Path:!faqserv From: Stanton McCandlish Newsgroups:,,alt.politics.datahighway,,alt.culture.internet,alt.cyberspace,alt.culture.usenet,alt.culture.internet,comp.answers,alt.answers,news.answers Subject: ONLINE OUTPOSTS -- Cyberspatial Community Groups -- Local, Nat'l, Internat'l Supersedes: Followup-To: poster Date: 22 Mar 1995 03:10:26 GMT Organization: none Lines: 1348 Approved: Distribution: inet Expires: 26 Apr 1995 03:07:22 GMT Message-ID: Reply-To: Stanton McCandlish NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Last-Updated: 1994/11/13 Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU Xref: alt.politics.datahighway:7007 alt.culture.internet:10030 alt.cyberspace:11228 alt.culture.usenet:9648 comp.answers:10834 alt.answers:8227 news.answers:40460 Archive-name: net-community/orgs-list/part1 Version: 5.0 Last-modified: 94/10/25 Distribution-agent: (This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM. See the bottom for more information, including instructions on how to obtain updates.) === Online Activism Organizations List 5.00 ======================================= Outposts on the Electronic Frontier - International, National, Regional & Local Groups Supporting the Online Community An ACTION/EFF FAQ by Stanton McCandlish Updated: 10/25/94 Archived at:, /pub/EFF/Issues/Activism/activ_groups.faq See also /pub/EFF/Issues/Activism/activ_resource.faq, the Online Activism Resources List. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ======== RECENT CHANGES ORGANIZATION LISTINGS NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA CANADA ITALY SPAIN UK/GREAT BRITAIN USA GLOBAL/MULTINATIONAL REGIONAL/LOCAL USA [Misc states] UK/GREAT BRITAIN [Misc areas] ADMINISTRIVIA Recent Changes ============== 5.00 - added national & regional sections for Spain, included APEDANICA & CUANTAFE ************************************************************************* ORGANIZATION LISTINGS ===================== GLOBAL/MULTINATIONAL -------------------- * CAUSE CAUSE is the association for managing and using information technology in higher education. An international nonprofit association, CAUSE is dedicated to enhancing the administration and delivery of higher education through the effective management and use of information technology. Informally organized in 1962, CAUSE today includes over 1,060 campuses and 54 corporate members, worldwide. CAUSE's scope encompasses the management and use of academic computing, library automation, and networking, as well as administration of the enterprise. CAUSE strives to promote more effective planning, management, and evaluation of computing and information technologies in colleges and universities, and believes that, while information technology is an enabling force, people are the key to accomplishing our mission. Goals: provide support for IT managers; inform IT decision-makers and users; educate and influence non-educational (incl. business and govt.) communications leaders. CAUSE collaborates with various other organizations incl. the Assoc. of Research Libraries, CHEMA, NACUBO, ACUTA, etc., and participates in EDUCOM's Networking and Telecommunications Task Force. Participates in the Higher Education Information Resources Alliance (see their entry for more info) and the Coalition for Networked Information, with Assoc. of Research Libraries and EDUCOM. Info: HEIRAlliance/CNI general: Gopher: WWW: gopher:// HEIRAlliance/CNI gopher: Snail: 4880 Pearl E. Circle Suite 302E Boulder CO 80301 USA Voice: +1 303 449 4430 Fax: +1 303 440 0461 * Institute for Global Communications (IGC) The Institute for Global Communications (IGC) provides computer networking tools for international communications and information exchange. The IGC Networks -- PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet and LaborNet -- comprise the world's only computer communications system dedicated solely to environmental preservation, peace, and human rights. New technologies are helping these worldwide communities cooperate more effectively and efficiently. IGC, located in San Francisco, California, is a division of the Tides Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. By subscribing to any one of the IGC Networks, you have full access to the resources of any of the other IGC Networks. IGC maintains a major program to develop low-cost access to computer networking from outside the United States, especially in non-industrialized areas. This program is the Association of Progressive Communications (APC) which now includes low-cost computer networks in several countries. Basic info:, General:, FTP: Gopher: PeaceNet staff: ConflictNet staff: ? LaborNet staff: ? EcoNet staff: ? International Affiliates: US/Mexico/China/Japan/MidEast: Argentina (Wamani/CCI network): Australia/Pac. Is./SE Asia (Pegasus network): Brasil/misc. S.Am. areas (AlterNex/IBASE network): Canada/Cuba (Web/Nirv Centre network): Ecuador (EcuaNex network): Nicaragua/Panama/misc Central Am. areas (Nicarao/CRIES network): Germany/Italy/Austria/Switzerland/Zagreb/Beograd (ComLink e.V. network): Russia/Commonwealth of Independent States (GlasNet): S. Africa (SANGONet): Sweden/Scandinavia/Baltic/St. Petersburg area (NordNet): Uruguay/Paraguay (Chasque network): UK/Africa/misc. Asian & European areas (GREENET): Snail: 18 de Boom St. San Francisco CA 94107 USA Voice: +1 415 442 0220 (USA/etc.) +1 416 596 0212 (Can./Cuba) +54 1 35 6842 (Arg.) +44 71 608 3040 (UK/etc.) +61 7 257 1111 (Austral./etc.) +49 511 350 1573 (Ger./It./etc.) +55 21 286 0348 (Braz./etc.) +7 095 207 0704 (Rus./CIS) +27 11 838 6943 (S.Af.) +46 8 6000331 (Swe./etc.) +593 2 528 716 (Ecu.) +505 2 26 2 28 (Nic./etc.) +598 2 596 192 (Uru./Para.) Fax: +1 415 546 1794 (USA) - contact other offices for non US fax numbers and mailing addresses. * Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) See Internet Society * Internet Society (ISoc) - Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) The Internet Society is the international organization for global cooperation and coordination for the Internet and its internetworking technologies and applications. Its members reflect the breadth of the entire Internet community and consist of individuals, corporations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. Its principal purpose is to maintain and extend the development and availability of the Internet and its associated technologies and applications - both as an end in itself, and as a means of enabling organizations, professions, and individuals worldwide to more effectively collaborate, cooperate, and innovate