Atlantis: Metaphysical Theories

Current Connections to Atlantis

By Ellie Crystal

Atlantis was the last great program the Creator Gods set up on Earth.

Most of the souls who played in that game have incarnated back now playing roles that are similar: The architects, healers, teachers, seerers, scientists, recorders of information, warriors, politicans-etc. --all reinacting their roles at the time of Atlantis--as they do at the end of every program.

Those memories are lost because the Atlantean grid (which holds the memories) no longer exists. Yet the souls still have a soul memory and feel the connection pulling on them as it did at the fall of Atlantis. The Egyptian program is also about to end and with it the collapse of the current grids and the move into a universe of higher light and frequency.

Many souls are living out karmic issues that go back as far as Atlantis. The purpose is to bring balance and release which they could not do at that time in history. Let it all go. Those grids will soon be gone.

It really does not matter whether or not Atlantis ever existed. It's frequency and portal are now open and every day more and more souls are connecting - knowing that they are not from the physical plane but from a much higher source. People often are drawn to the areas they lived in at that time to live in, or visit, just to experience an awakening. This is true of the great pyramid in Giza - as well. This is a period of initiation. Your souls will be drawn to such places ot help you recall who you were (or are) in so doing to help you become one with yourself.

Many people have soul memories of being Atlantean priests, priestesses, the fall of Atlantis - and connect to the timelines we exist in now.

When this grid collapses and the new one filters in - memories of who we are and what we did in this program will cease to exist. Physical evidence will no longer exist in the higher realms as their frequency will be too low to exist there.

If you feel pulled to search for a past life in any particular place it is because your have encoded yourself with memories to go to that place to trigger who you are on a soul level.

Souls who knew each other at that time - now come together on this time line. Many of the higher spiritual leaders - or aspects of the gods - are now incarnated here - raising frequency and to warn the people about the upcoming changes - as they did at that time.

I have read many different causes for the fall of Atlantis:

  • political corruption--
  • abuse of the crystals--
  • being hit by a something celestial (asteroid, comet, meteor) - earth changes (quakes, volcanoes).

    Some souls may remember the actual events and what they did at the time.

    The desire to go back to Atlantis and Egypt will increase ever day. If all things exist at the same time - parallel - then perhaps you are seeking to find your spiritual truths to help the aspect of your soul that resides in Atlantis. You can help that aspect of your soul evolve and move on.

    Tehuti was the creator Atlantis where he ruled for thousands of years. Gods and Goddess entities came and went on the planet in ships or traveled interdimensionally. The language spoken was called Vril. It was more a language of 'clicks' than spoken words. Communication and healing was done using harmonics and crystals. The original Atlanteans were not human. They built temples made of huge crystals.

    An example of a Crystal Healing Chamber used by the Priests and Priestesess of Atlantis. Many of those souls have reincarnated on the planet now and use Crystal Singing Bowls for healing and chanting as they once did in Atlantean times.

    The 'program' that set up Atlantis eventually ended and another was set up in Egypt by Tehuti and his followers. He later incarnated as Thoth, Pharaoh Djoser, Moses, Zoroaster, among others, each time trying to seed in the spiritual frequency that had been lost in Atlantis eventually causing its downfall.

    Those who are linked to Atlantis will find themselves living on the Atlantic seaboard at this time. Those linked to Lemuria will find themselves morw comfortable in the Pacific Ocean region, which unfortunately is the 'ring of fire.'

    Atlantis started out with the more feminine energies and developed into a more technological society.

    There were times Atlantis had high rise buildings, high rise civilizations, air traffic, some sort of monorail, congested areas, the arts of healing with crystals, science, magnetics, gravitation, and explosives.

    There was a great deal of extraterrestrial contact and involvement. They lived lifetimes longer than the ones we currently live.

    During the times of the flood, many people migrated to the areas that would one day be South America, Central American, and Egypt. That is one of the reasons that there has been a similarity in architectural styles, pottery styles, and even some of the religious forms of worship on 2 different sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Some controversial theories have equated ancient Thera with Atlantis. Thera is a volcanic Greek island in the Aegean Sea which was devastated by a volcanic eruption in 1625 BC. Until then it had been associated with the Minoan civilization on Crete.

    Most writers who describe ancient Atlantis agree that the Atlanteans attained a zenith of luxury and that it led to their downfall. The ancients said Atlanteans became so materialisitc and hedonistic that they lost their spiritual vision, and turned away from God.

    Atlanteans were said to have been extremely good looking people. They allegedly wore intricate bejeweled clothing, living a life of leisure partying, feasting, dancing and using exotic drugs.

    In their 50,000 years on this planet they mined gold and used it as a building material much as we use steel today. They covered their temples and lined their streets with it.

    In their creation of Heaven on Earth they did not desire to pursue the concept of Heaven after death, believing they had it made on Earth.

    Biologists today admit that the brain capacity of skulls found from the later Atlantean era is larger that that of modern man. They used 90 percent of the brain as opposed to the 10 percent we presently use. Their seeing and hearing was far beyond the range of our senses.

