY:Pathways Udala Prime TNG "Gambit, Part I" Ultima Thul DS9 "Dramatis Personae" Umith VIII, DMZ DS9 "The Maquis, Part II" Urtea II (at least one moon) VOY:Mosaic Vacca VI, Cabral TNG "Homeward" Vagra II, Zed Lapis TNG "Skin of Evil" Vagris III DS9 "Q-Less" Valakis (Minshara Class; homeworld to dominant Valakians and developing Menks) ENT "Dear Doctor" Valo I (three or more moons) TNG "Ensign Ro" Valo II TNG "Ensign Ro" Valo III TNG "Ensign Ro" Valt Minor TNG "The Perfect Mate" Vando VI, Vando TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Vandros IV (site of Iconian Gateway) DS9 "To the Death" Vectar, Klovari VOY "Q2" Vega IX TOS "Mirror, Mirror" Vega Reticuli ENT "Two Days and Two Nights" Velara III, Pleiades Cluster TNG "Home Soil" Velos Prime, DMZ (Cardassian colony; attacked by Maquis with biogenic weapon; resettled by Maquis from Cilosos III) DS9 "For the Uniform" Velos VII DS9 "Babel" Vendikar TOS "A Taste of Armageddon" Ventax II TNG "Devil's Due" Venus DS9 "Past Tense, Part I" Veridian III, Veridian (destroyed by star collapse in alternate timeline) "Star Trek: Generations" Veridian IV, Veridian (destroyed by star collapse in alternate timeline) "Star Trek: Generations" Vilmora II, Vilmoran TNG "The Chase" Viko V VOY "Good Shepherd" Volchek Prime DS9 "The Nagus" Volon II, Volon Colonies, DMZ DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Volon III, Volon Colonies, DMZ DS9 "The Maquis, Part II" Vorala (no Federation starship has ever been there) DS9 "Chimera" Vulcan, 40 Eridani A TOS "Amok Time" Weytahn (aka Vulcan "Paan Mokar"; class D; no bigger than Earth's moon; on frontier between Andorian and Vulcan systems; atmosphere created by Andorian terraformers contains mutagenic pathogen; settlement annexed by Vulcan High Command in 2097) ENT "Cease Fire" Xantoras (rich in tractosites, speleothems: "calcite, aragonite, botyroidal flowstone") ENT "The Breach" Xindus, Delphic Expanse (Xindi homeworld; destroyed 120 years ago; debris field nearly 80 million km long) ENT "The Xindi" (name revealed) ENT "The Council" Yadera Prime DS9 "Shadowplay" Yonada (astroidal body) TOS "For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky" Zalcon TNG "Transfigurations" Zeon TOS "Patterns of Force" Zeta Alpha II TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- planet TOS "Requiem for Methuselah" moon, Urtea II (base for scientific measurements) VOY:Mosaic planet (Class M; K7 star system) VOY:Mosaic planet, Delta Quadrant (Subu mining colony) VOY:Pathways planet, Delta Quadrant (Kazon mining planet) VOY:Pathways planet (Class M; located in Terikov Belt) VOY:Pathways planet (Class M; Trige sector) VOY:Pathways moon, Gamma Quadrant (located in an uncharted binary system) DS9 "Battle Lines" planet TNG "Descent" planet TNG "Liaisons" planet (160 million km from Orelious Minor) DS9 "Paradise" planet (Karemma homeworld) DS9 "The Search, Part I" planet DS9 "The Jem'Hadar" planet, Omarion Nebula (rogue planet; Dominion homeworld) DS9 "The Search, Part I" planet (Ocampa homeworld) VOY "Caretaker" planet (destroyed in alternate timeline) VOY "Time and Again" planet (rogue planetoid) VOY "Phage" planet (Numiri homeworld) VOY "Ex Post Facto" planet (class D; ringed) VOY "Emanations" planet (Tzenkethi homeworld) DS9 "The Adversary" planet (Briori planet; third in system; class L; trinimbic interference in upper atmosphere) VOY "The 37's" planet, Gamma Quadrant (class J; two moons) DS9 "Starship Down" moon, Rakkal (fourth moon) DS9 "Return to Grace" planet (solar flare 19 years ago) VOY "The Thaw" planet (symbiogenesis plant life) VOY "Tuvix" planet, Hanon (M class planet; tectonically active; geologically equivalent to Earth's Pliocene era) VOY "Basics, Part II" planet (Tac Tac homeworld, Delta Quadrant) VOY "Macrocosm" planet (home of Silaran Prin; near DMZ) DS9 "The Darkness and the Light" planet (Sikari homeworld; victim of Borg attack) VOY "Blood Fever" planet (Borg world) VOY "Scorpion" planet (Borg world; destroyed by Species 8472) VOY "Scorpion" planet (Borg world; destroyed by Species 8472 bioships) VOY "Scorpion" planet [ 6 ] (Borg world; destroyed by Species 8472) VOY "Scorpion, Part II" moon (Class H; oxygen/argon atmosphere) VOY "Scorpion, Part II" planet (Kradin homeworld) VOY "Star Trek: Nemesis" planet (in dark matter nebula) DS9 "Rocks and Shoals" planet (fifth planet of a yellow dwarf star; one moon) VOY "The Raven" moon (Class M; orbiting fifth planet of a yellow dwarf star) VOY "The Raven" planet (Zahl colony) ("erased" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell" ("restored" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell, Part II" planet (Zahl homeworld) (species "erased" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell" ("restored" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell, Part II" planet (Gariner homeworld) (species "erased" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell" ("restored" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell, Part II" planet (Ram Izad homeworld) (species "erased" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell, Part II" ("restored" by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline) VOY "Year of Hell, Part II" planet (Mari homeworld) VOY "Random Thoughts" planet (Pirate race homeworld) VOY "Concerning Flight" planet, Kabrel (first planet; trinucleic fungii) DS9 "Statistical Probabilities" planet, Kabrel (second planet; cormaline deposits) DS9 "Statistical Probabilities" planet (one of at least three in the system) DS9 "Waltz" planet (one of six planets) VOY "Waking Moments" planet (outermost; pre-warp civilization; one of at least two planets) VOY "The Omega Directive" planet (inner; Class M moon; one of at least two planets) VOY "The Omega Directive" moon (Class M; site of Omega molecule experiment; 300 000 square km destroyed by the explosion) VOY "The Omega Directive" planetoid, Vascan Sector, Delta Quadrant (Class Y; dense pockets of deuterium beneath surface) VOY "Demon" (identified sector) VOY "Course: Oblivion" planet, Rutharian Sector (Class L; fourth planet in system; surrounded by exogenic field with high gravimetric stresses and composed of subspace meatreon radiation, generated by unstable elements in the planet's core) DS9 "The Sound of Her Voice" planet, Chin'Toka (third planet; point defense with Cardassian weapons platform) DS9 "Tears of the Prophets" planet, Chin'Toka (second planet; target for invading Federation forces) DS9 "Tears of the Prophets" moon, Chin'Toka (asteroidal; power source for Cardassian weapons platform; destroyed by Cardassian weapons platform) DS9 "Tears of the Prophets" moon (Class 3, near Terra Sphere 8) VOY "In the Flesh" planet (Class M atmosphere, nickel-iron core, benamite mantle) VOY "Once Upon a Time" planet, Tekara Sector (Class L) VOY "Timeless" planet (Class M; ocean transferred to orbital containment field "at least 100 000 years" ago) VOY "Thirty Days" planet (Monaen homeworld; waterworld; radius of "over 600 km"; settled 300 years ago) VOY "Thirty Days" planet (new Ba'ku homeworld; within Federation space; regenerative properties from rings' metaphasic radiation) "Star Trek: Insurrection" planet (homeworld to Torat) VOY "Counterpoint" planet (Class D; within "sinkhole"; now destroyed) VOY "Gravity" planet (homeworld to Noss) VOY "Gravity" planet (homeworld to Borg designated Species 10026; all but four of the 392,000 lifeforms assimilated) VOY "Dark Frontier" moon (fifth moon of Cygex) VOY "Course: Oblivion" planet, Delta Quadrant (Class Y; claimed by the Ord-Marine Mining Treaty) VOY "Course: Oblivion" planet, Delta Quadrant (previously geo-unstable) VOY "Think Tank" planetoid, Delta Quadrant (high concentrations of dilitium crystals; exploded) VOY "Think Tank" planet (base of Cardassian Resistance movement) DS9 "When It Rains..." planetoid, Delta Quadrant (homeworld of the Kadi Monks) VOY "Someone to Watch over Me" planet DS9 "Tacking into the Wind" planet, Delta Quadrant (Class M) VOY "Relativity" planet, Delta Quadrant (Class M) VOY "Warhead" planet, Delta Quadrant (Class M; Ankari homeworld) VOY "Equinox" planet, Delta Quadrant (forthogenic atmosphere) VOY "Equinox, Part II" planet (gas giant) VOY "Equinox, Part II" planet VOY "Survival Instinct" planet ("a few" lightyears from Markonian Outpost) VOY "Survival Instinct" planet (Kassaat homeworld) VOY "Riddles" planet (Vadwar homeworld; bombarded 892 years ago; covered by an average of 3000 isorems of radiogenic radiation) VOY "Dragon's Teeth" planet, Spatial Grid 1421 (Half are Borg occupied) VOY "Dragon's Teeth" planet, Spatial Grid 315 (Devore Imperium occupied) VOY "Dragon's Teeth" planet (M class orbiting Type G star) VOY "Dragon's Teeth" planet (Tachyon core; space-time differential: one second equates to approximately one day planet-side; ten minutes equates to 1.5 years planet-side) VOY "Blink of an Eye" planet (Class M; one natural satellite) VOY "Memorial" planet [ 13 ] VOY "Memorial" planet, Bentadi Expanse (Class M) VOY "Ashes to Ashes" planet (Brunali homeworld; located near a transwarp corridor; subjected to frequent Borg attacks) VOY "Child's Play" planet (Class T ringed gas giant; one radiogenic ring ignited by Delta Flyer) VOY "Good Shepherd" planet (site of cleric holy grounds) VOY "Live Fast and Prosper" planet [ 7 ] VOY "Live Fast and Prosper" planet (Class L; Fourth in the system of a Type F star) VOY "Muse" planet (Class M) VOY "Repression" planet VOY "Critical Care" planet VOY "Critical Care" asteroid (mining operation) VOY "Critical Care" planet VOY "Nightingale" planet (Kraylor homeworld) VOY "Nightingale" planet, Delta Quadrant (Klingon colony) VOY "Prophesy" moon, Delta Quadrant (paramagentic core; 8 ly from Quarra) VOY "Workforce, Part II" asteroid, Alpha Quadrant Federation Dilithium Processing Facility VOY "Author, Author" planet, Delta Quadrant (high levels of anti-matter radiation) VOY "Friendship One" planet, Delta Quadrant (M-Class; 132 ly from previous unnamed planet) VOY "Friendship One" planet, Delta Quadrant (Ventu homeworld; surrounded by alien energy barrier) VOY "Natural Law" planet, Delta Quadrant (Ledosian homeworld) VOY "Natural Law" asteroid, Delta Quadrant (Talaxian subterrainean colony of some 500) VOY "Homestead" planet, Delta Quadrant (possible relocation site