----------------------------- The Mind's High - Information ----------------------------- "http://www.xs4all.nl/~4david/" ----------------------------- This archive consists of html- files created to be displayed on the WWW, using a browser such as "Netscape Navigator" or "NCSA Mosaic". Now you can watch and read the files lo- cally, cutting phone-bills and frustration. Just unzip the files in any directory and start your browser, without actually connecting to the internet. (don't turn on your modem) In your browser, use the "open local document" or "open file" to direct your browser to the information on your harddisk (or floppy-drive). Open "alldrugs.htm". You can even make bookmarks to these local files. Because the Mind's High is evolving and changing rapidly these files may become out-dated. ----------------------------- Please let me know if you find errors in the information or html. ----------------------------- Mind's High- 7/1/1996 "http://www.xs4all.nl/~4david/" -----------------------------