From Ukn Jan 27 11:59:41 1993 Received: from by (5.67/2.2) id AA21485; Wed, 27 Jan 93 11:59:38 -0500 Message-Id: <> From: Date: Wed, 27 Jan 93 11:37 EST To: Status: RO X-Status: Article 13680 of alt.individualism: Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk,alt.conspiracy,alt.activism,alt.society.civil-liberty,alt.individualism,alt.censorship,talk.politics.misc,misc.headlines,soc.culture.usa From: jad@Turing.ORG (John DiNardo) Subject: Part I, DANIEL SHEEHAN: CIA Agents Infest U.S. Mass Media Message-ID: <1992Nov11.124208.11887@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> Keywords: Daniel Sheehan: CIA Agents Infest U.S. Mass Media Sender: usenet@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU Organization: The Turing Project, Charlottesville Virginia. Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1992 12:42:08 GMT Lines: 135 I made the following transcript from a tape recording of a broadcast by Pacifica Radio Network station WBAI-FM (99.5) 505 Eighth Ave., 19th Fl. New York, NY 10018 (212) 279-0707 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * GARY NULL: The Public's right to know is not always what the Public ends up getting. The Public frequently gets such one-sided, biased information -- and not just from the mass media. It's easy to have a long arm that protects the special interest groups: this kind of a "one world family" of insiders that is capable of affecting federal judges, U.S. attorneys, to slant or obstruct justice, to hide or cover up crucial information, and to interfere with our liberties. Daniel Sheehan, as much as any attorney in the United States, and the Christic Institute have taken it upon themselves to try to challenge some of these injustices and to give us the information that they have distilled from their work that gives us a different perspective. Unfortunately, rare is it that any of the mainstream media covers the work of the Christic Institute or of Daniel Sheehan. And if they did, it would be a very enlightened Public who would be benefiting from this. Welcome to our program, Daniel Sheehan. DANIEL SHEEHAN: Thank you, Gary. GARY NULL: Daniel, earlier on, one of our guests was talking about -- and I'd like for you to follow through on this theme -- that what we're told in the media (and what we're told officially from Government sources) and what is the truth are frequently at varying degrees against each other. Give us one specific ..... DANIEL SHEEHAN: That's absolutely true. There has been a major campaign on the part of the Central Intelligence Agency, for example, to place Central Intelligence Agency agents, trained agents, IN various news media posts. We've found the documents on this. It was called "Operation Mocking Bird". And they placed Central Intelligence Agency operatives in places like TIME Magazine and LIFE Magazine, the New York Times, inside CBS and ABC News. Originally, the intent of "Operation Mocking Bird" was to make certain that these major media outlets reflected an adequately anti-communist perspective. And then, of course, as they became entrenched and in-place, any time the Central Intelligence Agency wanted a story killed or distorted they would just contact their agents inside. Now they have bragged openly in private memos back and forth inside the Agency about how proud they are of having really important "assets" inside virtually every major news media in the United States. And I've encountered this repeatedly. For example, the Chief National Security Correspondent for TIME Magazine, Bruce Van Voorst[sp], is a regular Central Intelligence Agency officer. It turns out that Ben Bradlee from the Washington Post was a regular Central Intelligence Agency officer prior to coming to his post at the Washington Post. [JD: Once CIA, always CIA, unless they go public (e.g. Agee, Stockwell, McGehee, MacMichael, Marchetti, Riconosciuto, etc.)] Bob Woodward at the Washington Post was the Point-Briefer for U.S. Naval Intelligence of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff before he went over to the Washington Post. [JD: If anyone can summarize or make direct transcripts from published sources attesting to the CIA's subornation of such journalists as Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather regarding the cover-up of the assassination of President Kennedy, please post it as a follow-up to this article. I know, from my own observations of the Watergate scandal, that Dan Rather was the most vociferous attacker of Richard Nixon throughout that long series of press conferences punctuating the process of what we now know to be a CIA-sponsored soft-coup -- the second CIA coup d'etat in recent history.] We find these people constantly in the news media and, as I may have pointed out to you in one of your shows, when the New York Times was refusing to print any information about Oliver North and Richard Secord [President Reagan's assistants], Albert Hakim and Rob Owen, and all of these other men who, throughout 1985 and 1986, were engaged in this MASSIVE criminal conspiracy to violate the Boland Amendment prohibiting any weapons shipments to the Contras, and who were involved in smuggling TOW missiles to Iran .... as this information was being communicated to the New York Times by sources that we had, the New York Times absolutely refused to print any of this. And the reason for it was, according to Keith Schneider -- who was one of the reporters assigned to at least address this stuff and look into it .... he said that they were refusing to print any of it because their high-level sources inside the Central Intelligence Agency refused to confirm the stories. Now, that kind of relationship between self-conscious "assets" of the Covert Operations Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a political police force on an international level, if you will, and an economic police force to protect the ostensible economic interests of United States industries .... to place those people inside a news media -- which, under the First Amendment, ostensibly has the responsibility to critique and investigate potential injustices on the part of the