for Talaxian colony) VOY "Homestead" planet, Delta Quadrant (cratered surface, possibly a moon; operational base for the House of Korath; alternate future, 26 years hence) VOY "Endgame" Tenebian moon ENT "Broken Bow" Tenebian moon ENT "Broken Bow" planet (gas giant; liquid phosphorus layer beneath a cyclohexine layer) ENT "Broken Bow" planet (nitrogen sulfide atmosphere) ENT "Broken Bow" planet (presumably rich argon atmosphere) ENT "Fight or Flight" planet (17% oxygen, 81% notrigen; trace elements of nitrogen dioxide, chloromethane; possible Minshara Class: "suitable for humanoid life"; at least two moons) ENT "Strange New World" planet (Novan homeworld; "Earth-like... less than 20 ly from Earth"; asteroidal impact 500 km north of Terra Nova Colony 70 years ago increased beresium ore-generated radiation to lethal levels; present day levels less than 800 millirads) ENT "Terra Nova" planet (site of Vulcan P'Jem Sanctuary; a cover for Vulcan intelligence gathering base) ENT "The Andorian Incident" (destroyed by Andorian bombardment) ENT "Shadows of P'Jem" planet (Minshara Class; 78 ly away [from Earth?]; Akaali homeworld) ENT "Civilization" planet? (M'Klexa homeworld) ENT "Dear Doctor" planet (Class 9 gas giant) ENT "Sleeping Dogs" planet (rogue planet; not within any system; broken out of its orbit) ENT "Rogue Planet" planet (at least one moon; site of crashed transport vessel;between Kantare and Kotara Barath) ENT "Oasis" moon (one of at least two) ENT "Detained" planet (Suliban homeworld; became inhabitable 300 years ago) ENT "Detained" planet (creature homeworld; at least one moon) ENT "Vox Sola" planet (alien homeworld; unpronouncable) ENT "Two Days and Two Nights" planet (Paraagan homeworld) ENT "Shockwave" Paraagan II, binary system (Paraagan colony world; atmosphere with <3 ppm tetrazine; atmosphere ignited; 3600 colonists killed; name releaved in ENT "Shockwave, Part II") ENT "Shockwave" planet (2.5 ly aware from Paraagan colony; at least two moons) ENT "Shockwave" planet (alternate timeline of 31st century Earth(?); all cities presumed destroyed and in ruins; no Federation established) ENT "Shockwave, Part II" planet (Torothin(?) homeworld; desert world of mostly sand; "handful of lakes and small seas") ENT "Desert Crossing" planet (Minshara Class; surrounded by cloaked mines) ENT "Minefield" planet (Kreetassan homeworld) ENT "A Night in Sickbay" planet ENT "Marauders" planet, Pernaia (methane-based atmosphere) ENT "The Seventh" planet (pre-warp civilization) ENT "The Communicator" planet (diamagentic storms saturated with polaric energy) ENT "Vanishing Point" planet (primarily water; atmosphere of oxygen, nitrogen, trace methane) ENT "Precious Cargo" planet (uninhabited; night occurs only four days a month due to binary suns) ENT "The Catwalk" planet (gas giant; 62 moons) ENT "Dawn" moon (atmosphere contains celenium isotopes; temperature extremes during orbit of -10C nighttime to 170C daytime) ENT "Dawn" planet (fourth planet in binary system) ENT "Broken Bow" planet (fifth planet; rings of "methane ice, isolytic plasma, diamagentic dust") ENT "Judgment" planet (innermost in system; altered orbit will see it come between two gas giants) ENT "Horizon" planet (second in system; gas giant) ENT "Horizon" planet (third in system; gas giant) ENT "Horizon" planets [ 22 ] (total number of inhabited worlds Enterprise has seen to date, January 10, 2153) ENT "Horizon" planet (Tribble homeworld; abundance of reptiles) ENT "The Breach" planet (Antaran homeworld) ENT "The Breach" planet (Arboreal planet; near Denobulan system; once an Antaran 'settlement'(?)) ENT "The Breach" planet (uninhabited; "claimed" by Tellarite Mining Consortium) ENT "Bounty" planet (Class L) ENT "Bounty" planet, Delphic Expanse (polluted atmosphere, "safe for short periods") ENT "The Xindi" sphere, Delphic Expanse (Osaarian pirate base; ~19km diameter; concealed by cloaking field; ~1000 years old; emits massive amounts of gravimetric energy) ENT "Anomaly" planet (Loque'eque homeworld; inner orbit with possibly two moons; atmosphere contains mutagenic virus) ENT "Extinction" planet (outer orbit to Loque'eque homeworld) ENT "Extinction" planet (millions once infected by Loque'eque mutagenic virus) ENT "Extinction" planet (mostly ocean) ENT "Rajiin" sphere, Delphic Expanse (mapped as "north-east" of first sphere; one of at least 50) ENT "Exile" planet, Delphic Expanse (home to exiled Tarquin) ENT "Exile" planet (homeworld to Tarquin; 30 ly away) ENT "Exile" planet (Xindi homeworld; destroyed; six original species: Aquatic [wiped out], Avian, Insectoid, Primate, Reptilian, Sloth) ENT "The Shipment" planet (site of Xindi-Primate kemocite facility) ENT "The Shipment" planet (site of Xindi probe construction facility) ENT "The Shipment" planet, Delphic Expanse (300 year old Skagaran-forced settlement of Terrans) ENT "North Star" sphere, Delphic Expanse (third found) ENT "Chosen Realm" moon, Calindra, Delphic Expanse (partially destroyed by Xindi weapon prototype) ENT "Proving Ground" planet, Delphic Expanse (inhabited at one time; engulfed by convergence some time ago) ENT "Harbinger" planet, Delphic