in their respective fields and interests. The Internet Society is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in Washington DC USA. ISoc hosts the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a volunteer group which works on Internet technical standards. Membership (individual): Membership (organization): ftp: Gopher:; WWW: gopher:// IETF general: IETF dicussion mailing list: IETF announcements mailing list: Snail: 12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, suite 270 Reston VA 22091 USA Voice: +1 703 648 9888 1 800 468 9507 (USA only) Fax: +1 703 648 9887 NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ---------------------- Australia ---------- * Association for Community Telematics (ACT) Founded in 1993 to help promote an enlightened democratic order in the emerging cyberspace. Telematics = telecommunications + informatics - the socio-technological aspects of computer communications and networking. In the information revolution underway in Australia, the grassroots level of the community is being overlooked. The gap between the information rich and the information poor is growing wider, and the broader community has yet to gain direct access to these tools of the information revolution. There is a danger that the evolving information society will be more about social control than empowerment of the community. ACT serves as a lobby for greater resources to develop community-based computer networks, to simplify the use of these networks, to provide better support for new users, and to encourage a wider range of people, including those with no previous experience with computers, to come online. ACT exists to encourage all sectors, including government, the private sector, community groups, educational and research sectors, activist groups and trade unions, to develop a vision statement and a plan for Australia's transition to a more democratic and socially just information society. General: Geoff Holland FTP:, /pub/Groups/ACT/ Gopher:, 1/Groups/ACT WWW: Snail: PO Box 683 Bondi Jcn. NSW 2022 Australia Voice: (02) 365 2251, International: +61 2 365 2251 * Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. (EFA) EFA is an association formed to define, promote and defend the freedoms of electronic network users. Incorporated in May 1994, membership is open to anyone who supports its aims, which are to: ensure that people have the same basic freedoms 'within' computer based communication systems as without; educate the community at large about computer based communication systems and their use; support, encourage and advise on the development and use of computer based communication systems, and related innovations; and research and advise on the law as applied to computer based communication systems and related technologies. EFA has set-up a mailing list, a USENET newsgroup and Fidonet conference (all cross-gated) for discussion and organising of its activities. Information: General: EFA at 3:632/552 (FidoNet) Membership: Brenda Aynsley at 3:620/243 (FidoNet) CompuServe: Michael Baker <100026,1321> Board of directors mailing list: Administration mailing list: Usenet: Fidonet echo: EFA, avail. from 3:632/552 Mailing list subscribe:, message body: "subscribe" FTP:, /pub/Groups/EF-Australia/ [.au site to be announced soon] Gopher:, 1/Groups/EF-Australia WWW: MOO: EFA-MOO, telnet:// Snail: Electronic Frontiers Australia Inc. PO Box 382 North Adelaide SA 5006 Australia Voice: (08) 384 7316, International: +61 8 384 7316 Canada ------- * Electronic Frontier Canada (EFC) EFC was founded in Januaury 1994 "to ensre that the principles embodied in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms are protected as new computing, communications, and information technologies emerge". EFC was co-founded by Dr. Jeffrey Shallit of U. Waterloo and Dr. David Jones of McGill U. EFC has established an announcements mailing list, efc-announce, and an open mailing list forum, efc-talk. General: Dr. Jeffrey Shallit Dr. David Jones Subscribe to mailing lists:, message body: "subscribe" (see above for listnames) FTP:, /pub/efc Gopher:, 1/community/efc WWW: gopher:// Voice: +1 519 888 4804, Dr. Shallit +1 905 525 9140 x24689, Dr. Jones Fax: +1 519 885 1208, Dr. Shallit +1 905 546 9995, Dr. Jones Italy ------ * Associazione per la Liberta' nella Comunicazione Elettronica - EF-Italy Electronic Frontiers Italy - Associazione per la Liberta' nella Comunicazione Elettronica Interattiva (Association for Freedom in Electronic Interactive Communications; ALCEI) - is an association of people dedicated to affirm and protect constitutional rights for "electronic citizens" as new communications technologies emerge. ALCEI is focused on the safeguarding of freedom of expression and personal privacy for any person using electronic communication systems for personal, social, cultural, or professional activities. ALCEI was founded in Milan at the end of July 1994. ALCEI - EF Italy is a non-profit, non-partisan organization. Its activities are completely supported by membership and personal contributions; its board and other active members are volunteers and receive no compensation. General: Admin: Giancarlo Livraghi U.S. contact: Bernardo Parrella FTP:, /pub/Groups/EF-Italy/ Gopher:, 1/Groups/EF-Italy WWW: http:/ Italia Online: [coming soon] Spain ------ * Asociacion para la Prevencion y Estudio de Delitos Abusos y Negligencias en Informatica y Comuncicaciones Avanzadas (APEDANICA) APEDANICA (the Spanish Legal Advanced Communications and Computer Crime Association) is a non-profit organization of legal experts that provide expert witnesses to computer crime cases, who advocate data security technology, local technological development, computer and network usage, and who oppose governmental and commercial corruption. APEDANICA is also the founder of CUANTAFE (the Club of Electronic Signatures Users, or Club de Usuarios Apedanicos Nacionales y Telematicos Avalantes de las Firmas Electronicas), which organizes meetings and other events to help develop public key encryption markets and usage. General: Miguel A. Gallardo, President FTP:, /pub/Groups/APEDANICA/ Gopher:, 1/Groups/APEDANICA WWW: Voice: +341 474 38 09 Fax: +341 473 81 97 Snail: P.O. Box 17083 E-28080 Madrid Spain UK/Great Britain ----------------- * CommUnity (Computer Communicators' Association) Formed in 1993, to repesent the interest of the UK online community. It was initally formed in response to the threat of BBS licencing posed by the ELSPA (European Leisure Software Publishers Association) and FAST (Federation Against