-- Breaking into private chats with hx -- by: korben@haxor.com Alright, in case you don't already know, every "chat" area in hotline has a specific number. 0 is the public chat area, and the numbers start from 1 and go up for every private chat. As of version 1.2.2, the hotline server doesn't check to see if you've been invited before you join a private chat. All you need to know is what private chat number to join. A good way to figure out what range of private chats have been opened, open one with yourself. The command is /chat , if you don't know your socket number, do a /who (duh). You should get a message saying you joined the chat and your current chat number will change in the status bar. Your socket number | chat number you just joined | | <¥> join: korben [982:90:2:29] /-------- front chat number [msg: 0] [news: 1] [chat: 29 ()] korben on for.fifty.bucks.i.will.make.you.a.haxor.com:5500 : hx 0.5.28 You can then try a few numbers less than the private chat number you just joined. I'm my example, I would start at 28 and keep going down. (In case you don't know, the command to join a chat is /join :P) Another fun thing to do: If you already know the chat number, you can send messages into it without joining; unfortunatly, you can't see everyone elses messages. Anyhow, you can do this by using the /front command, it should change your chat number in the status bar. You can even set the subject (/subject) if you want. -korben