Expanse (en route to Azati Prime) ENT "Hatchery" planet, Delphic Expanse (inner planet to Azati Prime) ENT "Azati Prime" planet, Delphic Expanse (inner planet to Azati Prime) ENT "Azati Prime" moon, Delphic Expanse (outer planetoid near Azati Prime) ENT "Azati Prime" sphere, Delphic Expanse (one of at least 78, by Xindi count; connected by subspace energy grid; nearly a dozen ly from council world; 3 days away via subspace corridor) ENT "The Forgotten" planet, Delphic Expanse (Xindi council world) ENT "The Council" sphere, Delphic Expanse (near council world) ENT "The Council" Countries, Provinces, States, Cities ------------------------------------------------------------ Aberdeen, Scotland, Earth TNG "Sub Rosa" Africa, Earth ENT "Shockwave, Part II" Alameda, California, USA, Earth (20th Cent.) "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Alicante, Earth VOY:Pathways Alice Springs, Australia (mental invention) ENT "Vanishing Point" (historical reference) ENT "First Flight" Anchorage, Alaska, Earth TNG "The Icarus Factor" Antwerp, Earth DS9 "Homefront" Arizona, Earth VOY "The 37's" Atlanta, Earth (1864) VOY "Death Wish" (present day) ENT "The Xindi" Auckland, New Zealand, Earth VOY:Pathways Australia, Earth (21st Cent.) TNG "Attached" (22nd Cent.) ENT "Desert Crossing" Austria, Earth VOY:Pathways B'Hala, Bajor (20 000 year old city) DS9 "Rapture" (site of the discovery of a 30 000 year old tablet) DS9 "The Reckoning" Bamako, Earth VOY:Pathways Baruta, Earth VOY:Pathways Beausoliel, France, Earth VOY:Pathways Bergen, Norway, Earth DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Beziers, France, Earth VOY:Pathways Bloomington, Indiana (circa December 2000) VOY "11:59" Boston, Earth VOY:Mosaic Bozeman, Montana, USA, Earth (19th Cent.) TNG "A Fistful of Datas" (April 5 2063; first official contact with Vulcans) ENT "Carbon Creek" Broken Bow, Oklahoma, Earth ENT "Broken Bow" Brussels, European Alliance, Earth TNG "The Price" Buenos Ares, Argentina, Earth VOY "Renaissance Man" Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Earth TNG "The First Duty" Cambridge, Earth (25 ys after Stardate 47988) TNG "All Good Things..." Canada, Earth TOS "The Trouble with Tribbles", VOY:Pathways Canton, Ohio (circa December 2000) VOY "11:59" Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania, USA, Earth (circa 1957) ENT "Carbon Creek" Chicago, Illinois, USA, Earth (20th Cent.) TOS "A Piece of the Action" Christchurch, New Zealand, Earth DS9 "Past Tense, Part I" Curitiba, Earth VOY:Mosaic Dahkur Province, Bajor (home province to Major Kira Nerys) DS9 ? Deadwood, USA, Earth (19th Cent.) TNG "A Fistful of Datas" Death Valley, California, USA (mental invention) ENT "Vanishing Point" Detroit, Michigan, USA (c. 2004) ENT "Carpenter Street" Doylestown, Pennsylvania, USA, Earth (circa 1957) ENT "Carbon Creek" Duluth, Minnisota, USA, Earth ENT "The Xindi" Edinburgh, Scotland, Earth TNG "Sub Rosa" Ekaterinberg, Russia, Earth VOY:Pathways Ende, Earth VOY:Pathways Europe, Earth VOY:Pathways Fair Haven, Ireland (holographic; possibly 1800s) VOY "Fair Haven" Finland, Earth VOY:Pathways First City, Klingon Imperial Empire TNG "Sins of the Father" Florida, Earth (reference Florida Keys) ENT "Strange New World" France, Earth TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Georgia, Earth VOY:Mosaic Gesaros, Earth VOY:Pathways Glasgow, Scotland, Earth TNG "Sub Rosa" Göteberg, Earth VOY:Pathways Gravett Island, Earth (Enterprise-E evacuation site; April 5, 2063) "Star Trek: First Contact" Heliopolis, Alpha Aradoni II TOS "Wolf in the Fold" Hertfordshire, England (World War II) VOY "The Killing Game" Hindrics Pool Province, Bajor DS9 "Shadowplay" Ihlara, Earth VOY:Pathways Ilvea, Bajor (city) DS9 "Rapture" India, Earth TOS "Space Seed" Indiana, Earth (home to Kathryn Janeway) VOY "Macrocosm" Indianapolis, USA, Earth TNG "The Neutral Zone" Iowa, USA, Earth "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Japan, Earth VOY "The 37's" Jolan City, Bajor DS9 "Return to Grace" Juneau, Alaska, Earth (mentioned in weather report) "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Kathmandu, Earth VOY:Pathways Kendra Province, Bajor DS9 "The Reckoning" Kenmare, County Kerry, Ireland ENT "Breaking the Ice" Kentucky, Earth VOY:Pathways Kessif (rebuilt Kyrian city) VOY "Living Witness" Kessik IV VOY "Author, Author" Ketel Province, Kronos (Martok's boyhood home) DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" Kota Bahru, Malasia, Earth (Reed's parents' home) ENT "Silent Enemy" Labarre, France, Earth TNG "Family" Lahore, Earth VOY:Pathways Lakarian City, Cardassia Prime (destroyed by Dominion forces; two million dead)DS9 "What You Leave Behind" Las Vegas, Earth (20th century) DS9 "His Way" Leningrad, Russia, Earth TOS "I, Mudd" (mentioned in weather report) "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Madison, Wisconson, USA (mental invention) ENT "Vanishing Point" Marseilles, France VOY "The Cloud" Marta Community, Southern Continent, Malkor III TNG "Star Trek: First Contact" Mexico, Earth VOY:Pathways ENT "Sleeping Dogs" Mill Valley, San Francisco ENT "Shuttlepod