Software Theft); and out of widespread concern over growing press and media misrepresentation of the comms-using community in the UK. To date CommUnity has: actively responded to a number of television documentaries and magazines misrepresenting computer-comms users as primarily software pirates and pornographers; Met with a key Member of Parliament to head off a proposed BBS licensing scheme; pro- duced a comprehensive report for a Home Affairs Select Committee enquiry into computer pornography; lauched its own electronic magazine, CommUnicator. General: Jim Trash FidoNet 2:250/310 CompuServe 100016,251 Newsletter: Mike Barnes Convener: Oliver Clarke FidoNet Classic 2:252/150 FTP:, /pub/archives/community/, /pub/Groups/CommUnity/ Gopher:, 1/Groups/CommUnity Usenet: (gated to FidoNet, et al. "COMMUNITY" echo) FidoNet/GTNet/WildNet/TheNet/NeST: COMMUNITY conference FidoNet netmail: 2:254/151, 2:254/152 Snail: CommUnity Newsletter: CommUnicator 89 Mayfair Avenue 13 Martin Rd. Worcester Park Ipswich, Suffolk Surrey KT4 7SJ, UK IP2 8BJ, UK Voice: n/a +44 01473 692975 BBS: +44 71 738 5596/5557 (London - Arkham, FidoNet: 2:254/151, +44 706 821837 (Manchester - Pig Pen, FidoNet: 2:252/150) +44 532 605876 (Leeds - Owl Service, FidoNet: 2:250/312) USA ---- * American Society for Information Science (ASIS) The American Society for Information Science (ASIS) is a nonprofit professional association organized for scientific, literary, and educational purposes and dedicated to the creation, organization, dissemination and application of knowledge concerning information and its transfer. Founded in the mid-1930's, ASIS has a history which stems from the earliest days of the modern era of documentation. ASIS counts among its membership some 4,000 information specialists from such fields as computer science, management, engineering, librarianship, chemistry, linguistics, and education. ASIS and its members are called upon to help determine new directions and standards for the development of information policies and practices. The mission of the American Society for Information Science is to advance information professionals and the field of information science. General: Voice: +1 301 495 0900 Fax: +1 301 495 0810 Snail: P.O. Box 554 Washington DC 20044-0554 USA * Americans Communicating Electronically (ACE) ACE membership is diverse and represents private and govt. organizations and individuals who wish to promote interactive communications among federal, state, and local governments, private businesses, public libraries, and schools, rural cooperatives, public and private universities, community-based arts and theater groups, voluntary associations, job training services, and health care organizations. The members of ACE are particularly concerned that access and participation be made possible and convenient for Americans who do not own modem equipped computers. To support the development of interactive communications between governments and communities, ACE is recommending that all government agencies establish information access programs to help create and foster an "interactive citizen-government communications system." Many govt. agencies, from the White House to the NSF and the Dept. of Labor, are already participating in the ACE project. Unlike everything else on this list, ACE is actually a govt.-sponsored project. There are several ACE mailing lists: ACE-MG (general ACE info), CET-MG (Communities in Economic Transition), CET-NEWS (C.E.T. bulletins), etc. Basic info: General: Mailing list subscriptions: [message body: subscribe ] * Center for Civic Networking (CCN/CivicNet) The Center for Civic Networking is a non-profit organization, based in Boston and Washington, D.C., that promotes broad public benefits of the emerging national information infrastructure. The Center brings together expertise in large-scale computer and network systems, community-based applications of computing, non- profit management, community development, architecture, public policy, and democratic participation. The Center's Programs focus on framing a national vision for civic networking, developing a policy framework that supports civic networking, developing and supporting model civic networking projects, and assisting in the technology transfer needed to achieve the broad- based benefits of civic networking. CCN is involved with SDIN network, the Cambridge Civic Forum, and the "From Townhalls to Local Civic Networks" conference, and ACE. General: Miles Fidelman , Exec. Dir. Richard Civille , Dir., DC office FTP:, ftp/amo/civicnet, pub/Groups/CCN Gopher:, 1/associations/civicnet, 1/Groups/CCN WWW: gopher:// Voice: +1 202 362 3831 (R. Civille, Washington DC office) * Center for Governmental Studies (CGS) A Los Angeles-based non-profit, research organization which works to improve the processes of media and democratic governance. In 1989 the Center launched The California Channel, the nation's first "state C-SPAN" now available to over 4 million California homes. With the Babcock, Carnegie, Cummings, Gerbode and Irvine foundations, CGS initiated the Democracy Network, a plan for an interactive network/station for the NII that will allow voters, through their TV sets or computers to access information on demand from political candidates and ballot measure committees, and to talk with candidates and voters in an electronic town hall, to increase voter participation, decrease campaign costs, encourage candidates to devote more attention to substantive issues, and demonstrate to elected officials the value of incorporating free voter information into the new definition of "universal service." Email: Voice: +1 310 470 6590 Fax: +1 310 475 3752 Snail: 10951 West Pico Blvd., Suite 206 Los Angeles CA 90064 USA * Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) - HEIRAlliance (See Higher Education Information Resources Alliance for more info.) * Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) CPSR is a national membership organization, based in Palo Alto, California. CPSR conducts many activities to protect privacy and civil liberties. Membership is open to the public and support is welcome. CPSR maintains local chapters in several US cities. CPSR hosts several mailing lists, including cpsr-cpu (CPSR's "CPU" newsletter for informa- tion technology workers), cpsr-announce (CPSR's general news and announce- ments list, gated to Usenet newsgroup, and bawit- announce (Bay Area Women & Information Technology working group announce- ments), among others. General (nat'l. HQ): General (DC offc.): Marc Rotenberg Washington