THE GROWTH OF DEBT! ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1780 until 1965 ............................... $250 billion President Reagan 1980 ........................... $1 trillion President Bush 1988 ............................. $2 trillion President Clinton 1994 .......................... $4 trillion (this puts the lie to considering debt as a percentage of GNP) ---------------------------------------------------------------- The national debt is a house of cards since it is based on a belief system; a belief in the strength of America. That means anyone purchasing American debt must believe their investment will be safe for the next five years (the security's term) and that they will see a profit from the interest. If that belief falters even a little, people, corporations and foreign countries will refuse to buy American securities. After all would you lend money to anyone who owed more than six times their total annual income and had to pay it all back in five years. That's the position we will be in by 1996. The government will then be forced to raise the interest paid on these government securities to lure the buyers back. This will cause interest payments on the debt (whatever it is at the time) to rapidly swallow more budget creating more of a deficit and the need for further borrowings and the spiral will continue. Finally, when no one will take the securities at any price, the government will go to the Federal Reserve and make it buy what it needs. This is called "monetizing the debt." It means printing money (this is already happening). Inflation will skyrocket to thousands of percent annually. Foreign markets will no longer accept the dollar as payment for imports. That means no foreign oil which now makes up of our energy needs. Gasoline, already wracked by inflation will all but vanish. This will impact the supply of everything else since delivery depends on fuel. People will be standing in lines to buy everything with worthless dollars. Unemployment will reach unparalleled proportions. In short, we will again be on par with the Russians as a world power. Every world power throughout history has had an end. Can we afford to believe that America is somehow special and that it can't happen to us? So, with this cancerous growth of debt, why can't the government fix it. They have tried repeatedly and failed. Nearly 10 years ago (and $3 trillion less of debt) the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act was passed. It placed into law spending cuts of $36 billion per year for five years. This was to bring the deficit to zero by that time. In 1987, it was voted to reduce those cuts and in 1990 the Act was virtually abolished as the debt soared. Early in 1994, Rob Anderson (D., N.J.) and Bill Zelif (R., N.H.) introduced legislation (The A to Z Spending Cuts Plan) that would require a special session of congress to have a full house vote on every item in the budget including ENTITLEMENTS (50% of the budget) which are now off limits in any budget discussion. A House majority signed the legislation but the Rules Committee blocked it. That's how congress works. It is made up of small kingdoms called committees that are able to block popular legislation all by themselves and these little kings reign for decades. This is where the true power of our government lies. But ultimately it's we who are to blame. Elected officials respond only to the loudest voices. If the people don't demand an end to deficit spending, they will not get it. The people must make it an issue. An NBC poll found that 85% of Americans believe elected officials are more concerned with getting reelected than doing what's right for the country. Yet we continue to reelect these same people 95% of the time. That's because the debt is an insidious enemy; no one will feel it's effect until a collapse is imminent. Then it will be too late. Through out American history men and women have given their lives for its security. All I'm asking for is a small effort to save us from a threat as real as any foreign power. If this letter sickens you then PLEASE copy it and pass it on to others or mail it to at least 20 other Americans but do it TODAY!!!!! DON'T BREAK THIS CHAIN!!!! IF YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY READ THIS, MAKE COPIES AND PASS IT ON. IT'S WHAT THE POLITICIANS DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THE DEBT. ================================================================ America is nearly $ 5 TRILLION in debt and rapidly failing further. To get some kind of idea just how much this is, imagine that someone gives you $1 million each and every day from now on until you get to $5 trillion. It would take you 14,000 years! And now the entire debt must be refinanced every 5 YEARS!!! America adds another $1,000,000,000 to the debt every 44 hours. This time period is expected to shrink to every 25 hours by 1997. To pay for this we will spend $300,000,000,000 on interest this year. This is more than $1000 for every man, woman and child in America and it provides us no services, no roads and no added security. We are now paying $1,000,000,000,000 ($1 TRILLION) every year to welfare and interest. That is 70% of the total Federal Budget while only $0.30 of every welfare dollar goes to those below the poverty line. Aaron Spelling, producer of The Love Boat and Beverly Hills 90210 lives in a 55,000 sq.ft. palace in Beverly Hills and is still eligible to receive his Social Security check every month. Only 30% of our tax dollars are left to defend and run the country. Because entitlements (welfare) and interest payments are growing at such a fast pace President Clinton has asked congress to cut $80 billion from defense over the next five years. The programs to be axed are; the Air Force's F-22 jet fighter, the Army's Comanche helicopter, the Navy's New Attack Submarine, the Marines V-22 Osprey tilt rotor transport and more too numerous to list. With the current readiness of our armed forces we could not mount another Desert Storm.