One" Minsk, Earth DS9 "What You Leave Behind" Montana, USA, Earth (Zephram Cochrane's warp ship base; April 4 2063) "Star Trek: First Contact" (Zephram Cochrane's inferred birth place) ENT "Shuttlepod One" Monterey, Earth VOY:Pathways Mopti, Earth VOY:Pathways Musila Province, Bajor DS9 "Looking for Par'Mach in All the Wrong Places" Nahalek Province, Rakkar DS9 "Vortex" Nairobe, Earth DS9 "Prophet Motive" New Berlin DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" New Berlin, Luna "Star Trek: First Contact" New Marteem-vaz, Atlantic Ocean, Earth TNG "The Survivors" New Orleans, Earth DS9 "Explorers" New Syndey (off-planet from Farias) DS9 "Honor Among Thieves" North Africa, Earth (c. Eugenics Wars) ENT "Hatchery" New York, Earth VOY:Pathways Oahu, Hawaii, Earth ENT "Cogenitor" Oakland, California, Earth ENT "Rogue Planet" Ohio, Earth VOY:Mosaic Old Bandi City, Deneb IV TNG "Encounter at Farpoint" Onkor Village, Prit border TNG "Attached" Paradise City, Nimbus III "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" Paris, France, Earth TNG "We'll Always Have Paris" Pensecola, Earth ENT "Silent Enemy" Peru, Earth VOY:Pathways Petra, Earth VOY:Pathways Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Earth (circa 1957) ENT "Carbon Creek" Pike City, Cestus III DS9 "Family Business" Portage Creek, Indiana (circa December 2000; site of the Millennium Gate, completed 2012) VOY "11:59" Portland, Earth DS9 "Past Tense, Part I" Rakantha Province, Bajor DS9 "Shakaar" Rapid City, USA, Earth (19th Cent.) TNG "A Fistful of Datas" Reliketh, Bajor (city) DS9 "'Til Death Do Us Part" Resic, Northern Province, Kataan TNG "Inner Light" Rhode Island, Earth ENT "Desert Crossing" Rio, Earth DS9 "What You Leave Behind" Ropol City DS9 "The Maquis, Part I" Roswell, New Mexico, USA (circa July 1947) DS9 "Little Green Men" Russia, Earth TOS "I, Mudd" (?) San Francisco, California, USA, Earth "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Sausalito, California, USA, Earth (20th Cent.) "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Scandinavia, Earth (17th century) VOY "Concerning Flight" (24th century) VOY:Pathways Scotland, Earth TOS (?) Secaucus, New Jersey, USA, Earth TNG "The Neutral Zone" Singapore, Earth ENT "Cogenitor" Skopje, Earth VOY:Pathways Songpan, Earth VOY:Pathways South Carolina, Earth VOY:Pathways Ste. Claire, France (World War II) VOY "The Killing Game" Switzerland, Earth VOY:Pathways Ta'Loth, Vulcan (city?) VOY "Displaced" Tamoona, Bajor DS9 "The Reckoning" Tarpin Springs, Florida, Earth ENT "The Crossing" Telde, Earth VOY:Pathways Texas, USA, Earth VOY "Unity" Tobago, Earth VOY:Pathways Tokyo, Earth (mentioned in weather report) "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" Tombstone, Arizona, USA, Earth (19th Cent.) TOS "Spectre of the Gun" Tongve, Kronos (historical ref.) DS9 "Rules of Engagement" Turnapuna, Earth VOY:Pathways Tyco City, Luna "Star Trek: First Contact" United States of America (USA), Earth TOS "The Omega Glory" Urquat (underground city on Loque'eque homeworld; long since abandoned ENT "Extinction" Valdez, Alaska, Earth TNG "The Icarus Factor" Venezuela, Earth ENT "The Expanse" Vulcan, Earth (17th century; small island off Sicily) VOY "Concerning Flight" Washington, D.C., USA, Earth VOY "The 37's" Wellington, New Zealand, Earth DS9 "Explorers" Wengen, Switzerland, Earth VOY:Pathways Klingon city ENT "Judgment" Terran settlements (all within 1000km radius of Skagaran transport) ENT "North Star" Other Locations ------------------------------------------------------------ Abbadon's Repository of Lost Treasures (junk yard; 62 ships) VOY "Alice" Aerowath Colony DS9 "The Wire" Akritirian Maximum Security Detention Facility (orbital) VOY "The Chute" Amargosa Observatory, Amargosa (destroyed by star collapse) "Star Trek: Generations" Anchorage, Alaska, Earth ENT "Fight or Flight" Antares Fleet Yards, Antares IV (site of Advanced Starship Design Bureau Integration Facility) ST:DS9 TM Arctic Circle, Earth "Regeneration" Argus Array (deep space telescope) TNG "The Nth Degree" Arkaria base TNG "Starship Mine" Benecia Colony, Beta Aurigae TOS "Turnabout Intruder" Bersallis III Outpost, Bersallis (Federation outpost; destroyed by firestorm) TNG "Lessons" Bikini Atoll, Earth ENT "Proving Ground" Brazil ENT "Shockwave" Brisbane, Australia, Earth ENT "Dear Doctor" Bryma Colony, Bryma, DMZ DS9 "The Maquis, Part II" Camp Khitomer (near Romulan border) "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" Cardassia Prime Orbital Three Assembly Facility, Cardassia Prime ST:DS9 TM "Catapult", Delta Quadrant (space station) VOY "The Voyager Conspiracy" Colony Beta Six TOS "The Squire of Gothos" Comm Station Epsilon 9 (destroyed by V'ger) "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Communication Relay Station 47 (near Klingon border) TNG "Aquiel" Communication Relay Station 194 TNG "Aquiel" Corvat Colony DS9 "Blood Oath" Crasnar Outpost (massacred by Talarian forces) TNG "Suddenly Human" Darmok Colony, Melindy VII TNG "Darmok" Darwin Station, Gagaran TNG "Unnatural Selection" Deep Space Three Station TNG "Interface" Deep Space Four Station TNG "The Chase", VOY:Mosaic Deep Space Five Station (Regula 1 type) TNG "Parallels" Deep Space Seven Station VOY:Mosaic VOY "In the Flesh" Deep Space Nine Station Cardassian name: Terok Nor (Commander Benjamin Lafayette Sisko; Captain Sisko as of Stardate 48960.9) DS9 - All (middle name identified in DS9 "Homefront") Detention Complex 26 (internment camp; several ly from a referenced moon) ENT "Detained" Devore Detection Array VOY "Counterpoint" Dominion Shipyard (destroyed by solar flare) DS9 "Shadows and Symbols" Earth Colony II Research Station TNG "Tapestry" Earth Station Babruisk TNG "Family" Earth Station McKinley TNG "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" (site of Advanced Starship Design Bureau Integration Facility) ST:DS9 TM Elumsbur Detention Center, Bajor DS9 "Second Skin" Empok Nor, Treva System (Cardassian station abandoned one year ago; Deep Space Nine design) DS9 "Empok Nor" (within 3 lightyears of Deep Space Nine; "deep inside Dominion space") DS9 "Covenant" Earth Colony II Research Station TNG "Tapestry" Experimental Colony, Gamma Hydra IV TOS "The Deadly Years" Farpoint Station, Deneb IV (dissolved) TNG "Encounter at Farpoint" Fastbase Starbase Earhart TNG "Samaritan Snare" Federation Penal Settlement, New Zealand VOY "Caretaker" Feloris Colony TNG "The Perfect Mate" Fort Knox, Earth (became a museum in the 21st century) VOY "Dark Frontier" "Fortress of Doom", Planet X (home to Dr. Chaotica; holographic) VOY "Bride of Chaotica!" Gallitep Labour Camp DS9 "Duet" Gamma Seven Outpost, near DMZ DS9 "For the Uniform" Garan Mining Colony, Delta Quadrant VOY "Macrocosm" Gima IV Colony, Gima IV VOY "Basics, Part II" Giza, Egypt (site of the Great Pyramid) ENT "Cold Front" Hailium Experimental Station TOS "Mudd's Women" Hanolin Colony DS9 "The Siege" Hirogen Training Outpost VOY "Flesh and Blood" Iadara Colony (parallel universe) TNG "Parallels" Illinois, Earth ENT "Cold Front" Illinois (of a not-quite-Earth; 900 years in the future) ENT "Cold Front" Internment Camp 371, Orbital Asteroid, Gamma Quadrant (refitted altritium mine) DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow" Jupiter Outpost Nine-Two TNG "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" Jupiter Station (site of Emergency Medical Hologram design[er]) VOY "The Swarm" Kaybin district, , Denobula ENT "Doctor's Order" Khitomer Outpost (destroyed) TNG "Heart of Glory" Klingon Outpost, Narendra III TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise" Laizon II Labour Camp DS9 "Defiant" Lithium Cracking Station, Delta Vega TOS "Where No Man Has Gone Before" Las Vegas, Nevada, Earth (1962) DS9 Ledos Port (orbiting Ledosian homeworld) VOY "Natural Law" Lya Station Alpha (orbital) TNG "Ensign Ro" Lysian Central Command (15,311 people) TNG "Conundrum" Maldorian Station, Delta Quadrant VOY "Body and Soul" Manzar Colony, Gorin II "Star Trek: Insurrection" Markonian Outpost, Delta Quadrant VOY "Survival Instinct" Mars Defence Perimeter TNG "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" Mars Station TNG "Booby Trap" Martian Colony TOS "Wolf in the Fold" McKinley Rocket Base, Earth (1968) TOS "Assignment: Earth" Midas Array, Alpha Quadrant VOY "Pathfinder" Mikhal Traveller's Outpost, Delta Quadrant (at least three moons) VOY "The Darkling" Milona IV Colony (destroyed) TNG "Silicon Avatar" Mimas Station, Mimas, moon of Saturn TNG "The First Duty" Minorah Shipyards DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" Mission District, San Francisco, Earth VOY "Non Sequitur" Mittern Station VOY:Mosaic Morska (Klingon listening post) "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" MS One Colony TNG "Descent" Navigation Control Post 24 (Cardassian outpost) DS9 "The Homecoming" New Berlin Colony, Moon TNG "Descent" (Lunar location given; site predates Terra Nova expedition) ENT "Terra Nova" New Jersey, Earth (1962) DS9 "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang" New Paris Colony, Makus III TOS "The Galileo Seven" New Providence Colony, Juri IV (destroyed) TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Ngari, Tibet ENT "The Andorian Incident" Nibarin Colonies ENT "Detained" Norcan Outpost TNG "The Defector" Norpin Colony, Norpin IV TNG "Rascals" Norpin Colony, Norpin V TNG "Relics" Oakland Shipyards, California, Earth VOY "Endgame" Olympus Mons, Mars VOY:Mosaic Outpost 06 TNG "The Defector" Outpost 23 (location Top Secret) TNG "Future Imperfect" Outpost 47, Amatha Sector (Cardassian outpost; destroyed by Maquis) DS9 "Defiant" Outpost 61, Amatha Sector (Cardassian outpost; destroyed by Maquis) DS9 "Defiant" Outpost MZ 5 TNG "Heart of Glory" Outpost Seran T-1 TNG "Booby Trap" Outpost Terra 9 (destroyed) TNG "The Neutral Zone" Paralex Colony, Sherlaya VI TNG "Cost of Living" Pellios Station DS9 "Invasive Procedures" Pentarus Station TNG "Final Mission" Prexnak (of the famous "Battle of Prexnak"; 10 Ferengi slaughtered by 273 Lytations) DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi" Princeton (site of speech by Zephram Cochrane ~89 years ago) ENT "Regeneration" Proxima Maintenance Yards (Admiral Drasman) DS9 "Past Tense, Part I" Q'o'noS