DC chapter: Larry Hunter NY chapter: David Friedlander Berkeley CA chapter: Karen Coyle Palo Alto CA chapter: Andre Bacard Portland OR chapter: Erik Nilsson Los Angeles chapter: Rodney J. Hoffman Mailing lists:, message body: "subscribe " FTP: Gopher: WWW: UseNet:, Nanotechnology SIG: Ted Kaehler Electoral issues: Eva Waskell, voice: +1 703 435 1283 evenings Snail: CPSR National Office CPSR/Berkeley P.O. Box 717 SE P.O. Box 40361 Palo Alto CA 94302 USA Berkeley CA 94704 USA Voice: +1 415 322 3778 +1 415 398 2818 Fax: +1 415 322 3798 * Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) Through computer networking, the Consortium will help educators and students access information and communications resources that will increase their productivity, professional competence, and opportunities for learning and collaborative work. The Consortium advocates the following goals: the timely deployment of the national research and education network; the development and distribution of network-based information resources for schools; the development of the human resources needed to make full and efficient use of networks through staff development programs, educational materials and software; form a national leadership group for educational telecommunications, to have a voice in shaping policy in this area; provide access to information about the National Research and Education Network (NREN) and other educational telecommunications efforts; reach a large community of individuals involved in every aspect of network technology and its application to K-12 education; help advance the development of information resources and tools for networking; foster collaborative opportunities to develop new resources and services for educators. CoSN is a non-profit organization, 501(c)(3) application pending. General: cosn@bitnic.bitnet, Gopher: Snail: P.O. Box 6519 Washington DC 20035-5193 USA Voice: +1 202 466 6296 Fax: +1 202 872 4318 * Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) A non-profit research and development organization formed in 1986 to help focus U.S. strengths in information processing technology. Working with industry, government, and academia, CNRI is engaged in scientific research on the design of experimental infrastructure which can improve the country's long-range scientific and engineering productivity. CNRI organizes multi-party collaborative research activities among U.S. government, business and academic organizations. An experimental information infrastructure will provide an important basis for joint university/industry research and facilitate rapid transfer of advanced scientific concepts and technology between research groups and also into experimental applications. General: Gopher:, 1/CNRI Information WWW: gopher:// Snail: 895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100 Reston, VA 22091 Voice: +1 703 620 8990 * Corporation for Research and Educational Networking (CREN) Despite the name, this is a non-profit organization. CREN advances the goals of institutions of higher education by facilitating, catalyzing and leveraging contributions from the worldwide higher education community directed toward building a global computing and communications infrastructure that: supports access to shared information services and resources; supports scholarly collaboration and educational outreach; and contributes to enhanced individual and institutional productivity. CREN provides BITNET (and thus Internet email) access to member institutions, and is also working on NII issues, hoping to help ensure that such a future network provides for the needs of the educational and research communities. General: ftp:, gopher: Snail: 1112 16th St. NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20036 USA Voice: +1 202 872 4200 * Electronic Frontier Foundation A non-profit public interest membership organization, working to protect individual rights in the emerging information age. EFF supports legal and legislative action to protect the civil liberties of online users; hosts and participates in related conferences and projects, including Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet, and Computers and Academic Freedom; and works to educate the online community about its legal rights and responsibilities. EFF members receive online bulletins about the critical issues and debates affecting computer-mediated communications and participate in online political activism. Donations are welcome and are tax deductible. EFF is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Basic info: General: Membership: Legal: Shari Steele , Dir. of Legal Services Mike Godwin , Online Counsel Policy/Open Platform/NII: Daniel J. Weitzner (, Senior Staff Counsel Tech: Dan Brown , Systems Administrator Online newsletter: Stanton McCandlish , Online Activist Hardcopy publications: Mailing list requests: (message of "HELP" or "LONGINDEX") FTP:, Gopher: WAIS: WWW: Usenet:,, alt.politics.datahighway WELL: g eff AOL: keyword EFF CIS: GO EFFSIG Computers & Academic Freedom:, CAF mailing list: (add comp-academic-freedom-news) Computer underground Digest archives: Snail: 1001 G St. NW, Suite 950 E Washington DC 20001, USA voice: +1 202 347 5400 fax: +1 202 393 5509 * Higher Education Information Resources Alliance (HEIRAlliance) - CNI The Higher Education Information Resources Alliance (HEIRAlliance) is a vehicle for cooperative projects between the Association of Research Libraries, CAUSE, and EDUCOM. Currently, its major projects are The Coalition for Networked Information, (formed in 1990; promotes the creation of and access to information resources in networked environments in order to enrich scholarship and to enhance intellectual productivity. Roughly 175 organizations and institutions are members of the Coalition) and the HEIRAlliance Executive Strategies reports (designed to keep chief higher education executives informed about critical issues related to information technologies.) General: Craig A. Summerhill , Systems Coord./Program Ofcr. CNI general: Joan Lippincott , Asst. Exec. Dir. Exec. Strategies report queries: Karen McBride CNI Announcements list:, message body: "subscribe cni-announce " Gopher: WWW: gopher:// Snail: 21 Dupont Circle, N.W. Washington DC 20036 USA Voice: +1 202 296 5098 * Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) [No information available.] Voice: +1 312 644 6610, Dave Lenef (Communications Coordinator) Fax: +1 312 321 6869 * National Online Media Association (NOMA) NOMA is a trade association for BBS's, Internet service providers, and other online