State, inside the Government -- is an extraordinarily dangerous development here in the United States. GARY NULL: Thank you for that insight. Could you also give us some understanding of one case in particular (if you could highlight it) that you're privy to, to show how we can export a form of terrorism, we can support movements to destabilize DEMOCRACIES in any country whose position we don't choose to support, where multi-national corporations' interests may feel threatened and, as a result, we'll use our various branches of Government to thwart the local populace, invade their sovereignty, disrupt their complete political system, and how they manipulate the stories in the Press so that it's NEVER the way that we're told it is. DANIEL SHEEHAN: Well, for example, I think one of the most obvious stories is about the democratic socialist Government of Chile under Salvador Allende, when he was popularly elected by a significant majority of the populace in Chile, under a hundred-year-old democracy down there. Now the confidential documents make it perfectly evident that the Nixon Administration and Richard Helms [Director] of the Central Intelligence Agency and Henry Kissinger, the National Security Advisor, began a MAJOR covert campaign to attempt to destroy that country. They mounted what they called the "Track One" and "Track Two" strategies. The "Track One" strategy was to engage in an overt political propaganda campaign against the Allende Government: criticizing him constantly, attacking his economic programs, attempting to give money through A.I.D. and certain other above-the-table programs to counter the democratic socialist, or mixed economy that was being advocated by Allende. Politically, it was a completely democratic process, but economically, they were looking for alternative mechanisms for stimulating the economy, having some industries supervised by democratic governmental forces, and others left completely in the private sector. This "Track One" This "Track One" program, however, was not allowed to be the only mechanism by means of which the Nixon Administration tried to destabilize the Governmment. They had an ultra-covert program called "Track Two," and under this program, coordinated by Kissinger and the Central Intelligence Agency under Richard Helms, they did such things as, for example, they had two operatives of the Director of Latin American Affairs for the Central Intelligence Agency, one being Theodore G. Shackley, from 1971 all the way up to 1973. They, in fact, ran the "Track Two" operation wherein they did such things as physically kidnap the Chief-of-Staff of President Salvador Allende, General Schneider and had him ASSASSINATED. They also met covertly with the military forces under Ernesto Pinochet, a virtual fascist inside the military, to plan and plot a military overthrow of the democratically elected government, which they pulled off in September of 1973. And they ultimately assassinated President Salvador Allende. They then pursued the Ambassador of the democratic Government of Chile in the United States. In fact, they tracked him down and assassinated him right on the main streets of Washington, D.C. They blew up his car and killed him. [JD: The murder victims were Ambassador Orlando Letelier and his American secretary, Ronnie Moffit. Now that kind of activity was being conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency all the way up to and through 1976 when George Bush was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. It was in 1976 that the Chilean Ambassador to the United States, from the former democratic Government, was assassinated. That democratic Government was overthrown by Ernesto Pinochet and a military dictatorship was established down in Chile. These are the kinds of activities that they [the CIA] have been engaged in for a long time. They have done this pursuant to a doctrine which was enunciated back in 1954 under a secret commission, that was set up inside the Central Intelligence Agency, known as "the Doolittle Commission". And they articulated -- in a classified document which has now been obtained by the Christic Institute -- stating very specifically that they were engaged in a secret war against forces of socialism and communism which had an alternative economic theory of development. And they said that it was necessary to combat these forces with any and all means necessary. And it said in the report that it was going to be necessary to abandon the normal standards of decency and fair play, that are believed in by the American Public, in order to defeat these forces of socialism and communism. And therefore, it's going to become inevitably necessary to CAUSE the People of the United States to come to grips with the need to abandon these traditional standards of decency; and that that was going to be part of the obligation of the Central Intelligence Agency: to, subtly and over time, persuade the American Public that it was naive and impossible to adhere to these standards and principles of honesty and decency in the international theater. DANIEL SHEEHAN: And that, of course, was what were the high halcyon days of this under George Bush, when he was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and a little bit earlier when Richard Nixon was the President of the United States. And when you have that kind of attitude toward the rest of the world, it becomes inevitable, of course, that that kind of infection tends to feed back into the domestic policies of the United States, such that you have Richard Nixon engaging the "Plumbers" unit, and the others who began to use espionage and basically terrorist tactics against the domestic citizenry of the United States: infiltrating Black civil rights organizations, the feminist organizations, the anti-war groups. And, in fact, they began playing dirty tricks on them: writing false memos, accusing the leaders of certain movements of committing adultery, or of having affairs with other people inside [their organizations]; consciously attempting to disrupt and to destroy any type of democratic [any LEGAL] citizens' organization that took