Orbital Factory Base, Q'o'nos ST:DS9 TM Relageth Refugee Camp, Bajor DS9 "Shadowplay" Research Station 75 TNG "Face of the Enemy" Remmler Array TNG "Starship Mine" Rigel Colony, Rigel TOS "The Doomsday Machine" Rigelian Trade Complex, Rigel X ENT "Broken Bow" Rog Prison (Ferengi) TNG "Bloodlines" Rura Penthe (dilithium mine and penal asteroid) "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country" Sanctuary District A, San Francisco, Earth (yr. 2024) DS9 "Past Tense, Part I" Science Station 402, Kilarn TNG "The Nth Degree" Science Station Delta 05 (destroyed) TNG "The Neutral Zone" Science Station Tango Sierra TNG "The Child" Singa Refugee Camp, Bajor DS9 "Shadowplay" (site of internment of the Kira family) DS9 "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" Solarion IV Colony (destroyed) TNG "Ensign Ro" Spacedock, Earth (orbital) "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (site of Advanced Starship Design Bureau Integration Section) ST:DS9 TM Space Station K7 TOS "The Trouble with Tribbles" Space Station Regula 1, Regula (orbital) "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" Starbase TNG "Home Soil" Starbase, Hottar II TNG "The Offspring" Starbase 2 TOS "Turnabout Intruder" Starbase 4 TOS "The Enemy Within" Starbase 6 TOS "The Menagerie" Starbase 9 TOS "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" Starbase 10 TOS "The Deadly Years" Starbase 11 (Commodore Stone) TOS "Court Martial" Starbase 23 TNG "Suspicions" Starbase 24 TNG "Redemption" Starbase 35 Sierra TNG "The Neutral Zone" Starbase 41 DS9 "Playing God" Starbase 47 TNG "Parallels" Starbase 53 (high security prison facilities) DS9 "Inquisition" Starbase 55 TNG "Relics" Starbase 63 DS9 "The Darkness and the Light" Starbase 67 TNG "Disaster" Starbase 73 TNG "Time Squared" Starbase 74, Tasus III (orbital) TNG "11001001" Starbase 82 TNG "The Game" Starbase 83 TNG "Q Who" Starbase 84 TNG "Heart of Glory" Starbase 87 TNG "Homeward" Starbase 105 TNG "Yesterday's Enterprise" Starbase 112 TNG "Identity Crisis" Starbase 123 TNG "Tin Man" Starbase 129 TNG "Parallels" Starbase 133 (orbital, Earth) TNG "Remember Me" Starbase 134 Integration Facility, Rigel VI (site of Advanced Starship Design Bureau Integration Section) ST:DS9 TM Starbase 137 (site of Cadet Benjamin Sisko's field study) DS9 "The Ascent" Starbase 152 TNG "Tin Man" Starbase 153 TNG "The Emissary" Starbase 157 TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Starbase 173 TNG "The Measure of a Man" Starbase 179 TNG "A Matter of Honor" Starbase 185 TNG "Q Who" Starbase 200 TOS "The Alternative Factor" Starbase 211 TNG "The Wounded" Starbase 214 TNG "A Matter of Time" Starbase 218 TNG "Lessons" Starbase 219 TNG "Phantasms" Starbase 220 TNG "Night Terrors" Starbase 231 TNG "Thine Own Self" Starbase 227 (Admiral Jakotay) TNG "Gambit, Part I" Starbase 234 TNG "Redemption (II)" Starbase 247 TNG "The Pegasus" (Admiral Riker; 25 yrs after Stardate 47988) TNG "All Good Things..." Starbase 257 (similar to Regula 1 type; attacked by a wing of Jem'Hadar fighters) DS9 "Valiant" Starbase 260 TNG "In Theory" Starbase 295 TNG "Descent, Part II" Starbase 301 TNG "Conundrum" Starbase 310 TNG "Journey's End" Starbase 313 TNG "Galaxy's Child" Starbase 324 TNG "The Best of Both Worlds" Starbase 328 TNG "Eye of the Beholder" Starbase 336 TNG "The Emissary" Starbase 343 TNG "The Vengeance Factor" Starbase 371 DS9 "The Siege of AR-558" Starbase 375, Bajor Sector (Admiral Ross; similar to Regula 1 type) ST:DS9 TM, DS9 "A Time to Stand" Starbase 401 DS9 "Whispers" Starbase 410 TNG "Clues" Starbase 416 TNG "Brothers" Starbase 440 TNG "Violations" Starbase 495 TNG "Interface" Starbase 514 TNG "Hero Worship" Starbase 515 TNG "Samaritan Snare" Starbase 621 TNG "Sub Rosa" Starbase 718 TNG "The Neutral Zone" Starbase G-6, Quadra Sigma III TNG "Hide and Q" Starbase Lyra 3 TNG "The Hunted" Starbase Montgommery TNG "The Icarus Factor" Starfleet base, Cestus III (destroyed) TOS "Arena" Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco, Earth "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" Star Station India TNG "Unnatural Selection" Station Lya 4 TNG "The Most Toys" Station Negala 4 TNG "Deja Q" Station Salem 1 TNG "The Enemy" Surplus Depot Z-1-5, Qualar II TNG "Unification: Part I" Subspace Relay AR-554 (near Starbase 375) DS9 "When It Rains..." Tanika IV Research Station (orbital; destroyed) TNG "A Matter of Perspective" Telsian Mining Colong VOY "Live Fast and Prosper" Terenko Colony TNG "Thine Own Self" Terra Nova Colony (established over 70 years prior; abandoned) ENT "Terra Nova" Terra Sphere 8, Delta Quadrant ("Commander" Boothby; Starfleet Command recreation for Species 8472) VOY "In the Flesh" Tevak Shipyard (Sabotaged by Cardassian Resistance; vaporized) DS9 "Tacking into the Wind" Tamaal (trading outpost on fourth planet in binary system) "Canamar" Tyran Partical Fountain, Tyra VII A (orbital) TNG "The Quality of Life" Unicomplex, Delta Quadrant (properly named this episode; presumed destroyed by neuralitic pathogen) VOY "Endgame" Utopia Planetia, Mars Station TNG "Booby Trap" (site of Advanced Starship Design Bureau