services and public networking operations. It was formed at ONE BBSCON '93 in August at Colorado Springs, CO. NOMA will be in an initial organizational phase for a while. NOMA's mission is to act for the BBS and online service industry on matters of national importance by creating an industry presence in Washington, D.C. and other means; assist its members at the state and local levels; educate the public on the unique social, business and legal roles of BBS's and other online services; establish appropriate industry standards and guidelines; promote business development in the industry; and maintain and provide access to resources and industry information for use by the public and the industry. A forum on Delphi has been provided, as well as the internet mailing list, which may be freely gated to BBS networks. General: Phill Liggett Lance Rose Steve Barber Mailing list requests: (subscribe natbbs ) FidoNet: Jim Taylor, 1:310/5 Delphi: [no contact info provided] Snail: NOMA, c/o Phill Liggett Solutions, Inc. 89 Seymore Ave. West Hartford CT 06119 USA Voice: Phill Liggett, +1 203 233 3163 Lance Rose, +1 201 509 1700 FOR BBS: +1 805 520 2300 (sysop: Celeste Clark) +1 703 648 1841 (sysop: Tony McClenny) +1 209 685 8487 (sysop: W. Mark Richmond) * National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN) - a.k.a. Free-Net The National Public Telecomputing Network exists to make free public access to computerized communications and information services a reality; to help people in cities throughout the U.S. and the world to establish free, open access, community computer systems (Free-Nets); to link those systems together into a common network similar to National Public Radio or PBS on TV; to help supplement what the local systems are able to produce with high quality network-wide services and features. NPTN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. [Note: not all "Free-Net"-like systems are part of NPTN, just most of them.] General: [note: this is not an automailer, but a person] Canadian Free-Net mailing list:, (subscribe CAN-FREENET ) Charlotte NC Free-Net list: (subscribe CITYNET ) Snail: National Public Telecomputing Network P.O. Box 1987 Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Voice: +1 216 247 5800 Fax: +1 216 247 3328 Community Free-Net affiliate systems modem number Big Sky Telegraph Dillon, Montana +1 406 683 7680 Buffalo Free-Net Buffalo, New York +1 716 645 6128 Cleveland Free-Net Cleveland, Ohio +1 216 368 3888 COIN Columbia, Missouri +1 314 884 7000 Denver Free-Net Denver, Colorado +1 303 270 4865 Heartland Free-Net Peoria, Illinois +1 309 674 1100 Lorain County Free-Net Elyria, Ohio +1 216 366 9721 Medina County Free-Net Medina, Ohio +1 216 723 6732 National Capital Free-Net Ottawa, Ont., Canada +1 613 564 3600 Tallahassee Free-Net Tallahassee, Florida +1 904 576 6330 Tristate Online Cincinnati, Ohio +1 513 579 1990 Tri-Cities Free-Net Hanford, Washington +1 509 375 1111 Victoria Free-Net Victoria, BC, Canada +1 604 595 2300 Wellington Citynet Wellington, New Zealand +64 4 801 3060 Youngstown Free-Net Youngstown, Ohio +1 216 742 3072 For more detailed information, including internet addresses and login instructions, see, pub/Groups/NPTN-Freenet/ [NOTE: Not all systems called "free-nets" are part of the NPTN group.] * OMB Watch OMB Watch is a nonprofit research, educational & advocacy organization that monitors Executive Branch activities affecting nonprofit, public interest & community groups. OMB (the White House Office of Management & Budget) is the main focus as it oversees nearly all executive branch functions. Our goal is to encourage broad public participation in government decision-making to promote a more open & accountable gov/t. Our activities include: technical assistance on budget, regulatory accountability, govt. secrecy, & general govt. decision-making through publications, training sessions & direct links to certain govt. data; community forums on the federal budget to reorder priorities to domestic needs; RTK NET (Right-to-Know computer network); advocacy--through the tools to empower community groups and coordination of coalitional efforts in a variety of areas; support of public access to and use of gov't information. Most activity conducted offline, so send a snailmail address if you want OMB Watch materials. General: Patrice McDermot * Telecommunications Policy Roundtable (TPR) The TPR is a coalition of more than 100 organizations which was organized in the spring of 1993 to discuss federal telecommunications and information policy. The group as a whole meets every month in Washington, DC, and it also sponsors several regular and ad hoc committees and subcommittees to address specific roundtable concerns. TPR members include EFF, CME, CNI, TAP, and CPSR. TPR sponsors an open-to-all mailing list forum for discussion of U.S. telecom policy, called ROUNDTABLE. General: Jeff Chester , Technical admin: Craig Summerhill Mailing list subscription:, message body: "SUBSCRIBE ROUNDTABLE " Mailing list admin: Jamie Love Voice: +1 202 628 2620 (Center for Media Education, initial contact for organizations wishing to joing TPR) Fax: +1 202 234 5176 (c/o Jamie Love at TAP) * Voters Telecom Watch (VTW) The Voters Telecomm Watch is a volunteer organization dedicated to monitoring federal legislation that affects telecommunications and civil liberties. VTW is based primarily out of New York, though they have volunteers throughout the US. Voters Telecomm Watch keeps scorecards on legislators' positions on legislation that affects telecommunications and civil liberties. General: Press contact: Mailing list requests (announcements):, message body: "subscribe vtw-announce " Mailing list requests (discussion):, message body: "subscribe vtw-list " FTP:, /pub/Groups/VTW/ [minimal info] Gopher:, 1/vtw [much more info that at ftp site] WWW: gopher:// Voice: +1 718 596 2851 REGIONAL/LOCAL -------------- Spain ------ ** Madrid ** * CUANTAFE [see APEDANICA, under National - Spain] UK/GREAT BRITAIN ------------------ ** SCOTLAND ** LOTHIAN * Learning Opportunities in Computer Applications within Lothian (LOCAL) An organization created to: provide networking for the handicapped, provide computer training, creation of electronic clubs for youth activities, development of global e-penpal systems for cultural exchange, promote online educational and employment opportunities (incl. industrial training), set up electronic links between the handicapped and distant family members, electronic one-to-one tuition to supplement classrooms, link up organizations