The Passing of Aunt Rose Crystal

Crystal Spirits

Soul goups join together under many different circumstances. Sometimes they are joyous, such as weddings, and births. Other times they unite in body, mind and spirit to say good-by and share energies based on their soul group's journey in the third dimension.

Experience in third dimension allows for any and all possibilties as we share in all reunions and emotions.

On Wednesday, a clear crisp fall-like day in NY, I attended the funeral of my Aunt Rose Crystal, who died on Saturday at age 98.

Rose was the second born of children to Samuel and Belial Crystal who came to the US from Russia in 1909.

This was a small grave side service attended by her remaining friends and a few relatives. Most of the Crystals are not in New York so it was difficult for them to attend in body, though the energies of all Crystal members was there.

The Rabbi and I immediately felt connected as we stood there talking about Aunt Rose and other spirit energies present at her service. He is a man about 40 years old, from Brooklyn. The service was in two languages, poems read and family closure had by all.

This is the time and energies of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, just a few weeks away.

Rosh Hashanah brings the New Year and the new energies of change in this cycle of time. In Numerology we enter the Universal Year 4 - (2002= 2+0+0+2).

Yom Kippur honors those who have crossed over. The gates that separate the dimensions are open and souls flow freely in and out. Those who wish to leave, will at this time, or the time weeks prior to and just after Yom Kippur.

As I stood in the cemetery I was greeted by many souls including the entire Crystal soul group that belonged with Samuel and Belial Crystal. I mentioned this to the group, as they all know what I do. They were there with their ten children, some of which were with their deceased spouses, if the spouse had been soul mated to them while in a 3D body.

Some people believe I saw and spoke with them while some were still stuck in the belief that consciousness ceases after the 3D experiences. In a way you can see things in that manner as the part of your soul experiencing what you are right now as you sit there at your computer, in this timeline, is uniquely having this experience.

Your soul has many aspects doing many things simultaneously. Parallel aspects of your soul are still being experienced by your other soul aspects. So you can view this as a one-time experience in 3D.

As the service reached an end someone made a comment about spirit not actually being there.

Ellie was not taking that 'lying down'.

I immediately told the spirits that they were acknowledged and I heard Aunt Rose laugh. Suddenly a stone fell out of nowhere landing on the top of the coffin. It was just spirit making a point! We all were startled and there was that nervous laugh that permeates a situation when one is not sure what to say.

After the service, I saw Aunt Rose join in union with her family. It was a spectacular event to witness, the energies very strong.

One of my cousins said that he wanted to visit the grave site of Samuel Crystal who died in 1945 though no one had the exact location numbers of the plot. The cemetery is quiet large dating back to the 19th century. The search was on to find Samuel's grave.

I thought to myself, How odd that no one believed that Samuel could lead me to his grave! Oh well! I asked him where he was buried and he told me.

I walked right to his grave site then called to the other people to tell them I had found his gravestone.

They walked over - shocked that I had just walked right to it as it was in a different part of the cemetery and I had never been there before. They asked how I knew where to go and I told them that Samuel had guided me.

And so we honored all of the Crystal bloodline, 
those present in body and those visiting in spirit. 

We honor Rose a woman of courage who 
laughed at life and brought joy to those around her 
even at age 92 when she taught dancing lessons 
to those in the nursing home.

We honor those who we have lost yet still remain connected to us through the soul - the heart chakra. Rose - Flower of Life - Creation The spiraling energies through we consciously enter this reality and through which we leave.