Integration Facility) ST:DS9 TM (site predates Terra Nova expidition) ENT "Terra Nova" Vega Colony (on a cargo route with Draylax) ENT "Fortunate Son" ("a long way behind") ENT "Future Tense" (destroyed by Xindi probe; over "several months" after new timeline formation) ENT "Twilight" Velos VII Internment Camp (closed Stardate 46302) DS9 "Babel" Volnar Colony VOY "Caretaker" Warp Five Complex, Earth (dedicated 32 years ago: 2119) ENT "Broken Bow" West Point, New York (MACO training locale; c. 2154) ENT "Hatchery" Yaderan Colony, Yadera Prime DS9 "Shadowplay" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- spacedock Orbiting Qo'noS VOY:Pathways Federation outpost, Calder II TNG "Gambit, Part II" Klingon outpost, Maranga IV TNG "Firstborn" Romulan outpost "Star Trek: Generations" terraforming stations, Venus DS9 "Past Tense, Part I" Cardassian outpost, Korma (destroyed by Klingon Bird of Prey) DS9 "Return to Grace" Cardassian station, Amleth Prime DS9 "Return to Grace" Cardassian base, fourth moon of Rakkal DS9 "Return to Grace" Vidiian colony VOY "Lifesigns" trading station, Delta Quadrant (on edge of Nekrit Expanse; Station Manager Berat) VOY "Fair Trade" nebula maintenance station, Delta Quadrant VOY "Alter Ego" station (Regula 1 type; Eddington's prison) DS9 "Blaze of Glory" ketracel white storage facility, Asteroidal (Cardassian Space; destroyed by sabotage) DS9 "A Time to Stand" sensor array, Argolis Cluster (Cardassian Space; presumed destroyed by USS Defiant) DS9 "Behind the Lines" Kazon colony, Gan Sector VOY "Mortal Coil" starbase (presumed Starbase 375) DS9 "The Magnificent Ferengi" orbital drydock (Cardassian; presumed in orbit of Bajor; destroyed by Bajoran resistance one month into Gul Dukat's command) DS9 "Waltz" communication relay node, Delta Quadrant (Hirogen; destroyed by quantum singularity) VOY "Hunters" classified research center (site of Omega molecule experiment and accident; subspace ruptures extend out for lightyears) VOY "The Omega Directive" trading colony VOY "Hope and Fear" supply depot, Borias Cluster DS9 "Once More Unto the Breach" cardassian repair facility, Kelvas DS9 "Tacking into the Wind" station, Spatial Grid 216 (B'Neth) VOY "Riddles" colony, Sector 492 (Talaxian colony) VOY "The Voyager Conspiracy" spacedock Earth orbital ENT "Broken Bow" aggregate station (Suliban; comprised of hundreds of long and small ships) ENT "Broken Bow" veridium isotope mine (Malurian) ENT "Civilization" base (Asteroidal; Nausicaan) ENT "Fortunate Son" colony (Paraagan; destroyed by atmospheric firestorm) ENT "Shockwave" repair station (perhaps over 130 ly from Earth; severely damaged by warp plasma explosions; presume self-repaired) ENT "Dead Stop" dilithium facility ENT "Marauders" port, planet, Pernaia ENT "The Seventh" prison camp, planet ENT "The Communicator" locale, Earth(?) (long range transport test site, 2146) ENT "Vanishing Point" dilithium mines, Remus "Star Trek: Nemesis" spacedock, Earth "Star Trek: Nemesis" station, Canamar (orbital processing station for penal colony) "Canamar" launch facility, Earth (site of Warp 3 prototype testing using mag-lev(?) acceleration/launch ramp) "First Flight" space station ENT "Bounty" Xindi colony, Delphic Expanse ENT "Exile" Insectoid-Xindi prison colony, Delphic Expanse (simulation backstory) ENT "Stratagem" Reptilian-Xindi lunar outpost, Delphic Expanse (destroyed by Enterprise) ENT "Azati Prime" ------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright notice... Star Trek (R) is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Star Trek (c) , Star Trek: The Next Generation (c) , Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (c) , and Star Trek: Voyager (c) are Trademarks of PARAMOUNT PICTURES. ------------------------------------------------------------ The HTML version of this list is not in the public domain. You are free to copy the plain-text version of this list for personal use or to make it available for redistribution in its electronic format, provided that it remains wholly unedited and unmodified and no fee or compensation is charged for copies of or access to it (save for any download/connect time charges from a commercial information service). Any other means of reproduction or publication must first be approved by the author. Only information from Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, the feature films, and the following references (oldest can be superceded) will be considered for use in this list: * Star Trek: Voyager: Mosaic (c) 1996 Jeri Taylor ISBN 0-671-56311-4 Pocket Books, New York, NY * The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future (c) 1997 Updated and Expanded Edition Okuda and Okuda ISBN 0-671-53607-9 Pocket Books, New York, NY * Star Trek: Voyager: Pathways (c) 1998 Jeri Taylor ISBN 0-671-00346-1 Pocket Books, New York, NY * Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual (c) 1998 Herman Zimmerman, Rick Sternbach, & Doug Drexler ISBN 0-671-01563-X Pocket Books, New York, NY All notations will be listed with their first appearance in any series. ------------------------------------------------------------ D. Joseph Creighton