working with children, support documentary reasearch systems online, encourage international inter-networking, promote "virtual workgroups" and other online joint projects. General: Robert Regan Snail: Kaimes Landfill Kirknewton EH27 8EJ UK Voice: +44 31 451 5195 USA ---- ** Alabama ** HUNTSVILLE & N. ALABAMA * Linux Users of North Alabama (LUNA) [formerly Huntsville Group] LUNA is more than an advocacy group for Linux (a freeware version of Unix for PCs), having become involved in network access issues on a local basis, including encouragement of the BBS community, assisting the startup of a local Internet access site, working on UAH's campus network, providing tutorials on networking home computers, and assisting communications development at a local high school. "LUNA is here to provide community networking", says Matt Midboe. Though not currently working on policy issues, LUNA's technically-oriented members concentrate on bringing cyberspace to people who did not have the capability and know-how before. General: Matt Midboe [also try to see if this new site is up yet.] ** California ** STATE-WIDE * Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a non-profit consumer education project funded by the Telecommunications Education Trust, a program of the Telecommunications Education Trust. We are a service for California consumers, providing an 800-number hotline, free information sheets, publication of an annual policy report, and open research facilities. Our publications can be accessed by gopher. The PRC focuses on technology-related privacy issues and the protection of personal information. These issues include: direct marketing, credit reports, workplace monitoring, Social Security numbers, government records, wireless phones and medical records. The PRC tracks federal and state legislation that affects privacy rights. We also research the effects of future services and technologies on privacy rights, such as the National Information Infrastructure and health care reform. PRC has been in operation since October 1992. General: FTP:, /pub/privacy/ Gopher:, 1/USDinfo/privacy WWW: gopher:// Telnet:, login: privacy BBS: +1 619 260 4670 (8N1, 2400bps, local> c teetot, login: privacy) +1 619 260 4789 (8N1, 9600-14400bps, local> c teetot, login: privacy) Snail: The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse The Center for Public Interest Law 5998 Alcala Park San Diego, CA 92110 Voice: +1 619 260 4806 1 800 773 7748 (Hotline, CA US only, 9a-5p PDT, M-F) +1 619 298 3396 (Hotline, all others, 9a-5p PDT, M-F) Fax: +1 619 260 4753 SAN FRANCISCO BAY/BERKELEY AREA * BAWiT (Bay Area Women in Telecom) Hosted by CPSR/Berkeley, and probably involved with This!Group, BAWiT is a group of women working with telecom to make the online community inclusive rather than exclusive of women and minorities. The working group's activities include outreach and mentoring, and providing speakers for events & informal online discussions. Info: Judi Clark Mail lists: (message body containing: subscribe bawit-announce [1st & last name]) * This!Group [This!Group is dormant as of this writing, but enthusiasm for new projects and activism might get the ball rolling again.] General: Judi Clark ** District of Columbia ** WASHINGTON DC METRO AREA * Group 2600 [and some public access operators] General: Bob Stratton Mikki Barry ** Massachusetts ** CAMBRIDGE-BOSTON METRO AREA * EF128 (Electronic Frontier Route 128). [No information available at this time; appears to be defunct] General: Lar Kaufman ** Mississippi ** GULF COAST * SotMESC/GCMS Local chapter with chapters in Alaska, Orlando Florida, Atlanta Georgia, Mobile Alabama, Montgomery Alabama, Oxford Miss, California, Ocean Springs Miss, and other locations. [No info available on what this group is or does.] General: R. Jones [NOTE: this email address may or may not be current] Snail: PO Box 573 Long Beach MS 39560 USA ** Minnesota ** STATE-WIDE * Minnesota Electronic Democracy Project (E-Democracy) Minnesota E-Democracy 1994 is a non-partisan effort to provide the public with greater access to campaign and election information in electronic form. This volunteer effort is working to help candidates place their position papers and other information on the Internet. Information, knowledge, and connectivity are key ingredients in our democracy. This effort may demonstrate how electronic communication can be a positive contribution as well as a challenge in our democracy. NOTE: this project's working groups are now forming, and goals are to acheved by Aug.-Nov. 1994. General: Mailing list: [message body: subscribe mn-politics] Mailing list admin: Mick Souder Tech. Coord.: Scott Fritche Project Coord.: Steven Clift ** Missouri ** KANSAS CITY AREA * Greater Kansas City Sysop Association (GKCSA) [No info available.] General: Scott Lent P.O. Box 14480 Parkville, MO 64152 Voice: +1 816 734 2949 BBS: +1 816 734 4732 ** New Hampshire ** * Electronic Frontiers New Hampshire (EFNH) A state/local group founded to work with federal and state legislators and media on issues of electronic democracy, freedom of speech in the online world, privacy of email and other electronic communication, access to govt. information, and access issues surrounding the Nat'l. Information Infrastructure debate. Goals include airing important networking ideas, attracting media & govt. attention to the issues, focussing on civil rights online and providing a forum for discussion of same, protect against, draw attention to, and provide a voice to speak against govt. encroachments on individual liberties in networking, especially from a grassroots level, and improving public access to govt. information. EFNH is still in the formative stages. It plans to formalize considerably before long. The "kickoff" meeting was Jan. 21, '94. General: Dan York Mark E. Mallett Marta Greenberg FTP:, pub/Groups/EF-New_Hampshire Gopher:, "...Groups"/"EF New Hampshire" Voice: +1 603 437 5868 (Dan York) ** New York ** NEW YORK CITY METRO AREA * The Society for Electronic Access (SEA) SEA is a membership organization focusing on civil liberties and access issues that affect the online world. SEA is based in New York City, so many of their activities are focused toward the New York metropolitan area, though issues of national concern are addressed. Basic Info: (auto reply) General: Membership: Administration: Simona Nass , President Media Contact: Steve Barber , Secretary Snail: Post Office Box 7081 New York, NY, 10116-7081 Voice: +1 212 592 3801 WESTERN NY STATE * Genesee Community College Group [No info