    They could see auras of rainbow colors all around living objects and hear higher frequencies.

    It is said that they created a work force of robots, androids, and humanoids from genetic engineering to create and maintain most of the physical plane. Use of computers was common.

    Their life span was supposed to be 1,000 years.

    Cross breeding species resulted in mermaids, mermen, cyclops, unicorns and other creatures thought to be mythological. Some of these creatures survived till the Rise and Fall of the greek Empire, where belief in these creatures was widespread.

    Genetic engineering also resulted in Atlanteans of super strength and huge stature (Titans) able to perform super human tasks.

    The Atlantean people could also telepathically communicate with dolphins (their symbol).

    They mastered submarines.

    They created underwater cities in the Atlantic Ocean in domes.

    Scientists learned how to block brain impulses to parts of the brain that caused crime and negative emotions - later used for mind control. These scientists were very clever.

    They took over the government.

    The leaders began to keep the secret sciences from the general public in order to control the masses. The masses depended on the government for food, clothing, and shelter. Many of the leaders claiming to be High Priests in the pyramid temples were really mad scientists with a super science that seemed like magic to the unintiated.

    The bored leaders soon controlled the planet. They had total power. The populace spent their time partying. They worshipped the priests and lost touch with the reality around them.

    Eventually telepathic warfare, human sacrifice and a War of Minds throughout the empire broke out. Atlantean leaders wanted to form a planetary empire. They offered their continents, their technology and luxury in exchange for control of those nations. Many empires joined Atlantis. The Rama Empire in Asia and the Athens Empire in Europe refused to join.

    World leaders warned the Atlantean citizens and leaders that they would destroy themselves as well as life on this planet if they didn't stop misusing cosmic nuclear and psychic energies. That the misuse of technology could lead to terrible earthquakes, tidal waves and eruptions that could destroy the empire.

    This warning fell on deaf ears. Humanity lived in the moment and for the most part without fear.

    Government scientists knew that cataclysms had already destroyed most of Lemurians around 24,000 BC. Thule before that had split up Atlantis into 3 huge islands onlhy 400 years earlier.

    The Fall of Atlantis

    Chaos occured as the Atlantean program came to an end.

    It affected every aspect of the physical plane.

    It began with volcanic eruptions and the shifting of massive tectonic plates.

    Water filled regions which once were deserts.

    Initially those having moved into higher frequency felt the changes and realized an ending was upon them.

    They received telepathic messages from those they considered their Gods - to expect these changes and not be in fear.

    Many fled while others remained in their native lands awaiting a final time.

    They knew that there was to be no safe place on the physical planet in the times ahead.

    The buildings of crystals fell into the water.

    Crystal communication systems went down.

    Airships were seen in the heavens - their images recorded on stone.

    Many souls were thought to have entered these great airships.

    People on the planet looked for safety in new lands as the devestation escalated - the continents divided - and water covered the land.

    Everything created from crystal dissolved - including the physical forms used by the souls.

    The planet shook until nothing remained.

    It turned over many times like a ball rolling down a hill.

    As it rolled - it changed in frequency until it reached the next level of its experience.

    And then it stopped . . . for it was 'time' to begin again.

    A new 'cycle' was entered into - a new program created - the souls came out once again to play in this new playground/program - to experience until the changes of the physical planet once again signaled - that the game was to about to complete.

    And the souls did understand and did experience in their many levels of awareness - that change was about to happen - and they would experience a new reality.


    Atlantean scientists created underground cities in the area that is now South America, under the Atlantic Ocean, below the South Polar continent (then ice free), and on the Moon to escape worldwide calamities. They had huge aircraft waiting to rescue them. Beneath the Antarctic was an ultra modern spaceport called 'Rainbow City'.

    They appeared to have had 4 types of flying ships. There were 113 models of these 4 ships. One was a conical gold craft, one had silver rockets, one was a 3 story ship, and one that was constructed in bird shapes.

    Ancient texts called Vymanika Shaastra describe pilot training, flight paths, individual parts of the flying machines, as well as clothing for pilots and passengers. Details of the metals used and propulsion systems are noted. Also a checklist of 32 instructions for the pilots before they were allowed to fly. These instructions included battle maneuvers, how to use instruments to see and hear at great distances, and how to zig zag their ships. Sixteen different types of heat resistant metals were named.

    The Atlanteans sent space craft to their colonies in Luxor and the Middle East, and to Central America and Asia.


    Many believe that the fall of Atlantis began with a nuclear war that destroyed most of the planet and sent many underground, only to deal with the effects of radiation. Some believe that a mutant race called the Deros are creatures descended from the Atlanteans. They are supposed to be dwarfish hairy humanoids with huge heads and large glowing yellow eyes. They are said to live in tunnels and caves below forests and swamps are incredible strong, and surface at night to capture cattle or other farm animals.

    Many believe that the destruction came in one night destroying the crystal cities, the temples, and the cities of gold.

    Those that survived were ill equiped to survived on the surface. Millions of people starved to death. After a few centuries humanity degenerated back into savagery. That is why relics of a stone age and a space age have been found in the same place.