a position that was contrary to the position advocated SECRETLY by the Central Intelligence Agency. That's the kind of infection that is at the heart of the democratic principles of our nation that we still see manifesting in things like the Iran-Contra Scandal with Oliver North and Richard Secord and the others who, in fact, secretly defied all of our democratic institutions: the resolutions of the Congress, the clearly enunciated voice of the majority of the people of our country who did not want to support the Contras in Latin America who were the former military national guard officers of the dictator Anastasio Samoza in Nicaragua. And so, these men went underground and undertook criminal covert warfare which inevitably led them into seeking illicit sources of money, since they couldn't get it from the tax monies of the American People. And they ended up establishing alliances with the Colombian cocaine cartel, that is still in the news, even as of this morning, with Pablo Escobar fighting his way out of his own luxury prison to escape. We have this kind of history, tracking all the way from the end of the Second World War in 1945 and 1946, all the way up to today, the very day that we're speaking here, with manifestations of this type of criminal undercover alliance that they have. And it is hacking at the very heart of the institutions of democracy. GARY NULL: Thank you, Dan, for that explanation. I'm wondering at what point we will also begin to connect the corporate structures that function as a government policy think-tank, frequently in the multi-national corporations in different countries, that decide that THEIR use of the natural resources, THEIR use of the cheap labor, THEIR use of the local population, THEIR general support of the dictators, all of this is in THEIR economic best interests. And then, if there is any dissent .... if there is any journalistic dissent, political dissent, social dissent, that they can then contact THEIR friends in OUR State Department who then use OUR Defense Department as a weapon of foreign policy to protect the interests of these multi-national corporations. Then they whip the media into a frenzy, always showing THEIR side. But it is never an honest projection, so that when we do intervene, we can violate the national sanctity of other countries, just like we did with Grenada and Nicaragua and El Salvador [worst of all, with Panama and Iraq] and these other countries. DANIEL SHEEHAN: Well, there are a number of very stark examples of this, of course. Historically, Gary, one of the most transparent is the action taken against Guatemala in 1954 wherein the United Fruit Company, a member of the board of directors of which was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles, the brother of John Foster Dulles who, in fact, was the Secretary of State of the United States [under Eisenhower]. His brother, Allen was the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and a member of the board of Directors of United Fruit Company, which owned VAST land holdings in the country of Guatemala, which had been SEIZED from the peasants by a major military government that was basically installed and kept in power by covert means of the Central Intelligence Agency. When, in fact, the citizenry of Guatemala had organized themselves and had, in fact, installed a democratic government in Guatemala under Arbanes[sp], the Central Intelligence Agency coordinated a major covert alliance with elements of the military in Guatemala and undertook a military seizure of the government in 1954. That was coordinated by E. Howard Hunt [paymaster to the assassins of President Kennedy]. Now, that overthrow was, for one of the major reasons, to reinstall the United Fruit Company because the new democratic government under Arbanes had begun to question the legitimacy of the United Fruit Company to hold hundreds of thousands of acres of irrigatable land under the control of growing bananas for export, instead of allowing the peasants -- who had originally owned all of that land which had been illegitimately seized by the military government -- to be reinstated with the possession of their land. So, it was very clear, in that particular instance, that there is a direct relationship between the economic interests of a privately- owned, profit-making company, the United Fruit Company, and American foreign policy, which was undertaken covertly and criminally by the Central Intelligence Agency, at the helm of which was a member of the board of directors of the United Fruit Company. Now, those things have happened again and again. We have examples in Panama. We have examples in, of course, El Salvador, and we have examples in Nicaragua. There's some very unheralded writing in books about this. There's a former general of the United States Marine Corps, a man named Smedley Butler, who led three of the expeditionary forces of the United States Military into Nicaragua back during the 1930s. And he eventually -- from direct experience on the ground -- came to his own personal conclusion that he could no longer participate in doing those kinds of things because, as he said, he realized that he was just a gun-thug for Brown Brothers- Harriman, the major American capital investment corporation. DANIEL SHEEHAN: General Smedley Butler couldn't do this anymore, so he retired from the United States Marine Corps and eventually led a major movement in the United States to try to stop this kind of thing. In fact, when Franklin Roosevelt was elected President, major economic interests in the United States attempted to recruit General Smedley Butler to lead a military coup against the United States because there were large elements in the banking industry -- Jay P. Morgan and all the way up to and including the father of John F. Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy -- who, in fact, were EXTREMELY sympathetic to the state capitalist system that was being set up by Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany. There were major investments being made. There were a number of books written, giving great detail about the kind of support that existed in very high-level industrial and banking circles in the United States, through the 1930s, for this peculiar concept of economics in government called "state capitalism," whereby you don't really have just simple private industry. And you don't have private enterprise and free enterprise. What you have, instead, is a system by means of which the organs of the state -- of the government -- gather tax money from the average people and they transfer it to the private companies that are owned by these few families. And they subsidize those companies, whether they be major weapons industries, ball-bearing factories, rolling-steel plants, etc. Major heavy industry is subsized by the hard-earned taxed salaries of average working citizens. And they attempt to take away the risks of owning and running huge private businesses like that under the theory that those businesses are so big and so powerful that they need to be kept healthy and stable by the tools of the state and the organs of the state for the general health of the country. So, that's what they do. That's what they did in Germany throughout the 1930s. That was the basic thesis behind what they called "national socialism" [naziism], which was -- from a purely political science point-of-view and in economic analysis -- a system of "state capitalism." GARY NULL: But that's also one of the tenets of this "new world order." DANIEL SHEEHAN: That's exactly right! GARY NULL: People should understand where it's coming from. The same architects of this old capitalist system are now the architects of this new capitalist system. Daniel Sheehan, I want to thank you very much for sharing insights with us, as always, lucid and in-depth. And I appreciate your participation. Could you please give us the phone number of the Christic Institute? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This is one of countless stories unveiling the deeply corrupted and subverted state of our theoretically democratic Government. This story makes disgustingly obvious the fact that patriotism is not the waving of flags, the tying of yellow ribbons and the mindless support of the Government, just because it happens to be ours. You don't support cancer just because you happen to have it. Patriotism is telling the truth to the people of our country in order that they may unite to conquer the anti-democratic cancer that is gradually destroying ours and our children's freedom. So please post the installments of this ongoing series to other bulletin boards, and post hardcopies in public places, both on and off campus. That would be a truly patriotic deed. --- The Christic Institute has recently suffered devastating blows from a vicious vendetta launched by the same treasonous criminals, ensconced in our Federal Government, whom the Christic Institute has been suing for egregious violations of United States laws -- crimes such as narcotics importation and the terrorist LaPenca bombing, which killed American journalist Linda Frazier and wounded another American jounalist, Tony Avirgan. The Christic Institute has evidence showing that the LaPenca bombing was perpetrated by the corporate-CIA under one of its officers named John Hull. The Christic lawsuit was met by retaliatory Federal fines designed to bankrupt the Christic Institute and to hold it up as an example, for all to see, that this is the punishment that citizens can expect whenever they dare to interfere with the criminals who usurp the People's Government. The Christic Institute is still alive, however, but in desperate need of help from those few Americans of conscience who still exist in today's selfish society. Please call the Christic Institute at 1(310) 287-1556 in Los Angeles, even if it's just to offer a word of support. ---- Over the years, we've been given purposeful treatments of visual thought-control via the cinema and television screens. A recent attempt to expunge the historical truth by washing from the American viewer's brain any notion that the CIA just might be the real terrorist force that is murdering and torturing without provocation is the propaganda flick, PATRIOT GAMES. Now here we have an innocent CIA agent who is forced by Irish terrorists to retaliate with utter viciousness, even though it goes against his instinctive sense of decency. And this mythical two-dimensional screen fabrication is supposed to cover up the three-dimensional reality of the typical real- life CIA agent's atrocities, which involve smuggling narcotics to the streets of United States cities, torturing and massacring oppressed peasants in Central America, perpetrating terrorist bombings in public places, assassinating the people's elected leaders and installing naziistic dictators in their places, poisoning the food and water supplies of populaces, planning, provoking and leading the holocaust in Angola, wherein two hundred thousand peasants were slaughtered .... So, if combatting terrorists is a "PATRIOT'S GAME," then the CIA, as the world's dominant terrorist organization, is a gang of TRAITORS. Every loyal CIA agent routinely desecrates his/her country's principles of "liberty and justice for all" -- not out of necessity, but because the CIA has historically been commandeered as a weapon by the ruling elite to seize possession and power over foreign natural and human resources. Don't allow the CIA's "assets" -- moguls in the film industry -- to betray and deceive the movie-going public who enrich them. Loyal CIA agents are not "patriots." They are TRAITORS. ---- Right now, Daniel Sheehan and the Christic Institute are trying to recover from a one-and-a-half million dollar fine imposed on them by the criminals in the Government who were being targeted by a Christic lawsuit charging CIA officer John Hull with the terrorist LaPenca bombing which killed American journalist Linda Frazier and wounded another American journalist, Tony Avirgan. Please help the Christic Institute to get back on its feet and continue fighting in defense of ours and our children's Constitution. Please call them in Los Angeles at 1(310) 287-1556, if only to voice your moral support. John DiNardo