available.] General: Thomas J. Klotzbach <> Snail: Thomas J. Klotzbach Genesee Community College Batavia, NY 14020 Voice (work) +1 716 343 0055 x358 ** Oklahoma ** STILLWATER * [Group name unknown.] [No info available.] General: Lonny L. Lowe Snail: Lonny L. Lowe c/o Freelance Consulting 514 S. Pine Stillwater OK 74074-2933 USA Voice: +1 405 747 4242 ** Rhode Island ** STATEWIDE * Center for Public Information (CPI) A group of Rhode Islanders active in government reform and/or providing electronic access to information have united to form the Center for Public Information, Inc. (CPI), a nonprofit organization devoted to making information by and about government more accessible. The agency will utilize computer technology and traditional publishing methods to make information from government agencies and nonprofits dealing with government reform and policy easier, faster, and less expensive to access. Projects include: assisting state and local government agencies with making their information electronically available; developing computerized resource databases; publishing resource guides; requesting and reporting public records and information regarding government activities; developing and supporting legislation supporting public access to govt. information; Assisting nonprofit agencies involved with government reform and govt. information; and improving electronic access to govt. information. General: David M. Goldstein FTP: ??? Gopher: ??? WWW: ??? BBS: ??? Voice: Linda DiCecco, +1 401 942 3984 Fax: +1 401 351 9122 Snail: 428 Smith St. Providence RI 02908 USA ** Tennessee ** NASHVILLE * [Group name unknown.] [No info available.] General: Craig Owensby Snail: Craig Owensby 805 Harpeth Bend Dr. Nashville TN 37205 Voice: +1 615 662 2011 (home) +1 615 248 5271 (work) ** Texas ** AUSTIN * EFF-Austin EFF-Austin was formed to protect constitutional guarantees of free speech and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure for users of computer networks. Experience has taught us that these freedoms must be fought for if they are to survive in the online world. EFF-Austin was created as an experimental local chapter of the national EFF but became independent in 1993 while retaining contacts with the parent organization. We're heavily involved in public speaking, education, and advocacy of constitutional rights in cyberspace. "We're Austin's forum for discussion of all concerns related to the cutting edge where society meets technology." [NOTE: Though originally formed as a chapter of EFF, EFF-Austin is an independent organization.] General: Mailing list subscriptions: Directors: Usenet: austin.eff FTP:, /eff-austin/ Gopher:, 1/eff-austin WWW: gopher:// Snail: P.O. Box 18957 Austin TX 78760 USA Voice: +1 512 465 7871 BBS: +1 512 467 7317, the SMOFboard (8-n-1, 14400bps V.42b/MNP1-5) +1 512 259 9546, Lion's Den (8-n-1, 2400bps) (and many other local info-sites) HOUSTON * Electronic Frontiers Houston (EFH) a non-profit corporation devoted to working with and for the Houston computer and telecommunications community. Working in alliance with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, EFF-Austin and other national and regional organizations, EFH acts as a focal point for the diverse set of individuals who find themselves involved in computer communications. Included on the EFH's agenda are: advocating civil liberty issues in "cyberspace," promoting wider public access to computer networks, exploring artistic and social implications of new digital media, and educating the public about the increasingly important on-line world. General: WWIVnet: efh@5285 Board of Directors: (efh-directors@5285 on WWIVnet) Usenet: FidoNet: EF_HOU echomail conf (available on local BBSs) FTP:, /EFH/ Gopher:, 1/EFH WWW: gopher:// Snail: 2476 Bolsover #145 Houston TX 77005 USA Voice: Ed Cavazos, +1 713 781 3310 BBS: +1 713 781 4305, Bamboo Gardens (login as EFH GUEST, pw EFH) ** Virginia ** RICHMOND * Richmond Law & Technology Association (LTA) The Richmond Law & Technology Association is a student organization at the T.C. Williams School of Law at the University of Richmond. LTA began in January of 1994, founded by Rick Klau, Leonard Presberg and Brennen Keene. The LTA exists to promote the study of the law of technology and to help teach the technology of law. Within this broad mission, the LTA sponsors several projects, including symposia and an Internet mailing list forum. General: Rick Klau Mailing list subscribe: [under construction] WWW: ************************************************************************* ADMINISTRIVIA ============= * WHO/WHERE: This list is maintained by Stanton McCandlish , and FAQ-ized and distributed by L. Detweiler. It is based on a previous version by Shari Steele. Future updates will be posted to ACTION mailing list and, besides several other places. The most current version is available from:, /pub/EFF/Issues/Activism/activ_groups.faq, 1/EFF/Issues/Activism, activ_groups.faq * SCOPE: This list focuses on: 1) organizations dealing with online issues such as cryptography, intellectual freedom in networking, and access to government information, 2) organizations working on access to online resources, and supporting community networking, and 3) general activism and civil liberties organizations providing material online. The listing of all activism groups (e.g. [non-]smokers' rights, environment- alism, gun ownership/regulation, etc.) and partisan politics groups, is outside the scope of this list. * YOUR LISTING: Please! Check your entry regularly and make sure it is up to date. If your org/group does not have a description, please send one ASAP, or there's not really much point in listing you. Please expand on your group's contact information as much as possible. Thank you. * BIG ORGS: Wide-spread organizations, with many local affiliates, subdivisions, or chapters, are listed as one organization. So far, this includes CPSR, NPTN/Free-Net, and APC/IGC. To list all the local groups individually would consume a large amount of space, and would make this list much longer than it needs to be. * THANKS to: Steve Barber, Simona Nass, Art McGee, Ed Cavazos, John S. Quarterman, Jon Lebkowsky, Shari Steele, L. Detweiler, Elizabeth Reid, Bernard Aboba, Ellen Pack, Eric Hughes, Derek Atkins, Tom Gray, Karl Lui Barrus, Malcolm Arnold, Mike Godwin, Shari Steele, Phil Agre, Jim Warren, Carl Kadie, Kurt Fuchs and all the other folks I pumped for info. * CONTRIBUTIONS: We are constantly looking to update this list, so if you know of other groups that we should add, or if you are trying to form a group in your local area, please forward the name of the group and contact information to Stanton McCandlish . Please also inform of any updates or changes that need to be made. * DISTRIBUTION: This FAQ is Copyright 1994 Electronic Frontier Foundation, and is made available as a freeware service to the online community, on behalf of the the ACTION forum. This document may be freely distributed by any means, provided 1) proper credit/attribution is given 2) the list is not sold for profit(*) 3) the list is not modified without permission(**) [* Systems that charge for access are specifically exempted, as are CD-ROM collections, and similar distribution methods. Just don't demand a special fee for this file itself, you know what I mean. If in doubt, send email about it.] [** other than necessary reformatting, such as stripping of linefeeds/ carriage returns, translation to postscript, etc. -i.e. no QUALITATIVE modification of the contents please. If you need to update something, please tell me, and I will make sure the master copy is corrected and a new version distributed.] The maintainer(s) of this document will greatly appreciate notification of hardcopy publication or inclusion in other non-ephemeral collections (CD-ROM compilations, etc.) Note that some of this text is borrowed from the promotional literature of the organizations described herein. The purpose of such things is to be copied and to spread info, so I can't see there being any objections, but if you are paranoid about reprint rights, best to contact the organizations yourself and make sure it's ok. Before printing in any "real" publication, it would be a good idea to do so anyway, just to make sure the info is correct and current. * EXCERPTING Journalists, maintainers of other FAQs (e.g. a more specific, say privacy, resource list), and anyone else should feel free to excerpt from this document. Excerpts in articles and books should follow standard acceptable use guidelines. Mainters of FAQs and lists may use and reformat relevant information for their own lists, and simply credit the creators and maintainers of the list in the apropriate manner (e.g. at specfic entries, or in a "thanks to" section, or whatever fits the document format.) Electronic reposts of only sections of the document should include a pointer to the location of the complete file so others can get the entire thing if they wish to do so. * THE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in July of 1990 to ensure that the principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are protected as new communications technologies emerge. Since its inception, EFF has worked to shape our nation's communications infrastructure and the policies that govern it in order to maintain and enhance First Amendment, privacy and other democratic values. We believe that our overriding public goal must be the creation of Electronic Democracy. Membership & General Info: The Electronic Frontier Foundation 1001 G Street NW, Suite 950 E Washington DC 20001 USA +1 202 347 5400 (voice) +1 202 393 5509 (fax) +1 202 638 6120 (BBS) Internet: Internet fax gate: * ACTION: The Activism Online Forum Action is an Internet "mailing list" forum, and serves as a virtual community supporting grassroots political action through networking technology. Action is a focused working group, rather than a chat area. To subscribe, send a message body of subscribe ACTION to via internet email. === DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM, involved in the redistribution of valuable information to a wider USENET audience (see below). The most recent version of this document can be obtained via the author's instructions above. The following directions apply to retrieve the possibly less-current USENET FAQ version. FTP --- This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server via FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/net-community/orgs-list Email ----- Email requests for FAQs go to with commands on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'. Usenet ------ This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups alt.politics.datahighway alt.culture.internet alt.cyberspace alt.culture.usenet alt.culture.internet comp.answers alt.answers news.answers _ _, _ ___ _, __, _, _ _, ___ _ _, _, _ _ _, __, _, _ _ ___ __, | |\ | |_ / \ | ) |\/| / \ | | / \ |\ | | (_ | ) / \ | | |_ | ) | | \| | \ / |~\ | | |~| | | \ / | \| | , ) |~ \ / |/\| | |~\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ === CRAM: The Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement In an effort to bring valuable information to the masses, and as a service to motivated information compilers, a member of CRAM can help others unfamiliar with Usenet `publish' their documents for widespread dissemination via the FAQ structure, and act as a `sponsor' knowledgable in the submissions process. This document is being distributed under this arrangement. We have found these compilations tend to appear on various mailing lists and are valuable enough to deserve wider distribution. If you know of an existing compilation of Internet information that is not currently a FAQ, please contact us and we may `sponsor' it. The benefits to the author include: - use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution: - automated mail server service - FTP archival - automated posting - a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy, and coverage of the document enormously through email feedback - potential professional inquiries for the use of your document in other settings, such as newsletters, books, etc. - with us as your sponsor, we will also take care of the technicalities in the proper format of the posted version and updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead' to focus on the basic updates alone The choice of who we `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always have the option of handling the submission process yourself. See the FAQ submission guidelines FAQ in news.answers. For information, send mail to . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ | / / / / / / / / / / _______ ________ _____ _____ _____ /// \\\ ||| \\\ /// \\\ |||\\\///||| ||| ~~ ||| /// ||| ||| ||| \\// ||| ||| __ |||~~~\\\ |||~~~||| ||| ~~ ||| \\\ /// ||| \\\ ||| ||| ||| ||| ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ / / / / / / / / / | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ C y b e r s p a t i a l R e a l i t y A d v a n c e m e n t M o v e m e n t * CIVILIZING CYBERSPACE: send `info cypherwonks' to *